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Member CAT Reporting Members -

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Started by Sir-Skittles at 11,Mar,22 17:58  other posts of Sir-Skittles
Word is member Cat, a Saggy Granny has been reporting members. Why you ask? For calling her out on her own fucking stupidity!

Posting your personal info and then complain when you are outed. What a monkey!

Fuck this old slag.

Similar topics: 1.Nonexistent Members BAN.........????   3.Please report this member   4.MEMBER'S ANNIVERSARIES   5.WHAT'S YOUR OPINION ON DELETING MEMBERS.  

New Comment

By bella! at 28,Mar,23 05:41 other posts of bella! 
If the alley-CAT/copy-CAT is reporting members, she's not reporting regular or unpaid members as nothing has appeared via the Evaluation Panel coming from her. As I'm sure you well know, the reporting premium paid members would go directly to admin.

By #681164 at 21,Mar,23 16:54
[deleted image] 🤪
By PITBULL at 21,Mar,23 18:36 other posts of PITBULL 
more candies coming to her page soon

By Sir-Skittles at 18,Mar,22 23:17 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
So many ways to skin a cat ... isn't that the saying ???
By tecsan at 20,Mar,23 06:34 other posts of tecsan 
Like your friend PA.

By Sir-Skittles at 12,Feb,23 13:57 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

cat and her slag old rat spreading racism here! While they both try to maintain this holy moral ground here!

Uneducated hillbillies!!!

Fucking losers!
By PITBULL at 12,Feb,23 17:05 other posts of PITBULL 
CAT is a nazi and she was a member of white supremacist groups. Her old wrinkle rat woody58 hates blacks and Latinos.
By #681164 at 12,Feb,23 17:10
You dumbass, I am Latino
By PITBULL at 12,Feb,23 17:20 other posts of PITBULL 
you aint' Latino you moron. You are Native American.
By #681164 at 12,Feb,23 17:21
I was born in Argentina, dumbass.
By PITBULL at 12,Feb,23 17:22 other posts of PITBULL 
natural born imbecile
By #681164 at 12,Feb,23 17:27
[deleted image]


By PITBULL at 11,Mar,22 18:07 other posts of PITBULL 
she is a fucking moron. She was told by Admin. to deleted that pic immediately. In addition, she deleted her other profiles here about 4. I guess her dementia is making her more stupid than ever. She reported me and you Skittles for posting to her page. Admin. told her can no longer can't create more profiles unless she pays. He only option as a coward she is to blacklist
By Sir-Skittles at 11,Mar,22 18:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
A fucking muppet and a hypocrite, Fuck her
By PITBULL at 11,Mar,22 18:58 other posts of PITBULL 
she was going to create another profile but she can't. She reached the limit. She went to the Admin. and told him we are making stories about her and making nasty comments on her profile page. The Admin told saggy granny there is nothing he can't do since we haven't broke any rules.
By Sir-Skittles at 11,Mar,22 19:11 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I am sure she failed to mention her homophobic slurs, anti-semitism, threats, and comments about botched abortions etc... that she mostly started and we only responded in kind...

She just can't handle return fire!

By dgraff at 12,Mar,22 00:00 other posts of dgraff 
It’s a dog eat dog world out there and what do dog’s eat
By Sir-Skittles at 17,Mar,22 19:23 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I think most here would rather eat a carved out asshole that member CAT The Saggy Granny

By PITBULL at 12,Mar,22 00:01 other posts of PITBULL 
she is now another fat cow. She gained a lot of weight lately. This is why she is not posting new pics.

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