| Hi everyone! I would like this thread to be used to identify members who are celebrating their anniversaries with SYD/SYC. Let's face it, being an active member and being here 1, 2, 3 years AND MORE deserves some type of recognition!
If you have a "friend" whose anniversary is approaching, please identity that member and if possible, please include a link to their page.
Several members that celebrated milestone anniversaries just recently were; Mersey (a longtime member previously known under a different nickname) 1 year, Max_Cerucci, 2 years, 2nice_, 3 years AND Gntlmn, 6 YEARS! |
Anyone who has been a friend to, or followed routemaster in any way, would know he had been a member way before 2013, however, life has a way of making someone reassess what is important and there was a need for him to leave. We were glad to have him back when he returned in 2013.
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That **** should say b.ro.ther.
Show him some love, send him some greetings and/or an anniversary cake. And while you are there on his page, say something nice about his wiener
Hey, did anyone say nice things about your wiener?
Please send JustWill some love, well wishes and an "anniversary cake". And while your on his page, take a look at his Coyote Boy blogs.
Thanks for the Coyote Boy plug, bella!
If I were to guess; it's been around 6 years or more!
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For some reason I just can't do that HTML. bella's the master of it, or should I say the mistress.
All you want or need to do is to use the @ at the front of the member's exact name and at the end of the member's exact name. I believe that kmad uses asterisks so it is the @*hisname*@ and if you do it correctly the name is bold and blue. Like this; *kmadeau*
I was trying to use HTML to do it.
Where did you learn how to do THAT?
Thanks for sharing the s e c r e t!
oh man thanks for reminding me Bella
Please send him some love.
Click here to wish kmadeau a Happy Site Anniversary.
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L.O.L. ...didn't work.
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kmadeau ...Please click his name in blue there to go to him and wish him a Happy Anniversary...trying this again, yeah.
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Didn't work. I don't have the magic touch that bella has.
Please send some love and kind words his way!
Please share some nice words and thoughts with kebmo, send him some love!
Although this couple has not been recently active, they deserve a lot of love and respect. Please send some their way.
Go ahead, make her day and send her some love! ❤
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Also, everybody should go to the picture he posted here:
And see if you can find what's hidden in it. It's fun.
Thanks for the well wishes max
Did you find everything in that pic though?
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Even after Zooming the picture up bigger (is that cheating?) I still don't see anything in it besides that one thing. Shoot.
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If you know him, don't forget to send him a message with well wishes. And if you don't know him, take this opportunity to introduce yourself, you won't be disappointed, he's a super nice guy!
Show Cox some love and wish him a happy anniversary!
If you haven't made his acquaintance, you are really missing out! Please take this opportunity to say "hello/congrats" to him!
Admin, would you be kind enough to expound on why you feel that posting a list of member's names and date of anniversary is an infringement on their privacy? You have created "lists" of members that are new, lists of names of members with the most friends, meters that reflect which members are more socially active, etc, would a simple list such as (I will use me as an example); bella! 24,Jan really be an infringement on a member's privacy?
I am looking forward to your response.
ADMIN would you kindly consider posting a monthly calendar that reflect anniversaries of members for that month? It is a reasonable request and a response would be appreciated.
Please use the above link to jump to her page and wish her well. An anniversary cake is always appreciated.
Don't forget to send her lots and lots of cakes! 💙
Why not show admin some love and appreciation!?
Please visit his page and show him some love!
I have asked admin to publish anniversary dates for all members however he feels that it may be an infringement on their privacy. Whatever!
Thanks again for doing so much, bella.
Please drop by his page and wish him a happy anniversary!
Please swing by and wish him a happy anniversary, he's a super nice guy!
SYC beauty, member #260087, Mariiyah, will be celebrating her 5th anniversary on May 6th. Please stop by and wish her a happy anniversary.
When I deleted her comments on my page (which doesn't seem half as shitty now), does she still get points taken away? Just curious, it's the first time I was blacklisted by a non-fake member.
She's a funny bunny, to say the least! I would be curious to know how many members she has blacklisted because they delete her posts or don't find her SUPER SEXY!
Did you spell 'poke' like Polk Audio and capitalize it on purpose?
And thanks, that's a pretty funny quote - "spelling is not his strong suite"
Hey, you avoided the question again... I'm starting to think you have some serious aversion to going back to that thread. You replied to my PM when you thought I meant to take your points, then after buying you a "gift" and PMing you a link to the thread... nothing. If you'd rather not post about something on there, I can PM the post to you and you can just reply to me... would that work?
You are cordially invited to celebrate the 6th anniversary of the king and his queen, big9inch21, member #154752. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Whereas on 15th day of April, in this new world, the king and his queen became members. Let the festivities begin!
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So sorry, big9inch21's anniversary date is April 16th.