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piss fantasy

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Started by thebeewolf at 23,Apr,22 15:33  other posts of thebeewolf
I have never done it, but one day I would like to try taking a big hot piss on a kneeling guy. Maybe he just wants it splashed all over his face, maybe he wants to take my penis in his mouth and try to drink it down, see if he can keep up with my big hot stream.

And then of course afterward he would have to keep sucking until a different kind of fluid came out for him to swallow.

Into it? Would you be the guy peeing or the guy taking it?

Similar topics: 1.rape fantasy   2.Fantasy   3.**** fantasy   4.Older man fantasy   5.Guys Only::::Piss Play?  

New Comment

By gordon at 28,May,22 00:51 other posts of gordon 
Ich habe oft Piss Fantasien. Erlebt habe ich es bisher aber nur mit einer Frau. Gerne wьrde ich mal mit einem Mann unter der Dusche gemeinsam pissen.
By nipplelover at 02,Sep,23 01:10 other posts of nipplelover 
Habe auch piss Fantasien ьber Golden showers

By Moench at 31,Aug,23 21:50 other posts of Moench 
My wife loves to help me peeing,she likes to hold my dick wile I pee and after finish she pulls my foreskin back and shaking my dick till finish
By nipplelover at 02,Sep,23 01:08 other posts of nipplelover 
Does she like golden showers?

By #701527 at 31,Aug,23 05:29
I've acted out that scenario with a couple of women, brilliant feeling. Would also do it with the right guy, with me doing the peeing. Funny, I can fantasise about sucking a guy off and swallowing cum, but not pee...

By #659439 at 27,May,22 20:47
I piss on myself in the shower .. would like to share that with a guy

By #499016 at 26,May,22 23:52
I have never pissed on anyone and I haven't been pissed on but I want to do it, I don't want it in my mouth but would love to have it up my ass!!!!

By knewbi at 25,May,22 17:50 other posts of knewbi 
Never tried either side of it. Pissing on or being pissed on but have fantasized about it. Have a fantasy of attending a multiple guy piss and suck and fuck party some day. Would so love being the guy on the floor being pissed on and sucking off each of them or a bukake receiver.

By Richie at 22,May,22 16:06 other posts of Richie 
I wouldnt want it in my mouth but you could piss on me like you're marking your territory. Of course I would be kneeling and on all fours while you do it.

By #657920 at 20,May,22 09:33
I love to be peed on and swallowing piss too.

By SluttySarah069 at 07,May,22 13:11 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I love being pissed on - been pissed on many times.

By #665411 at 07,May,22 04:38
I’m not much into drinking it. But I will kneel in front of you. you can piss all over me as that stream is stopping I will take you into my mouth and suck you till you cum and swallow that!

By #615393 at 07,May,22 02:49
Have been in this situation with a woman, great fun. Happy to try it with the right guy if he ever comes along.

By yellowman at 30,Apr,22 09:30 other posts of yellowman 
I'm happy in either position.....

By kebmo at 23,Apr,22 15:50 other posts of kebmo 

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