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Drawn to panties

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Started by #674718 at 16,Jul,22 07:43
Is it the feel of wearing panties or is it the look?

Similar topics: 1.Panties   2.wearing panties   3.Jacking off in panties.   4.Pics of your cock with your slip drawn down only a bit   5.Guys wearing girly panties  

New Comment

By Kellyanne at 05,Jun,24 17:09 other posts of Kellyanne 
Sooo many boys jerk off with panties! I know my brothers and my friends brothers would steal our panties all the time and use the to jerk with lol
By t-rex at 07,Jun,24 02:44 other posts of t-rex 
I would let you jerk me off with your panties 😃

By Francesco at 07,Jun,24 11:20 other posts of Francesco 
I'm not surprised, if I was your brother I'd do the same

By #662360 at 16,Jul,22 08:37
For me it’s both. I love the soft feel of panties snuggling my balls, and the soft material taut over my hard cock. I love the way thin panties show my cock outline in detail, especially my corona ridge. Even better if they are see thru or so brief my cock peeps out. Also smooth silky panties are delicious to masturbate through.
By #691730 at 13,Jul,23 00:48
Well said

By pipcock at 05,Jun,24 00:21 other posts of pipcock 
Totally agree!

By Moench at 13,Jul,23 21:16 other posts of Moench 
At first it’s the kick ,doing something wrong, after it is the adventure to get more panties later it is how it’s feels and at the end it’s normal to wearing and don’t care everyone

By #691730 at 13,Jul,23 01:01
It started with the feel when on summer vacation with the family as a young boy 10/11 and running out of clean underwear my mother gave me a pair of my sisters panties to wear until she could get to a laundromat! The difference was eye-opening!
By #662360 at 13,Jul,23 06:00
For me when soon after I started masturbating I discovered the lingerie pictures in my mum’s clothing catalogues. Then I discovered my mother’s panties themselves in the laundry basket and her underwear drawer. I found wearing them felt so good and looked so sexy. After that I was getting together with other boys for cock play and masturbation, and some boys brought mother’s and sisters panties. I was hooked! At university when I was away from home I wore both sexy male thongs and girls panties.

By knewbi at 18,Jul,22 15:02 other posts of knewbi 
When I wear them it is the feel. When the guy wears them it is the attitude that he has when wearing them...

By leopoldij at 16,Jul,22 22:10 other posts of leopoldij 
It's the content

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