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GUYS ONLY::Would you lick my Ass?

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Started by SonOfSodom at 03,Oct,22 00:34  other posts of SonOfSodom
I once experienced a few sexual encounters with an older Gentleman who was passionately attracted to me. He used to run his fingers through my hair & run his fingertips lovingly across my face. On one occasion I was lying butt naked & belly-down on the Bed when he got into position & proceeded to perform an Oral exploration on my Ass. At first he only went about massaging & kissing my bare Butt-cheeks but moments later his mouth & tongue were doing things to my Anus that would make a Harlot blush. Never before had I felt so validated, so desired, so peaceful. I keep myself obsessively clean so I welcomed his attention but I also really just enjoyed the sensations that his exploring tongue provided to me in that most private part of my body. I laid there and let him eat my Ass in total surrender & EAT it he did. It felt incredibly wonderful to just lay there and savor the sensations of his tongue on & in my Anus. He made oral love to my Asshole with such determined dedication that I was simply just wondering if he did it because he was in love with ME or is this just common behavior among us horny Sluts?

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New Comment

By jimbo111949 at 22,Dec,22 01:28 other posts of jimbo111949 
I would definitely love to lick your ass.

By quint at 12,Oct,22 19:42 other posts of quint 
I would love to give you a repeat of that.. and personally having experienced exactly what you described, I couldn't have said it better myself!

By Jimjim at 04,Oct,22 00:00 other posts of Jimjim 
I would eat your ass and bury my tongue in there!

By knewbi at 03,Oct,22 15:43 other posts of knewbi 
Great story. I am always ready to tongue fuck a clean ass.... And "YES" I'd be happy to do yours... (Read another post of yours and love the kinkiness that you seem to posses..)
By #680315 at 03,Oct,22 16:27
While you at it you can do mine
By knewbi at 03,Oct,22 18:07 other posts of knewbi 
Hell yes!! I would be happy to..
By #680315 at 03,Oct,22 18:10
By Dev01 at 03,Oct,22 23:05 other posts of Dev01 
I wouldn't lick my own ass... Just saying
By #680315 at 03,Oct,22 23:34

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