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Cut and Paste- The Saggy Granny and her Limp Knob Edition!

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by Sir-Skittles at 07,Apr,23 16:07  other posts of Sir-Skittles

How many members have been subjected the slurs from Cat and her limp knob of a former man woody58?

JustWill, Dgraff, Dev01, Bella, PA-Freddy and a host of others have been the subject of her homophobic diatribes. I will include myself in this list. She is a piece of white trash at best.

She has not left her well documented hate to sexual preference. She has also a mad anti-semite! But wait, there's more: her rat husband has a blog called "PA-Freddy the Wetback."

What is just amazing, in my opinion is they post all their crap. Then, have the temerity to complain to other members or admin about other people here. Nothing like losing the moral high ground. End of day, these two are just 100% white trash!

I am hardly a saint here. But I don't act like am innocent like these two dementia patients.

Similar topics: 1.The Saggy Granny- Twowarmstts2 aka Hotpussy   2.Life without TwoWams--- the Saggy Granny   3.Have you been banned by the Saggy Granny? If so, why?   4.A Saggy Granny Christmas Poll!   5.The Saggy Granny- now member #610414  

New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 23,Feb,25 02:43 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

ICE gonna get Charlie!

By Sir-Skittles at 23,Nov,24 12:47 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
cat52! I found this online and want to help

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By Sir-Skittles at 12,Nov,24 21:47 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
nasty pig cat52! you are trailed

By AngelofDeath at 16,Sep,24 22:07 other posts of AngelofDeath 
New Saggy:

Mongo @3610414@

Saggy is the negative in front of a 0.

By Sir-Skittles at 16,Sep,24 00:58 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Fuck you Saggy Granny! #610414


By AngelofDeath at 29,Aug,24 01:20 other posts of AngelofDeath 
The last few weeks hadn’t been as great with the food delivery as Saggy Granny envisioned, they would be. She had read on the cock site that people were making $200 a day with deliveries and tips. So far Saggy tits had only managed to make a whopping total of $78.00 between both Uber-Eats, and DoorDash. Mainly because the fat old slag couldn’t keep her meaty paws off the customer’s orders. Rhanda-Lynn had taken to calling the Saggy Granny, Saggy-Eats. Her customer satisfaction rating had plummeted to way below 33%. The customers were not happy when they got their orders with ripped open bags, and empty wrappers tossed in.

One unlucky sap got a wet napkin that reeked of cunt. Apparently Saggy had used it to clean up her dirty summer snatch. Hot and humid days were not good for her old party slit. Saggy was not known for turning down a meal, especially one that was paid for by someone else. The areas she delivered in mostly tended to be real shitholes that were within a 5-mile distance of Arby’s. Gourmet food this was not. And we all know that those sloppy sauced beef’s n cheddars were like kryptonite to the saggy old granny. Just thinking about Arby’s made her all hot and bothered. She never told Charlie that a sandwich made her wetter than he ever could!

The last straw for the food delivery services had been after an especially bad complaint. Saggy did manage to make most of her deliveries sans most items or half eaten food, but this time she delivered a completely empty bag to her customer. She would always use the excuse that the package had been damaged before pick up or due to theft, etc. Well, she couldn’t use that this time. The customers ring bell camera had caught the fat skank with Arby’s sauce all over her shirt as she waddled to the front door, and all around her cock-washer. Her grubby sausage fingers had left cheese sauce all over the ring bell button, and let’s face it she was not known for being a paragon of good health. Rhanda-Lynn had refused to be the one to get out and deliver to their doors.

So Saggy had no choice but to struggle to move her palsy ridden, walrus like body to their doors. A French bakery had less rolls than the Saggy Granny! Saggy tried to dispute that she was a lousy delivery person, but hell the support people pulled up the pics Mongo had submitted with the blonde clip in pony-tail along with the pics Saggy was required to snap before she could drive, and they instantly started howling. From the bulldog looking slack jowls, vacant retard look, and fat pudgy under eye area, they could tell she had been eating the food. This coupled with her blank drool stare made everyone think she had Down’s syndrome. One of the support people known as Sandeep said her pics reeked of grease, old abortions, ass, high-cholesterol, and failure. The cornerstone of Saggy’s life as we all know it!

The customer had initially offered $8 in tips for the order plus the delivery companies fee for the order and feeling generous they had added another $5. It had been too late to revoke the original tip as Saggy had delivered an empty bag which counted as a completion. They had tried to revoke the additional $5, but the shitty app had made an error and instead of a reversal, they had mistakenly given Saggy $5000.00 USD. A true grifters dream come true! She loved getting free money. This was even better than her dog Biden and Obama combined! Or like the TARP of 2007 that helped the owner of the trailer park from torching the place for insurance money.

Quick to notice the error as Rhanda-Lynn had been the one on the app accepting orders, navigating Two Warm-Kidneys around, and cashing out her earnings, she yelled at Saggy to pull over. Saggy yelled in triumph sounding like a retard in a deaf-orgy, and tears of joy rolled down her face making streaks of dollar-tree mascara cake her pudding filled like face. She had Rhanda-Lynn cash out the $5000 immediately and transferred it to her Cash-App card. Thinking like the criminal she was known to be, she also had her delete her Uber-Eats and DoorDash profile before the mistake would be caught. She knew that her days as a driver were over, but she couldn’t give a giant rats ass less. She was finally rich. Or, at least rich defined by her feeble mind.

As they drove back to the trailer park, visions of cock-site premium memberships danced in her head. She could buy points, memberships for others, and send gifts to that rotten cunt Sir-Skittles, Pitbull, and others! Now she could finally buy herself impunity on the site, and troll the forums as much as her old dried-up heart desired. Not waiting until she was safely pulled over, she nearly caused an accident as she logged into the cock-site and immediately bought a 12-month premium membership. Rhanda-Lynn had to reach over the Saggys rotund, Lizzo like tummy, and grab the steering wheel to keep them in their lane. After Saggy had bought the membership, she changed her profile name to one of her former member numbers. That will confuse those cock-site trolls she thought!
Next, she was sure to leave insulting, racist and homophobic comments towards her enemies, and posted some copy-pasta quotes from MSNBC about Kamala Harris to make herself look intelligent. Then she blacklisted the trolls, PitBull, Skittles, ChainsawGutsFuck, and Bella. The Saggy Granny couldn’t contain her excitement over how much money she now had, and let out what she thought was a fart. She had never had that much money at once in her entire life. That was almost double what Chuckles had made in a single year working at Sears. No more trading the $29.00 dollars she got in food stamps for cash just so she could buy the lower cock-site membership every month, and no more having to cancel after her purchase as she didn’t have an actual bank card for autopay. She hated knowing Sir-Skittles and ChainsawGutsFuck had platinum AmEx cards and good credit. Saggy’s credit score might as well be in double digits at this point!

She was finally in the big league with folks like Bella, who made her rage with jealousy. Just let Skittles or some other cunty come to trash her page now! She even fantasized about Admin mentioning her in a positive manner. Or even better, making a special double-diamond membership just for her. We will absolutely tell Admin about her windfall of riches so he can bleed the cunt dry. As she wandered off into Lala land with her retard drool face look, and sitting in her own shit Rhanda-Lynn let out a sigh as she navigated the car to a Piggly-Wiggly for a late-night snack and got Saggy coherent enough to park the car. She knew Saggy was dreaming of ways to spend the money and would do nothing to save anything or use it to pay her bills. It would be gone in a matter of hours. Saggy was an expert in math and finance! She did learn wordperfect and exel (from her linked in resume) at the Robert Morgan Educational Center. That combined with the year she spent learning office management and accounting practices at Miami Dade college back when Ford was in office practically combined to be like a masters degree.

What will happen next? Will Saggy go to jail… again?
Will she spend all the money or be forced to give it back?
Is she still planning a trip to Canada to see little Kebmo, shoe size 6? Oh fuck off, like Canada will let her or Charlie cross the border. Not with their bad finances and Charlie’s criminal past! She did promise to help Kebby get his beloved AnnnasLekker here to the US with her travel concierge skills, so hopefully those refugee boats floating in the Atlantic have room on them.
Maybe she could pay Kebmo to come to Florida? She would let him wear her panties! Then again, that skinny AIDS ridden cunt would not be able to fill them out!
Stay tuned!

By #719542 at 15,Aug,24 07:59

Saggy Granny #610414 riding Charles, giddy up cowboy 🤠
By AngelofDeath at 21,Aug,24 23:07 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Reminds me of the dog that belongs to Herbert the pervert on family guy.
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By #719542 at 14,Aug,24 20:26
mongo, we were friends once, short as it was. Can we co-exist? You have two days.

Saggy #610414 has surrendered
By Sir-Skittles at 21,Aug,24 23:06 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
#610414 what a scummy bag of shaved ass hairs. They are of more value than you!

By #719542 at 21,Aug,24 22:25
What's in a name? What is my name? I’m getting requests to put a name to my profile. In my previous accounts I’ve used Twowarmtts 1,2,and 3, CAT, and a few others. sir-skittles, pitbull, mongo and a few others, have dedicated tons of blogs, forum threads, and other posts to complain/denigrate me.
With a name, every other member remembers me being the subject of these blogs and posts. That's why now I use a number for my member name. No one remembers it two minutes after reading it and in a chat, no one cares. An added plus is that all those blogs about the saggy granny are no longer relevant. 🤣🤣😈

Now the stupid cunt is saying she created the "NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF" thread, she is a lying Saggy Granny, that thread was started by member #578610 that no longer exists
By Sir-Skittles at 21,Aug,24 23:05 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
#610414 a true site lump and part of a scummy family.

Does that CP brat know your on this site?

By #719542 at 14,Aug,24 20:13

WOODY58 has returned

By #719542 at 06,Aug,24 01:32
I've often wondered if Admin passed away and some of these TROLLS took over the site




I mean, who appointed these people to be the chosen ones to question other members right to belong to the site, regardless of their look. Who made them sheriff? What right do they have?

And who gave them the right to stalk another member in real life?

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By Sir-Skittles at 09,Aug,24 00:07 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Don't post your DL number with all your info you stupid cunt! #610414

All these problems go way if you just delete your criminal profile and fuck off!
By #719542 at 09,Aug,24 00:09
Yer Mommy

By #719542 at 07,Aug,24 21:12
Mongo, I read your “joke” and, while it’s a HAHA moment, I have to point out some inaccuracies.😈

Here’s the “joke”:

“One day I, Mongo, was doing a Uber Eats pick up at Arbys & I seen the Saggy Granny #610414 chowing down on a "Double Beef 'n Cheddar Meal", so I approached her.
I asked:
"did you give yourself a coat hanger abortion 18 years ago"
She replied:
I asked:
"Did you put it in the trash can ?"
She replied:
"Well yes 🤷‍♂️"
I asked:
"Did you put the lid on & do it up real tight ?"
She replied:
Then I asked the Saggy:
"You didn't think I was going to escape did you ? "”

HAHAHA but let me point out a few things. First, the main one, I’m not your mother and, if by some chance I was, I would cut my wrists. Second, if I was so desperate as to use a coat hanger to perform an abortion, it would have been because your father was a piece of 💩. Judging from your membership all I have to say is, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”. Oh, your poor mother. Anyway, third, If I had removed such putrid mass of entrails from my “Saggy body”, I would have placed it in a trash can, but, I would have poured gasoline on it and thrown a lit match, after.
So you see, I’m not your mother, thank God and all the heavenly saints.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes


Fuck you Saggy
By bella! at 07,Aug,24 22:03 other posts of bella! 
Her reference to the "prominent member" is directed at me. I believe that she is a "bella!" wannabe, if that makes sense. She idolized *lix* and she idolizes me.
By #719542 at 07,Aug,24 22:12
"I believe that she is a "bella!" wannabe"

I couldn't agree more
By bella! at 08,Aug,24 00:49 other posts of bella! 
And she tries so hard........
By #719542 at 08,Aug,24 00:55

By #719542 at 08,Aug,24 08:27
It does seem as though she liked the joke though, I thought it was funny, my goodness, its a old one, used to float around the skool yard when I was at high skool & I wont tell you how long ago that was, that would make me older than you, oh fuck, maybe I shouldn't have told you that

By Sir-Skittles at 09,Aug,24 00:05 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Cat has always been jealous of Bella or any other woman here!

She should spend more time worrying about being married to a sexual predator...

By #719542 at 06,Aug,24 01:28
Gaydave you got a response to this post:

"Am not one to be nasty or cruel but i received two rather nasty comments from mongo and sir-skittles so black listed them"

The reply was this by "Another Prominent Member".

"So that hurt your feelings and you felt the need to share that information with members. I can assure you, no one cares."

Don't mind this member who thinks she owns the site along with 4 or 5 other TROLLS that appointed themselves as rulers of the site. Not even Admin can do anything about it, so, my suggestion to you is to blacklist them all. There's plenty of other threads and members that will be happy to interact with you. This group of moribund, hateful, people are not worth the bother.
Quick tip. If you sign off and re-enter the site without signing in, you'll be able to go to most places to read what these TROLLS are saying. 😈

Hey bella! 🙋‍♀️.

My profile here is a relatively new one, my Mommy Saggy Granny #610414 has been very nasty to a lot of people here, I see she is being nasty about an "Another Prominent Member" ☝️

You have been around for a while now, do you know who my Mommy was talking about

Love Always
Me Mongo 💖

By AngelofDeath at 27,Jul,24 14:26 other posts of AngelofDeath 
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By Sir-Skittles at 27,Jul,24 14:28 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

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438326- his booking number
By AngelofDeath at 27,Jul,24 14:55 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Is his prison number #578610?

By AngelofDeath at 27,Jul,24 14:03 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Anyone in Florida want to make a anonymous call to the Sex offenders office?

By AngelofDeath at 27,Jul,24 13:29 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Funny how Chuck Wubya can call someone a wetback when he’s from Argentina. He floated through a whole ocean to get here.

By Sir-Skittles at 27,Jul,24 10:34 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Saggy Granny is back- I guess you did not learn your lessons

By #704634 at 04,Apr,24 13:33
Sir-Skittles you are skating dangerously close to being blacklisted again. I don’t care what your blogs say about me and you can attack me on my threads. I reserve the option of deleting your posts in my threads. What I’m talking about is you bringing your garbage to my blogs that have nothing to do about our intense dislike for each other. I I post a blog about you or that retard Pitbull, then I’m fair game. But stay out of my other blogs like my Easter blog.
Oh, yeah, stay out of my page too.

My silly Mommy CAT flapping her gums again, how we say it all
--------------------------------------- added after 105 seconds

I know if I was Skittles, I would be shaking in my boots

By Sir-Skittles at 23,Mar,24 23:43 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 04:32
Member Hotpussy- Trouble in the trailer park!
The Saggy Granny Holiday Special
The Saggy Granny and her rat Charlie- COVID
The Saggy Granny Visits NYC
The Saggy Granny Thanksgiving Series
The Saggy Granny- Merry Fucking Christmas!

Seems to me Skittles that you are obsessed with my tits. I'm flattered🤣😈

By #704634 at 29,Mar,24 05:12
Tough call to be asked to narrow it down to a single vote, Mongo voted "The Saggy Granny Visits NYC", not a clear winner of so many disgusting true story's of Mommy CAT life, but right up there with one of the best
By Sir-Skittles at 31,Mar,24 14:39 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By Sir-Skittles at 30,Mar,24 19:07 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Cat admitting her pussy is disgusting! We finally agree on something!

By #610414 at 30,Mar,24 20:48
I didn’t. Learn to read.
By Sir-Skittles at 31,Mar,24 14:38 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You did...

A disgusting cunt it is!

By #704634 at 30,Mar,24 05:55
Sir-Skittles, you and three others are the only ones that are in my blacklist. I'm going to remove you from the list. Why? I believe you are incorrigible and won't be able to refrain from trashing my page. You have 48 hours to prove me right.
I haven't changed my opinion of you nor do I expect you to change your opinion about me.

Your page is already trash you stupid cunt CAT
By Sir-Skittles at 30,Mar,24 14:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Like a page of hot garbage!


By #610414 at 30,Mar,24 17:41

The pic is of your scummy mama and it looks like you get excited (even though it’s photoshopped) when you think of her.
By Sir-Skittles at 30,Mar,24 19:02 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I would be more worried about that sneaky uncle that was your first....

Is he even still alive?
By #610414 at 30,Mar,24 20:47

By bella! at 08,Apr,23 00:18 other posts of bella! 
Sir-Skittles , regarding my posts, perhaps you could dumb it down or if you think it might help, draw pictures for PA-MORON..... I'm sitting here laughing my ass off! WHY? Because someone who professed and would like members to believe he attended college not only has writing problems, he has reading comprehension issues, too!
By tecsan at 08,Apr,23 05:21 other posts of tecsan 
I do not think any is up to explaining anything to @PA-freddey@. It would take years for him to catch up on how to act seminormal.
By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 04:30
I thought his name was Freekie Freddie 🤣

By #681164 at 11,Nov,23 13:17
Maybe he could get a choke collar for him or maybe, a muzzle for his hands.

By Sir-Skittles at 09,Mar,24 13:58 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Eat a bag of ass hairs cat
By PITBULL at 09,Mar,24 15:35 other posts of PITBULL 
how much more of the saggy granny CAT can we take?

By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 04:29
Hairballs are not to my taste.

By Sir-Skittles at 10,Mar,24 16:00 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Get out the vote!
By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 04:28
What's wrong, Limp Knob? Afraid of a saggy titted woman? 🤣👿

By dgraff at 10,Mar,24 23:50 other posts of dgraff 
I bet woody is really a limp knob now I heard he’s buried in the flower bed in front of the trailer for months already
By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 04:26
Well, if he is, then I'm shinning his twin's knob. 🤣🤣😈

By #704634 at 29,Mar,24 02:52
[deleted image]

Woody58 Spotted Holidaying in LA ☝️
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Fuck U CAT

By #704634 at 11,Mar,24 18:53
Don't forget to vote, should the Communist Saggy Granny (CAT) delete her stinking profile.

👉 /polls/4772.html 👈

Luv Always
Mongo ❤️

[deleted image]
By Sir-Skittles at 24,Mar,24 00:24 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
cat a bag of trash that someone cut a slit into

By #704634 at 16,Mar,24 01:43
To be honest I couldn't give a fuck about American politics, or Australian for that matter, but will this dumb cunt eva shut up

Trump claimed the United States is "a nation where free speech is no longer allowed and where crime is rampant like never, ever before," an assertion that Rattner shut down completely.

Rattner made the following observations while sharing some graphs with Morning Joe's viewers:

"Crime is not out of control like it's never been before. In fact, crime has continued to drop under President Biden ... You can see that violent crime since 2020 has dropped by 15 percent, 339 violent crimes per 100,000 people."
"[Crime is] below any place it was during the Trump administration and it's had this huge drop in 2023. The same is basically true of property crime. You can see [robberies] are down 7 percent, 1,830 per 100,000 people."
"This is a complete fiction that crime is up under the Biden administration."
By Sir-Skittles at 16,Mar,24 17:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Crime is "down" because the Biden Dems decriminalized everything and don't prosecute criminals anymore!

1. Subway crime and violence is out of control in NYC

2. Everything is locked up in stores

3. Filthy migrant gangs prey on citizens and tourists

4. Scummy migrants attack police and shoot at them here!

By #704634 at 13,Mar,24 23:57

Dgraff posted in Bella!'s thread:
"And yet cat is still trying to be a smart Ass with Bella"

Me Mongo, me bit of joke, way me Mongo has been designed.

But you CAT you take the fucking 🎂, your the biggest joke on this site, you weren't made that way, that's the way you were fucking hatched you fucking retard
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

When is your fake account Woody58 coming back, your shitty account & your fake have popped up & disappeared from this site more than anyone can count, or is your shitty account the next for you to delete, then you will bring them both back with laim ass names like, hmmm what was one, cant quite remember, was it wet doodle or something

By #704634 at 13,Mar,24 18:29
Phart in response to this that you posted on Bella!'s thread:

"I aint "reporting".
Please excuse a poor choice of words. I meant any member that is not blocked from interacting with the three botched abortions. I wasn't singling you out.

Mommy back peddling from yet more false accusations, attacking innocent members on the site

By #704634 at 13,Mar,24 18:27
Anyone for a good laugh? This is I'm my Events page:

Mongo is pleading to be removed from your blacklist:
I do not even understand what I did wrong, can you please remove me from your blacklist and may be explain?

This is the same Aussie 💩 that created the poll listed in another post in this thread. This is one a..hole who trashes the "Saggy Granny", as I'm called, continually. Well, Mr Abbo, kiss my ass.


Looks like Mommy is being a racist 🐷 again 🤷‍♀️

By #704634 at 13,Mar,24 18:26
Phart, at the risk of getting banned by the lady of the house I'll repost this from another thread.
"Because I'm not about to spend a bunch of points cleaning up my page. He along with Sir-Skitles and Pitbull like to trash my page. I don't need to defend myself. My acquaintances here either know me to be a good member or not without me telling them so."

Mommy making a nuisance of herself again on other members forum treads 👆.

PS: Isn't Mommy's CAT page already trash 🤷‍♀️

By #704634 at 11,Mar,24 17:48
Saggy Granny - Trouble at the Trailer Park

Special limited edition box set now available, be quick 🏃‍♀️, selling out fast 🔥

👉 /blogs/56807.html 👈

Mongo 💖

By Sir-Skittles at 09,Apr,23 12:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Or course, no comments from the Saggy team



Site losers
By #681164 at 11,Nov,23 13:13
Skittles, isn't that the candy that comes in LGBT colors?

By #694265 at 11,Nov,23 13:55
Would you expect anything more ore less from the voted "Dumbest Cunts" on the site 🤷‍♀️

CAT & WOODY58 come on down 🚶‍♂️

(crowd clapping 👏 & cheering)

By Sir-Skittles at 11,Nov,23 15:32 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By PITBULL at 10,Nov,23 22:44 other posts of PITBULL 
here we go again that nasty bella! expressing her hate for gay people and Jews.
By #681164 at 11,Nov,23 13:12
Give it up, Jr. You are irrelevant
By PITBULL at 11,Nov,23 14:42 other posts of PITBULL 
you stupid moron you are as racist as bella!

By Sir-Skittles at 11,Nov,23 15:32 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
woody58 go tell yer slag to post more homophobic comments!

By Sir-Skittles at 24,Apr,23 11:57 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Cat an irrelevant old slag!

Admin will need to upgrade the storage if we chronicle all her failures! They date back to the late 50s!

By #681164 at 11,Nov,23 13:11
She's irrelevant to you. You can't stand it that she's given you as good as you give. Probably more.

By #681164 at 11,Nov,23 13:08
"Nothing like losing the moral high ground." That's good coming from you.

By #694265 at 10,Nov,23 21:24
That Dgraff is also a false assumption. As I see it, any man that likes it up the ass, at the very least, while getting ass fucked, wants to be a woman.

So does that mean her lump WOODY58 is transgender
By Sir-Skittles at 11,Nov,23 02:09 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
woody58 is as gay as a picnic basket

His pics posing bent over, back cunt ready is telling!
By #694265 at 11,Nov,23 06:29
I've seen, its discussing
By dgraff at 11,Nov,23 12:08 other posts of dgraff 

By bella! at 07,Apr,23 18:38 other posts of bella! 
By #623135 09,Jul,21 12:34
Fuck off. You think I’d share anything with you? Dirty has more than one connotation. Soap and water type of dirt is the working man/woman’s proof of grit. Your type of dirty is totally different.
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

You are opinionated and judge others continuiously.

Well, SrCums, I’m judged continuously by you and every other cunt bitch and Mother Fucking Homo, so I return the favor. My handle for you is a direct result of how you treated me when I started to express my opinions. You had other names but always were after me. I told everyone some time ago. I am not nice. I don’t back down. And I am relentless. So again, MOTHER FUCKING DIRTY HOMO JEW, suck it up
By Sir-Skittles at 07,Apr,23 19:45 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Outstanding site investigative work Bella!
By bella! at 07,Apr,23 19:52 other posts of bella! 
And if there is any question who member #623135 was, I found this in the MEMBERS YOU MISS thread;

By bella! 07,Nov,21 11:29 [Delete Comment] other posts

Member #623135, formerly known as CAT!, Twowarmtts3 secondary account, was deleted by the user. System notes reflect the following; "(this member nick was CAT!, the account was recently deleted by the user)"
By #275407 at 07,Apr,23 20:13
Wow, calling someone a Jew is like calling a black person the "n" word.
By PITBULL at 07,Apr,23 20:16 other posts of PITBULL 
bella! attacking gay people. The Holy Counsel have you on their list now
By #275407 at 07,Apr,23 20:18
I didn't say anything about Bella, I was talking about cat

By bella! at 07,Apr,23 21:36 other posts of bella! 
Thanks for proving that you are a MORON!
By PITBULL at 07,Apr,23 22:18 other posts of PITBULL 
do you think the members here care about your opinion?, you racist and homophobic bitch
By bella! at 08,Apr,23 00:06 other posts of bella! 
By PITBULL at 08,Apr,23 02:01 other posts of PITBULL 


By Sir-Skittles at 08,Apr,23 00:56 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Cody8789 The Saggy Granny is a site lump!

By #691759 at 08,Apr,23 03:35
Ya know CAT dear, maybe if you didn't refer to me as "homo" and in such a derogatory manner, I would be more inclined to be friendly to you. But I don't even know you and already am put off by your immaturity. Grow up.
By bella! at 08,Apr,23 03:47 other posts of bella! 
I am not nor have I ever been the member known as CAT, ANGEL1227, Twowarmtts, Twowarmtts2, TWOWARMTTS3 or any of the other assorted names. I have maintained only one profile for over 11 years and that is under the screen name of bella!.
By Sir-Skittles at 08,Apr,23 17:34 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I will personally attest that Bella is NOT cat or the myriad of other profiles that Saggy fuck Cat has had here...
By bella! at 09,Apr,23 08:47 other posts of bella! 
Are you able to attest that openarms is not Sarahthesexybeast?

By bella! at 07,Apr,23 18:35 other posts of bella! 
By #623135 16,Jun,21 14:16
Dgraff is not fake. Just a MOTHER FUCKING HOMO.
--------------------------------------- added after 17 hours

Dgraff answered
R Oh you think that is bad I have been accused of being a fake by get this a fucking Indian and not the American Indians me a guy that has consistently posted face pictures for 8 years with the same partner for several years under the same name and account for 8 years how ridiculous then even candy comments no he’s not fake just a homo

I was defending you, Dgraff , you are not a fake. You are a MOTHER FUCKING HOMO.
By Sir-Skittles at 08,Apr,23 00:55 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Bella! & @Drgraff@

We have seen it for years here with the Saggy Granny. She tries so hard to be sophisticated and relevant. But at the end of the day, she reverts to her true self: white trash. A pea brained moron!

By bella! at 07,Apr,23 18:21 other posts of bella! 
Don't forget to mention, dgraff and SrCums, were also victims.

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