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RIP David Bowie

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Started by #485312 at 11,Jan,16 07:03
how sad, such a great entertainer passed away, may he rest in peace...a wonderful individual who had a flair for fashion and sex appeal, and aged 69, what a great number to go out on *lix*

Similar topics: i worth a fuck .an or women)   2.DAVID CASSIDY, R.I.P.   3.DAVID CROSBY RIP   4.DAVID McCALLUM and ROGER WHITTAKER R.I.P.   5.GLYNIS JOHNS and DAVID SOUL R.I.P.  

New Comment

By #220845 at 15,Jan,16 19:39

By #455846 at 14,Jan,16 19:57
Thanks for creating this post as a tribute, what an awesome caracter gone. Rest In Peace Jean Genie , David Bowie
By #485312 at 15,Jan,16 00:23
l loved him since the first time l saw him, he was an inspiration to many, he even went out on his own terms, a guy that will live on forever in our hearts *lix*

By CreativeOne at 11,Jan,16 11:50 other posts of CreativeOne 
Oh , Noooooooooooooo !
By #485312 at 12,Jan,16 03:21
Sorrow isnt the only word, its a shock to all *lix*

By #494679 at 11,Jan,16 23:46
"Earth is feeling blue and there's nothing I can do"

Bye, David.
By bella! at 12,Jan,16 01:59 other posts of bella! 

By #460523 at 12,Jan,16 01:54
so sad to hear

By naked-porn at 11,Jan,16 23:25 other posts of naked-porn 
Rip David

By qhaos at 11,Jan,16 08:53 other posts of qhaos 
We can be heroes... just for one day...
By #204902 at 11,Jan,16 22:32
I ll miss him

By t-rex at 11,Jan,16 21:12 other posts of t-rex 
Such a tremendous loss, he will be missed by so many, and to think he had enough strength to finish this last album

By thesevenpointfive at 11,Jan,16 09:56 other posts of thesevenpointfive 
Yes RIP David..those Golden Years

By routemaster at 11,Jan,16 09:11 other posts of routemaster 
Oh no! What terrible news to wake up to this morning, I am so very sad. My favourite of his is "Starman" which featured in the gay play "My Night With Reg", revived in London last year and which I saw a couple of times. R.I.P. David

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