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Clothing in public

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Started by juppy at 29,Nov,23 09:20  other posts of juppy's a question for ya.....why do we have to wear clothes in public? Seriously...why? I mean, yeah, I'm gonna get all the "indecent exposure' comments, but that's just what we have adopted as "laws". WHY? What does it hurt? Most adults know what the other sex looks like by the time they're 16 or it's not like its a surprise, Some other website said clothes are what separates us from animals. Ok.....sorta. But still, why are we required by law to wear them? Why can't we just walk around with our dicks and tits and pussies hanging out for all to see?

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By phart at 23,Mar,25 21:04 other posts of phart 
it may be to help keep the young from getting just to curious at to young of a age and also to keep adults from getting over excited and making bad decisions.

By bostonspdo at 22,Mar,25 19:31 other posts of bostonspdo 
Vermont allows full public nudity but you can't touch yourself in public (i.e., no masturbating). Some years ago, I read that there was a conflict in Brattleboro (I think) over a fairly big group of high school students who spent a lot of time hanging out naked in a town park after someone discovered that it was legal. I think nudity laws were tightened up a bit after that.

By juppy at 08,Dec,23 01:10 other posts of juppy 
Possibly...I'm saying at first. I think the problem of sex crimes would increase dramatically. I could be wrong. But yeah, after awhile, when everyone got "used to it", there wouldn't be a problem. But there's that "transition period". Y'know?

By juppy at 05,Dec,23 02:58 other posts of juppy 
I don't know, honestly.....hey, I work in a grocery store. A couple years ago they banned the young checker gals from wearing those yoga pants, coz the sacker boys were getting major hardons from looking at them bending over in the carts to get the groceries out. Those pants have slowly worked their way back in the system. But it doesnt matter....coz I was back stocking dairy last week & some chick came thru asking about some yogurt and MY GOD...those pants left NOTHING to the imagination! Then, not 5 minutes later, some gal came thru with her husband, didn't ask me for anything, but she had a pair of those yoga pants on....and damn....she had to be at least 60, but I wanted to bend her over & fuck that ass so bad it wasnt even funny!

By wycowboy at 30,Nov,23 16:13 other posts of wycowboy 
I didn't think about this yesterday but Wyoming passed a law allowing women to be topless in public if they wished. It got a lot of support when it was first proposed. After it passed I saw several women here that tried it out. Sure, men leered and made rude comments but after a bit no one made a big deal over it. After a few months it was rare to see a womans tits.

Vermont allows full public nudity unkess they passed a law there prohibiting it that I didn't here about. You have to be in good taste, no erections etc but it is allowed.

So, the US is catching up to Europe, slowly, very slowly, but we are catching up.

By nekekal at 30,Nov,23 03:57 other posts of nekekal 
I think that there is no actual reason for clothing except in cold climates. Unfortunately, most of us live in cold climates. Native populations in warm areas typically let women run around with their tits out.

A lot of the populations had the men wearing penis protectors. Makes sense as a cock is sort of a nuisance flopping around while you are running around. Although original greek Olympians were naked. When wrestling it was legal to grab the opponents cock or balls.

I think.women could be naked. But then we invented religion. God seems to hate hair and genitalia.

By hotcock33 at 29,Nov,23 19:17 other posts of hotcock33 
Because nudity equals sex to most people...I think western European countries have more the right idea with regards to public nudity, but the rest of the world will likely never catch up to that mindset. I do think eventually it wouldnt be a big deal..we've all seen nude people...the opposite sex...but it will never fly cause there would be a few pervs that would ruin it for everyone, and a lot of people would never be comfortable being nude or, seeing people nude.--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutesOne more follow up comment...maybe the ultimate point of the original question...? Some clothing today seems to show off certain parts...more female clothing...tops that show off belly and tits...not to mention yoga tights where I can basically tell you are fully shaved and see your labia. Not that I'm complaining, or trying to shame in any way...I love it...I hope everyone can be comfy wearing whatever the fuck they want. That being said...some fashion trends of today seem to accentuate certain body parts...draw attention to much so, that if everyone were nude I don't think people's eyes would focus so much on cleavage and labia.

By juppy at 29,Nov,23 10:19 other posts of juppy 
Don't get me wrong....R.A.P.E would go up like 1800%, but still.....
By wycowboy at 29,Nov,23 14:35 other posts of wycowboy 
I don't think so. Once it became common place and usual it would not be a big deal and would lose the sexuality of being nude in public.

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