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Started by massco at 01,Jul,24 13:40  other posts of massco
Similar topics: 1.who have a big one ?? 2.RECEIVING COMPLIMENTS 3.Compliments 4.LEAVING COMMENTS 5.LEAVING COMMENTS New CommentComments: |
Straight men tend to be more bold, raw and graphic. Apparently, many think that the initial meeting with a woman she wants to hear something like; "Nice tits!". Would a man be apt to say something like; "Dude, damn, that's a nice beef whistle you're swingin' between your legs!" if he saw something impressive in the health club locker room?
There are gay members that are offended when women pop on their page and I would never consider leaving a comment unless I asked and they permitted it.
There are straight men that only want to be admired by women. (Lots of luck, buddy, are you certain that the women are women or is the woman you're interacting with actually Uncle Bruce?
There are probably a number of lesbians here that prefer to only be admired by women.
Whatever the scenario might be, this old adage comes to mind; "different strokes for different folks".
I had never seen where someone set their preference to not except compliments from a member based on their sex or sexual preference. The way I figure a compliment is just that a compliment. If someone is bothered by the fact that I paid them one get over it already.