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Started by leopoldij at 05,Oct,24 20:34  other posts of leopoldij
Humans have been enjoying watching other humans fuck, show themselves fuck and talk about fucking forever. That is, from the very dawn of humanity. Here's a not-so-distsnt example, only 4 thousand years ago:

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What other examples do you know?

Similar topics:   2.Porn and/ or Erotica as Sex Education   3.Curved dicks   4."Turning" Gay?   5.Why so many Ancient topics?  

New Comment

By CAT52! at 06,Oct,24 16:58 other posts of CAT52! 
Well, we (modern man) did not invent sex and from the first dropped fig leaf there's been porn in religious form and prostitution.
By leopoldij at 06,Oct,24 17:56 other posts of leopoldij 
That's right.
There have been civilizations where prostitution was done via religious institutions and civilizations where sex was not confined between a man and his wife. All kinds of variations have existed and, while they existed, nobody thought of them as strange or perverse. This means that sexual behaviour, that is, what's acceptable or not, isn't universal.

One thing is universal and eternal: the need of humans to fuck for pleasure. It's basic biology and we're not to blame that evolution has made us this way.

By phart at 06,Oct,24 02:14 other posts of phart 
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Careful some of this "ancient" stuff may not be that "ancient".

Here is why some is crude
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By leopoldij at 06,Oct,24 10:22 other posts of leopoldij 
The article says that the replica of the Chauvet cave is bad. The actual drawings of Chauvet are authentic and awesome.

By #718164 at 06,Oct,24 00:31
[deleted image]
By leopoldij at 06,Oct,24 01:01 other posts of leopoldij 
Very good. A bit more modern, 1000 years old, but it supports my claim that pornography has been with us all the time.
By #718164 at 06,Oct,24 01:03
It looks as though people got more imaginative as time passed.
By leopoldij at 06,Oct,24 01:59 other posts of leopoldij 
Don't forget that they also had more means available as time passed

By phart at 06,Oct,24 01:17 other posts of phart 
You sure that isn't the Babylonian government giving the tax payers their "service"?

By leopoldij at 05,Oct,24 20:40 other posts of leopoldij 
This one is from ancient Greece, only 2500 years ago. A woman with big tits is driving sucking a guy's cock while another dude fucks her from behind.

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By leopoldij at 05,Oct,24 20:35 other posts of leopoldij 
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