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Found Underwear, What's Next ?

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Started by Bulging at 26,Oct,24 03:40  other posts of Bulging
What would you do, if you found used bikini underwear in a public bathroom ?

Similar topics: 1.Have you ever left your underwear/panties in public to be found??   2.Underwear!   3.Underwear Pix!   4.Underwear   5.Sexy, skimpy underwear on guys - YEA or NAY?  

New Comment

By pipcock at 11,Nov,24 00:56 other posts of pipcock 
Damn! You wrap them take them home and sterile and wash them.....then you try them on 💦💦💦💦💦

By dgraff at 26,Oct,24 10:21 other posts of dgraff 
Pick them up with a broom handle and put them in the waist paper basket don’t touch them you never know who was wearing them last could even been a guy
By Sir-Skittles at 26,Oct,24 15:17 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
One can never be too safe- especially when they belong to the Saggy Granny! Rancid cunt fumes and discharge!

The local prison uses her cunt fumes as back up for lethal injections.

By CAT52! at 26,Oct,24 17:08 other posts of CAT52! 
I thought it was your never ending love of me. You did like licking my ass on our date.
By Sir-Skittles at 26,Oct,24 19:49 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Dream on you old cunt- I don't go for old lady parts!

Go wash your rat snatch up with toilet water. Nasty pig!
By CAT52! at 27,Oct,24 18:20 other posts of CAT52! 
I did after you licked it.
By Sir-Skittles at 28,Oct,24 22:28 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Go dig up your uncle and ask him for shag!

By CAT52! at 29,Oct,24 14:36 other posts of CAT52! 
My uncle never did. Those blogs were meant to titillate the members. I can't help it if you thought, in your limited mind, that they were true.
By Sir-Skittles at 31,Oct,24 01:21 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Yes he did. Only a sociopath would make that up!

Get to therapy!
By CAT52! at 31,Oct,24 12:27 other posts of CAT52! 
You talk funny. Get TO therapy, get TO fuck, are you Bella!'s brother?

By leopoldij at 31,Oct,24 00:52 other posts of leopoldij 
I'd use it to wipe my ass.

By SLUT! at 29,Oct,24 17:04 other posts of SLUT! 
only registered users can see external links

By wycowboy at 26,Oct,24 14:34 other posts of wycowboy 
I worked as a janitor at one of the Eagles clubs here in town about ten years ago. I showed up to work about 5am most days and this January 1st was no different. I went about my work which was mort difficult due to the party the club had thrown the night before. About 7am I went into one of the 2 women's bathrooms and got started. I opened one of the stalls to sweep it out and there on the floor was a pair of black women's panties. I reversed my broom and picked them up. The were lacey and HUGE in size. The lady who had worn them probably dressed out about 250 or more. I threw them in the trash.

By t-rex at 26,Oct,24 10:41 other posts of t-rex 
I agree, or better yet just move away 😐

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