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Started by #17242 at 19,Apr,10 00:50
Hello all,

This is the first website where I have posted nude pics of myself.

For me, this site is very addictive -- I've derived much pleasure from photographing myself nude and sharing intimate views of my body for thousands to see.

Do others here feel hooked on it, too? How did you find this site? For those members that post their own real pics, how compelling is it to keep posting more? Are you hooked, even though you never did it before?

Just curious

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New Comment

By #1501 at 20,Apr,10 22:14
I have been a member for a couple of YEARS! I keep coming back, though I don't post as many pics as I used to. Addicted? I won't know till I try to give up... and I don't see why I should! It is a thrill thinking that thousands of people have seen my cock. Postive comments are great and the site also shows that to have an average lenght cock is... well... average!

By MoeJoe at 20,Apr,10 17:43 other posts of MoeJoe 
I'm not addicted to SYD...I'm addicted to showing off my cock and looking at others...SYD is just the avenue in which I do it. It's a good site for showing and looking, so I stay here. The forun conversations are so-so and I go days avoiding them and chime in from time to time, but that's not why I'm here. I'm here to look at cocks and show mine...period.

By slipper at 20,Apr,10 01:28 other posts of slipper 
LOVE it here!!! I've thousands of my personal pix, but I don't post but a few... too hard to wade through a gazillion member pix, at least it is for me. So, I do a few "representative" ones.

By #61033 at 19,Apr,10 17:20
I find myself almost compelled to visit every day. I am not an exhibitionist and find the anonynimity allows me to do things I would not usually do. I have come across the odd nasty character here but they are thankfully by far in the minority.

By spermkiss at 19,Apr,10 16:48 other posts of spermkiss 
It is indeed very addictive. Though I have not posted any photos myself, I find a desire to keep looking at the new photographs posted daily. Perhaps even more addictive than the photographs are the exchange of ideas on the Forum and the communication with other SYD members thru private messages.

As for how I found the site, well, I'm gay and I typed in "Penis Photographs" for an internet search and here we are.

By #38932 at 19,Apr,10 03:44
Haha... I also seem "hooked" on this site. I have hundreds of pics, TONS of friends, and a pretty decent amount of posts. I try to reply to every comment on my pics, and (almost) every day I play the domination game. Also, I'll occasionally be in the chat room. Most of the time, I'm just lurking in there though.

Adult Discussion Forum