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Shaving your cock

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Started by #16392 at 22,Jun,09 06:20
What do you guys think is the best way to shave your cock and balls without cutting either? I've been using conditioner the past few years as shaving cream, works pretty well. However, one little slip of the mach 3 and it bleeds really badly.

Thank you for any replies.

Similar topics: 1.Shaving question   2.Shaving Balls   3.Before and after shaving!!   4.shaving question   5.Shave or not to shave  

New Comment

By #543717 at 16,Apr,18 00:59
Using a Wilkinson Sword Quattro for the whole package:

[deleted image]

By #478298 at 25,Feb,18 18:30
Looks bigger and cleaner
[deleted image]

By #532415 at 20,Feb,18 09:11
There is something about a hairy cock that excites me...

By #544039 at 19,Feb,18 22:13

By #549977 at 11,Feb,18 19:09

By #549977 at 11,Feb,18 19:03
The way I approach it especially for the first time is you hop into the shower with multiple razors and start trimming on while the water's hit in your cock and balls. After you get down to the nitty-gritty you then turn away from the water and lather yourself up with shaving cream or soap using a lot of shaving cream around your cock and balls. You then shave very carefully and utilizing both razors or multiple razors so that you're always working with a sharp razor. Just be careful.. you might want to have a septic stick handy in the event that there is bleeding. Rinse off the shaving cream and see how well you did with shaving. If necessary reapply. You're finished product should take you back to the days of when you were at Sleepaway Camp!.... apply moisturizer generously......


By #537268 at 03,Feb,18 12:12
I just started shaving my cock and balls recently. I've learned to go SLOWLY and to pay attention to what I'm doing. I don't use shaving cream or anything else because I want/need to see exactly what and where I'm shaving.

[deleted image]

By #532695 at 03,Feb,18 10:32
I only shave my penis, which is easy to do, especially when it’s hard. A fresh blade does a better jub and is less likely to nick.

By #463848 at 03,Feb,18 09:11
I find that shaving with a razor (MACH 3) is OK whilst I am using my right hand but I have difficulty when using my left hand. It might be better if some one else did it whilst I held the skin taught.

Generally is use an electric trimmer. It doesn't give as close a shave but there are very few accidents from nipping and it is easier to use with my left hand.

By #521699 at 02,Feb,18 19:25
Shaving my cock makes mr hkrny flr somd reason

By #423426 at 02,Feb,18 11:29
I've recently started using my girlfriend's 3 blade razor. I find I get a much smoother shave than with my own razor, I guess it's more intended for body hair. By the way, in 14 years of being completely shaved, I've never once cut myself.

By #435701 at 01,Feb,18 18:44
Shaving in the shower with a double bladed, lubricated razor for balls and areas other than the pubic region For that cut hair as short as possible and then use Bikini Zone Anti-Bumps shave gel. Always use a clean razor for this area as bumps are caused by bacteria. After a few times you will have a perfectly smooth and bump free pubic mound

By #536913 at 26,Jan,18 05:32
I don't use anything other than the razor. Never had any problems.

By Moench at 24,Jan,18 21:24 other posts of Moench 
conditioner work very well and a women shaver,but i like removing creme ,its keep longer smooth

By iluvcox at 24,Jan,18 07:07 other posts of iluvcox 
Use a hair removing cream. Better than shaving.Stubble is smaller and use it twice weekly.

By olderbro at 21,Jan,18 20:25 other posts of olderbro 
razor in a hot bath

By #220845 at 21,Jan,18 17:50
In a warm shower, good soapy lather, easier when aroused

By #61033 at 21,Jan,18 15:56
I have only ever used shaving gel with a 5 blade razor. I have never had a cut with that razor no matter how carelessly I use it.

By #511422 at 21,Jan,18 08:35
Wax... Last a long time and no itching when growing back

By #514663 at 21,Jan,18 01:14
Using woman's shaving cream in a hot shower always does good for me

By #463848 at 16,Jan,18 13:35
Use a fine trimmer but keep the skin of your balls tightly stretched or sometimes it will nick you. After trimming/shaving put on a good application of aftershave cream (or Savlon if you have got a nick).

By #18528 at 21,Jul,09 23:42

By #18315 at 13,Jul,09 22:14
i always dry shave, i shave every other day feels great

By Olddude at 22,Jun,09 20:59 other posts of Olddude 
I tweeze. Last a long time!

By sailor at 22,Jun,09 14:17 other posts of sailor 
I tried shaving. Went back to waxing. First time it stings alot. After that a breeze. Only have to wax every other week. And its relly smooth with no stubble inbetween.

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