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fat cocks

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Started by #53282 at 27,Jul,10 13:31
hey guys i love fat cocks plz post pics of your fat cocks and the girth here is mine it has a girth of bout 6 inches around [deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.Cocks on Cunts sites   2.Cocks Sticking Out   3.Hard cocks   4.Cocks in your dreams ?   5.Does your wife know?  

New Comment

By #603659 at 18,Feb,20 05:50
[deleted image]
just sucked this guys cock today

By #61033 at 16,Feb,20 15:27
Mine is a bit thicker than normal...
[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By #583549 at 16,Feb,20 16:15
Cool photos!!!!!
By #61033 at 16,Feb,20 16:30

By new2day at 16,Feb,20 12:29 other posts of new2day 

By just16cm at 07,Feb,20 17:52 other posts of just16cm 

By newwt10 at 24,Dec,12 16:48 other posts of newwt10 
By #588373 at 30,May,19 08:54
Definitely thick

By #463848 at 06,Feb,20 15:03
I like thick cocks, especially if they are short (under 6 ins)

By notnow at 23,Dec,12 16:39 other posts of notnow 
im six inches around too
By HelmetHead at 06,Feb,20 08:01 other posts of HelmetHead 

So thick!

By #137412 at 23,Sep,13 18:50
My fat cock - or so I am told.

[deleted image]
By thicknsmooth at 12,Dec,18 02:13 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Beautiful man love your head

By 3fdfd at 12,Dec,18 13:49 other posts of 3fdfd 
Fat - long - just plain big - plus it's uncut

By 3fdfd at 12,Dec,18 13:51 other posts of 3fdfd 
Certainly among the best looking cocks on this site

By #588373 at 30,May,19 08:54
You got told right.

By #463848 at 09,Dec,18 13:55
I like to see cocks that are three fingers thick (or +) rather than the normal two. Especially if they are also under 6 ins long.

If you have one like that I will be pleased to see it.

By #121361 at 15,Feb,18 07:32
[deleted image]

By #540084 at 14,Feb,18 23:20

By #285354 at 19,Aug,13 10:25
[deleted image]
about 6.5" around
By 3fdfd at 22,Sep,13 15:19 other posts of 3fdfd 
I've said it before, Adam you have one beautiful cock - long & THICK
By #285354 at 25,Sep,13 22:40
Thx for the feedback- I enjoy showing it here!

By kre8tor69 at 24,Sep,13 01:25 other posts of kre8tor69 
All of these cock are great to look at. I just do not think they are all so thick. The wife and lady friends mostly like shorter and thicker. They do not like having their cervix banged by some long dong that doe snot know wha tto do with it. They always say they would rather have one that stretches them wide open with out hitting the back wall. The few guys I have talked to did not like real long ones either. They liked average average. If it was real long they had to work at teaching the dong hoe to f... them instead of just enjoying it.

By #264686 at 23,Sep,13 05:00

Here's mine, hope someone likes it?

[deleted image]

By #383753 at 22,Aug,13 07:12
Mine is about 6'2 around.
By 3fdfd at 22,Sep,13 15:21 other posts of 3fdfd 
nice looking THICK cock

By #92167 at 28,Jul,10 15:23
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 22,Sep,13 15:16 other posts of 3fdfd 
what a nice large cock - thick & long

By *kmadeau* at 19,Sep,13 19:44 other posts of *kmadeau* 
6.6 inches

By 3fdfd at 22,Sep,13 15:15 other posts of 3fdfd 

By #323075 at 17,Jan,13 11:26

By #101127 at 24,Dec,12 12:12
[deleted image]
[deleted image]

By #319355 at 23,Dec,12 23:41
[deleted image]
6 inches
By *kmadeau* at 24,Dec,12 12:02 other posts of *kmadeau* 
6 inches of sweet dark chocolate

By *kmadeau* at 24,Dec,12 11:31 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #83361 at 30,Jul,10 06:13
Untitled photo of a third leg
Untitled photo of a boner

By #53282 at 27,Jul,10 13:32
any comments on my cock would be appreciated and i will try and return the favor
By slipper at 27,Jul,10 20:21 other posts of slipper 
From my experience, nolan, your fatty should be popular with the ladies, since most of whom I've seen are more interested in girth than length.

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