| I've always been curious about other guys experience during their penis development (puberty). Mine was not what I'd hoped for--seems like I am still waiting for my cock to grow man-size--, being the smallest in size when those first group nudity events took place (gym class, pool locker room,etc)definitely jarred any self confidence bout sexual issues I was forming! I'm curious about the other end of the spectrum---any early developers able to clue me in on what that was like to have a man cock early? Seems like it would've been awesome to strut w/ a big cock when an early teen! |
My cock was always an object of ridicule by my class mates. Young kids make fun of anything different and a big cock was really different. So I was pretty traumatized by other kids and did my best to hide for years.
Young women don't really like cock, the only reason they fuck at all is so guys will like them, so having a big cock was no benefit growing up.
Yes, it is awesome!
My story:
Anyway, I was probably between 5 and 6" when I got to jr. high school. Interesting thing is, I developed pubic hair around the same time as everybody else...but armpit hair, facial hair, and thickening leg hair I was later on. I didn't notice armpit hair or need to start shaving until I was about 17. It makes sense....my family is not a hairy bunch at all....