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Average Dicks 5.5 - 7.0 inches

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Started by #123844 at 18,Dec,10 14:34
Memeber with average size dicks, 5.5 to 7.0 inches in length, thickness doesn't matter.

Similar topics: 1.Young Average Cocks Only!   2.are long dicks on average thicker than average size cocks?   3.Where are the thin average dicks at?   4.TO MEN WITH HUGE DICKS...   5.Rate my short one  

New Comment

By #463848 at 27,Nov,19 12:48
I doubt you could call 7 ins average, I would have thought for western cocks, 5-6 ins.
By 3fdfd at 27,Nov,19 15:57 other posts of 3fdfd 
7" is way above "average" 4.75" - 6.5" is more like it; isn't average about 5.25/5.5 ?
By soulpioneer at 28,Aug,21 04:45 other posts of soulpioneer 
from my ave is like 5.2", but may vary per geograph, race, culture...but over all ave for human male world wide I think is near that....5 - 5.5 ish, again some races and cultures could be a little bigger ave or less.

By corby at 26,Aug,21 13:43 other posts of corby 

By Francesco at 23,Aug,21 22:21 other posts of Francesco 

By quint at 22,Aug,21 19:18 other posts of quint 
By Ksguy961 at 22,Aug,21 21:49 other posts of Ksguy961 
Nice looking boner

By LGA6969 at 21,Aug,21 20:38 other posts of LGA6969 
[deleted image]
5 3/4” hard

By #507845 at 21,Aug,21 19:09
[deleted image] 6 inches

By #583141 at 12,Jul,21 11:46
6” here. [deleted image]

By Ozmen666 at 11,Jul,21 04:00 other posts of Ozmen666 

By thicknsmooth at 10,Jul,21 23:54 other posts of thicknsmooth 
/pfh9xhqheiqppic.html Hello everyone here is mine. It’s 7.25 x 5.75 around just below the head and 6.25 around at the base

By #645870 at 09,Jul,21 21:40

By #641797 at 05,May,21 16:22

[deleted image]

By Justin20 at 29,Apr,21 09:02 other posts of Justin20 
5,8 inches

By Alwaysnude at 28,Apr,21 13:31 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] I am average
--------------------------------------- added after 25 hours

[deleted image]

By #624140 at 24,Aug,20 21:28
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

My average 6.5incher

By PoloFields at 24,Aug,20 19:36 other posts of PoloFields 

By #621517 at 24,Aug,20 18:12
[deleted image] About 6”.

By galaxy123 at 24,Aug,20 16:56 other posts of galaxy123 
here I am. 6.2 inches.

By yellowman at 23,Aug,20 12:23 other posts of yellowman 

By #590624 at 23,Apr,20 17:58
my avg cock

[deleted image]

By #615532 at 21,Apr,20 03:47
Pfft.. 7 inch average? No way is that the case. I’m slightly shorter than average but would say 5ish to 6 inches are average length. Also, girth is the difference that women can feel and I just happen to be bigger than most guys in that metric (which average is around 4.5 inch thick)
By #64328 at 21,Apr,20 05:51
I completely agree. It to bad so many guy exaggerate

By earthy at 20,Apr,20 23:52 other posts of earthy 


By Maxream at 18,Apr,20 02:45 other posts of Maxream 

By randy_candy at 07,Feb,20 04:53 other posts of randy_candy 

In my visits to male bath houses, adult video theaters, other guys homes for playtimes, etc., I have seen very few cocks longer than 6-inches (15 cm). The average seems to be more like 5.5-inches (14 cm). MANY are considerably shorter than that, which makes them great to give blow-jobs to.
By #64328 at 17,Apr,20 16:41
Same here. I'm 6 inches and 90% of guys I've seen in real life are my smaller. Most are in the 4.5 to 5.5 range.

By #583141 at 17,Apr,20 13:18
6”[deleted image]

By Ayeee at 17,Feb,20 08:24 other posts of Ayeee 
6" +/-

By #610931 at 15,Feb,20 13:00
6,3 inches.
[deleted image]

By #610675 at 14,Feb,20 15:02

[deleted image]

By #610717 at 14,Feb,20 05:13
6.3" lenght ~ 5.4" girth

[deleted image]

By #609868 at 07,Feb,20 06:37
Hi. Here is my average dick. 5,9 inches. [deleted image]

By Dickventures at 07,Feb,20 00:32 other posts of Dickventures 

I'd say 5.5" to 7" is a pretty big average. Most guys I've done stuff with are smaller than me and I'm only 6"

By #463848 at 06,Feb,20 15:04
I would not describe dicks that are above 6ins erect as 'average'.

By #610497 at 04,Feb,20 02:43
[deleted image]
6” throbbing

By #607750 at 02,Feb,20 20:31
5.8 inches here and 4.8 girth

By #610279 at 02,Feb,20 08:05
[deleted image]

17,5x15 cm

By eonblue at 02,Feb,20 04:06 other posts of eonblue 

Love average cocks!

By BirdDog at 31,Jan,20 19:52 other posts of BirdDog 

By #479082 at 29,Jan,20 14:43
in my opinion there is a huge difference between 5,5 snf 7 inches.
5,5 like I am is the upper limit of a small cock.
7 inches is the perfect size. I'd love to be 6,5 to 7.
what do you think?
By german_guy at 29,Jan,20 22:01 other posts of german_guy 
I sure do not agree with you, I guess 5 Inch are quite ok. So far I never had any conplaints concerning the size of my cock

By #583141 at 29,Jan,20 14:36
Avg here. 6” long. 5.2girth [deleted image]

By jayman73 at 29,Jun,14 17:00 other posts of jayman73 
By 3fdfd at 27,Nov,19 16:02 other posts of 3fdfd 
Jayman - you know I love your cock but no way are you "average."

By Allalexallday at 25,Nov,19 03:32 other posts of Allalexallday 
By 3fdfd at 27,Nov,19 16:01 other posts of 3fdfd 
"Average" guy would trade cocks with you at the "drop of a hat."

By Steve116969 at 27,Nov,19 04:56 other posts of Steve116969 
By 3fdfd at 27,Nov,19 15:58 other posts of 3fdfd 
Large than average. Certainly thicker than average.

By JeffinKS at 27,Nov,19 12:49 other posts of JeffinKS 
my submission,

By 3fdfd at 27,Nov,19 15:54 other posts of 3fdfd 
Jeff, my friend. You ain't average ! You have a lot more than the "average" guy.

By seb17 at 09,Jul,14 13:35 other posts of seb17 
my contribution

Photo of a wiener from seb17

By GermanBiBoy93 at 07,Jul,14 12:21 other posts of GermanBiBoy93 
Little over 6.8 inches.
Hope you like it! More pictures on my page.

By #464645 at 06,Jul,14 21:52
[deleted image] About 5.9 inches

By #311947 at 06,Jul,14 15:01
[deleted image]

By cockbot3000 at 05,Jul,14 04:16 other posts of cockbot3000 
Here's me. I'm about 5.75"

By Odin_york_pa at 04,Jul,14 15:26 other posts of Odin_york_pa 

By #369710 at 02,Jul,14 16:34
please rate my dick [deleted image] Anyone like?msg me

By #412249 at 08,Oct,13 19:15
Look at my 7 incher tell me what u think in a message
By #248658 at 30,Jun,14 00:36
Now that's a sexy cock, looks bigger than 7 tho.....

By john12 at 29,Jun,14 23:57 other posts of john12 
I fit in here !

Adult Discussion Forum