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question about masturbation

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Started by #5173 at 19,Jun,09 21:25
How many guys freely masturbate in front of their wives,girl friends,or others?

Similar topics: 1.Masturbation Question   2.masturbation question   3.Masturbation Question   4.Question to gay guys........   5.A question for circumcised guys  

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By #516354 at 20,Oct,18 05:48
With my ex wife/Mistress it was the only way I could get sexual 'relief', unless I was a very good boy.And I had to lick it all up afterwards.

By #519017 at 27,Sep,16 06:58
I freely masturbate in front of my wife. When we're in bed and I'm in the mood for sex and she's not I'll ask her to stroke my thigh, balls and chest while I lie back and masturbate. While I stroke off I run my spare hand over her body. I get regular sex with her but she understands my need and we've done this for years. She always tosses me a box of tissues afterwards. It began one morning long ago when we were naked in bed together, I had a big hard on and out of curiosity she asked me how a guy masturbates. I put on a good meaty show for her! Sometimes after sex if she hasn't climaxed she masturbates to an orgasm while I caress her. It's all quite natural.
By leopoldij at 27,Sep,16 10:45 other posts of leopoldij 
I do the same. Exactly. Often, my girlfriend needs extra work after sex. I provide it or she does it herself. And vice versa. Or, sometimes, I simply masturbate when she's not bothered to have sex. Sometimes I wake up at night and masturbate. Sometimes she likes to watch.
By #568737 at 19,Oct,18 14:38
Your gf needing extra work after sex sounds like my woman. Sometimes she will masturbate or want me to finger fuck her before we have sex, and sometimes after I’ve filled her she will masturbate to another orgasm.
By leopoldij at 19,Oct,18 21:21 other posts of leopoldij 
Exactly the same with mine.

By #555896 at 07,Oct,18 14:45
i often wank in front of my wife and she also wanks in front of me

By #562213 at 06,Oct,18 10:56
My girl will jerk my cock giving me a great hand job.As her hand gets tired, she'll take a break and tell me to take over.Then she rubs my balls and inner thighs with her nails as I stroke my cock .She will do this till I tell her I'm close,then she takes over ,to finish me off
By #568737 at 07,Oct,18 06:50
Wanking while a girl tickles your balls and inner thighs adds a whole new dimension of pleasure!

By #467291 at 19,Jul,14 01:18
I have never masturbated in front of a woman, though two women have caught me masturbating-my mother and my landlady when I stayed in lodgings. Though I often masturbate in front of men.
By hytiger at 19,Jul,14 05:08 other posts of hytiger 
The thread died 5 years ago, the OP is no longer a member!
By bella! at 19,Jul,14 06:29 other posts of bella! 
To hytiger, just because the topic was opened 5 years ago and the Original Poster ( OP ) is no longer a member, does that make the topic less relevant, in your opinion? I'm just curious.

For your interest, PISSING AT URINALS was written in March, 2011, the OP is long gone however, that thread has 1356 responses and is still going strong!
By PoloFields at 07,Oct,18 02:23 other posts of PoloFields 
I know I'm responding to an old message by saying this, but no problem waking up old topics if they're still important to someone.
By bella! at 07,Oct,18 04:45 other posts of bella! 
Agreed! My point, exactly.

By #568737 at 04,Oct,18 18:11
I do! Sometimes in bed together if I’m in the mood and she isn’t she’s happy for me to masturbate. She strokes my balls and inner thighs as I wank in a way that keeps me rock hard erect, and I run my spare hand over her naked body.

By Moench at 08,Dec,17 20:50 other posts of Moench 
if my wife like to take a brake to her pussy ,she let me doing it by my self and she only watching me till i come

By #545468 at 08,Dec,17 18:46
Yes, absolutely when I am in front of my guy. He also regularly masturbates in front of me

By #289712 at 27,Sep,16 12:58
A few strokes here and there,during sec maybe, but not really. My girlfriend though, does alot! Whenever my dicks in Her, she is going hard, it's great! I'd personally enjoy someone/people I didn't know watch me masturbate

By cumaddik at 19,Jul,14 14:06 other posts of cumaddik 
Masturbated many times in front of other males for their pleasure, and of course, my own!

By #447598 at 19,Jul,14 09:42
Almost every time, unless she tells me otherwise. (:

By #3997 at 18,Jul,09 21:46
my girl and i masturbate in front of each other all the time, its a huge turn on

By #7976 at 20,Jun,09 02:11
No doubt about it. My wife will masturbate me or watch as I do it in her presence. Sometimes, I'll ask her to use one of her toys to masturbate for me while I watch and stroke myself. I find it extraordinarily sexy to watch her cum to orgasm from inches away. I usually cum just by hearing her going over the top. Mutual or singular masturbation with your lover is a great way to have sex in my opinion.
By #5173 at 20,Jun,09 03:48
We agree totally. We do the same and always enjoy it and find it very erotic !!!!!!!!!!!
By #7976 at 21,Jun,09 01:20
Masturbation is often considered a solo thing when sex with a partner is unavailable. I have always though masturbation is great at any time, especially with your lover. It can be as much of a turn on as any other foreplay and if you finish without fucking, you can work on getting back your erection with a little help from your friend.

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