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Masturbation Question

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Started by #5173 at 08,Feb,09 19:00
How many time a month do you masturbate?

Similar topics: 1.masturbation question   2.question about masturbation   3.Masturbation Question   4.Question to gay guys........   5.A question for circumcised guys  

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By #566435 at 19,Oct,18 20:41
Not less then once a day

By #206678 at 19,Oct,18 20:23
I edge daily and cum 2/3 times a week

By #569792 at 19,Oct,18 13:41
Between 20 and 40 times depending on how often I have sex with a partner. I normally cum from 2 to 4 4 times a day.

By #518391 at 19,Oct,18 07:44
generally every other day, sometimes daily for a while if ultra-horny.

By foreskinlover52 at 18,Oct,18 18:27 other posts of foreskinlover52 
Lost count but at least 4 times a week

By #536316 at 18,Oct,18 18:06
depends on many issues but normally (what ever that means) I bate 2 - 3 times a week.

By #443738 at 15,Oct,18 14:05
Twice a day

By #537175 at 09,Oct,18 21:02
couple times a day if Im not with my boyfriend , even with him we like to jerk each other , sat on sofa , in car , and occasionally in cinema

By knewbi at 09,Oct,18 17:11 other posts of knewbi 
once or twice a day. maybe 40 - 45 a month.

By #559941 at 05,Oct,18 20:49
Whenever I need to cum which is about once a day.

By #529487 at 05,Oct,18 19:41
At 78 years old, once and sometimes twice a day.

By #484484 at 05,Oct,18 19:16
Daily. I cum nowadays about twice a month.

By Username22 at 05,Oct,18 16:54 other posts of Username22 
It's usually over 50 but can be up to 75 or more

By #525566 at 04,Oct,18 15:13
Once a day! (I hope everyday!)

By #568737 at 03,Oct,18 22:15
About 10 to 15 times a month. In my younger days about 35 to 60 times, often twice a night then in the morning and during the day.

By #64328 at 20,Sep,18 15:14
Always over 30 times a month. I do have days I dont but I have many days that I do 2 to 3 times a day to make up for it. My record was 13 times in one day as a teenager. Back then I probably averaged over 100 times a month for years

By #566798 at 20,Sep,18 13:41
1-4 a day mostly for me, so anywhere from 30 to well over 100! Unless I have a sex friend at the time, then I hardly need to

By #475107 at 19,Sep,18 14:38
Every day..sometimes twice a day.

By Toasty at 15,Sep,18 16:16 other posts of Toasty 
Not every day, probably 20 times. I always end it in orgasm but I want to do it for long time and have the climax more powerful feeling and then there's much more cum too.

By #64328 at 15,Sep,18 14:26
I'd estimate around 40 times a month

By #566722 at 15,Sep,18 05:46
I think about 50 times a month I masturbate.

By #539473 at 16,Oct,17 14:31
3 times a day, so at least 90 times a month.

I do it once in the morning and twice at night, otherwise I get too horny to function properly
By #463848 at 08,Dec,17 11:30
Well, at 18 that is par for the course. Keep enjoying it because time changes all things!
By #553294 at 05,Apr,18 00:36
I'm 62 & I still masturbate to orgasm 2-3 times a day when I don't have a girlfriend.

By #553294 at 04,Apr,18 17:00
When I don't have a girlfriend, I usually masturbate to orgasm 2-3 times a DAY. Sometimes up to 5 times a day if I'm extra-horny.

By #463848 at 04,Apr,18 12:55
Every day bit only about three or four times in a month to orgasm. It would be more if some of you came to see me.

By #545468 at 08,Dec,17 18:45
About once a day ... more often when it is warm since I go nude most of the time (easier to jerk off when you do not have to worry about clothes :-)

By #544985 at 08,Dec,17 11:36
[deleted image]this is the sixth time in 24 hrs but i wank for a goo4/6 hrs whilst on this site

By #544985 at 08,Dec,17 11:32
At least 20

By #545227 at 01,Dec,17 15:13
I masturbate everyday but not to orgasm. I'll cum maybe once and then it's a lot!

By #539849 at 01,Dec,17 14:10

By cumaddik at 01,Dec,17 03:38 other posts of cumaddik 
At the very least, i masturbate once a day....but most of the time, 2 times a day during the week(if not 3 times)....on the weekends, i masturbate 4 to 5 times a if you do the math... about 75 to 80 times a month...damn! just thinking about it makes me so horny! i have to masturbate again!

By #463848 at 22,Nov,17 16:02
Several times a day but not to cum.
By niceonebighead at 23,Nov,17 14:40 other posts of niceonebighead 
im samewayplus im lucky enough 2 have a lady that like 2 suck on it several times aday

By #529487 at 24,Oct,17 19:34
Once or twice a day, I guess I'm quite lucky as I'm 77.

By leopoldij at 23,Oct,17 21:31 other posts of leopoldij 
At least once a day. I also fuck. I usually cum at least 2ce a day.

By #482237 at 23,Oct,17 14:33

By #303909 at 19,Oct,17 06:59
I try do get one in every day, and sometimes even more. The best free thing ever!
By #536760 at 23,Oct,17 08:34

By PoloFields at 23,Oct,17 08:30 other posts of PoloFields 
just about every day i can get it up

By #542291 at 22,Oct,17 20:33
No more than 3 times a month, as I perfer to be sucked.

By #543195 at 22,Oct,17 02:00
[deleted image]
About 40 times a month

By #64328 at 21,Oct,17 20:40
Id estimate 30 to 40 times a month. **** and teenage years 100 plus a month.

By #532851 at 21,Oct,17 19:51
Almost every day.

By routemaster at 19,Oct,17 03:32 other posts of routemaster 

--------------------------------------- added after 27 seconds

Usually every day and sometimes twice or even three times a day but there have been very occasional days when I haven't

By TinyLittleGuy at 19,Oct,17 02:40 other posts of TinyLittleGuy 
Every day , don’t cum every time, however it feels good even though it’s real small, can only use two fingers to jerk off , it’s not big enough to use my hand

By #536019 at 17,Oct,17 12:22
Around 15 times a month, typically for an hour at a time, watching porn.

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By Arlo at 16,Oct,17 23:41 other posts of Arlo 
I jerk my cock every day, many times, but not cum every time. I cum jacking off at least every other day.

By #455846 at 16,Oct,17 15:44
as much as I can. It s great fun
By tb1 at 16,Oct,17 21:17 other posts of tb1 
me too

By #506199 at 16,Oct,17 11:11
About once a day.

By #518391 at 16,Oct,17 09:57
Every other day, sometimes daily if very horny...
[deleted image]

By Nevermore at 15,Oct,17 22:17 other posts of Nevermore 
56-62, depending on the month.

By MrBone at 15,Oct,17 22:07 other posts of MrBone 
About 20 to 25 times a month.

By leopoldij at 15,Oct,17 20:50 other posts of leopoldij 
Many times

By #285354 at 13,Jun,17 18:05
2-3 times per day, or 60-90 times a month

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