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A question for circumcised guys

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Started by Andthisisme at 17,Mar,19 14:08  other posts of Andthisisme
When you first discovered masturbation when young, did you need to use some form of lubrication to masturbate or not? (As someone with a foreskin I never found that necessary) If so what did you use?

Similar topics: 1.Thinking of getting recircumcised-can you get too tightly circumcised?   2.Circumcised/Cut guys - How did you end up with it?   3.Circumcised as an Adult   4.Circumcised Germany guys   5.Question for circumcised men - masturbating without lube  

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By #584942 at 13,Apr,19 14:59
No,I never used lube or needed to use lube to masturbate when I was young, and I am cut very tight. Using lube is more of a personal preference and is not really related to being circumcised or not.

By #554098 at 03,Apr,19 05:41
The way I discovered was with all fingers under, and the thumb on the top, stroking, and when I came, in was in my palm, so no 'Evidence' left!!

By #583549 at 01,Apr,19 00:39
I am circumcised And i have never used lube to jack off.

By #583980 at 01,Apr,19 00:31
I use oil to stroke over my shaft and glans. Native coconut-oil is No. 1 for me ;-)

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By nekekal at 28,Mar,19 03:49 other posts of nekekal 
My masturbation technique is to grab my cock firmly and slide the skin up and down, not slide over the skin so no lube is required. Young I never used lube, now I occasionally use some. I am circumcised.

By knewbi at 18,Mar,19 16:55 other posts of knewbi 
At first I just bated in the bathroom and did not use lube. But as i got older and more understanding of what I was doing I wanted long bate sessions. Lube was required to stroke my cock for hours on end. So now I generally bate for 2 to 3 hours a day and always lube up. Besides.. I find it more stimulating with a well greased cock in my hand...
By Andthisisme at 18,Mar,19 22:34 other posts of Andthisisme 
What did you use as lube?
By knewbi at 20,Mar,19 15:51 other posts of knewbi 
Oh I have used a number of things. I like the variety. Hand lotion both scented and unscented. Mix that with Vaseline. Dedicated sex lubes. Hell I try anything tht I think would make stroking smoother...
By kebmo at 23,Mar,19 14:16 other posts of kebmo 
Motor oil, olive oil (extra virgin of course), dish soap...
By #582293 at 23,Mar,19 15:35
The tears of my enemies...

By #518391 at 23,Mar,19 10:59
I always use lube otherwise I get friction burns on my knob! (Swiss Navy is qood, silicone, non oily and doesn't dry up)...
if nothing else available, saliva will always do
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By #582293 at 23,Mar,19 11:07
I use silicone based lube, too.

By Andthisisme at 23,Mar,19 11:35 other posts of Andthisisme 
That is what i thought, there would be an issue with friction, but a lot of guys who have replied have said that was never a problem and they didn't use lube. maybe style of masturbation is the reason for that difference.
By #582293 at 23,Mar,19 11:40
Yeah, and the tightness of the circumcision makes a difference, too. I have no skin movement when erect.
By Andthisisme at 23,Mar,19 11:42 other posts of Andthisisme 
Oh, yes I have noticed that on occasion, thanks for that.

By Smoothie71 at 22,Mar,19 22:00 other posts of Smoothie71 
Coconut oil

By woody4647 at 22,Mar,19 00:20 other posts of woody4647 
Been cut all my life. Never had a problem wanking. You just have to adjust the amount of pressure. I do use lube every once in a while. Regular water based lube works fine. In a emergency I have found that hair conditioner works good. It doesnt leave you sore like soap does.
By Andthisisme at 22,Mar,19 08:12 other posts of Andthisisme 
Thank for that. I am assuming that being circumcised your glans is not quite as sensitive as that of someone with a foreskin.

By kebmo at 21,Mar,19 04:43 other posts of kebmo 
I never use lube.
--------------------------------------- added after 57 hours

...but when I was young I did use Vaseline.

By SluttySarah069 at 20,Mar,19 22:44 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Never had to use lube but it does make me cum quicker

By Louis at 19,Mar,19 11:20 other posts of Louis 
I've never used any lube. Never needed any. Of course when I was young, up to cetain age I never knew such a thing existed. So I went without, and been having good results ever since!
By Andthisisme at 19,Mar,19 13:21 other posts of Andthisisme 
Thanks as a guy with foreskin i assumed that a lack of the same would pose some problems but clearly from the responses in tis thread that is not the case.

By hotcock33 at 19,Mar,19 04:13 other posts of hotcock33 
Rarely use lube...very rarely, and never needed it to wack. My wife's friend actually told her recently she preferred uncut guys cause she didn't know how you could give a cut guy a handjob without hurting him cause the lack of extra skin. I was like wtf!? Been giving myself lube free handjobs my whole life and never had an issue.
By Andthisisme at 19,Mar,19 08:17 other posts of Andthisisme 
Thanks that really makes things clear.

By 3fdfd at 19,Mar,19 05:52 other posts of 3fdfd 
Been jerking since I was 14. Never used nor needed any kind of lube. Maybe I am missing something ? But my hand works just fine.

By pifad at 18,Mar,19 15:57 other posts of pifad 
I never use lube to masturbate
By Andthisisme at 18,Mar,19 16:17 other posts of Andthisisme 
Thans that is interesting. I always assumed that the glans would be to sensitive to 'stroke' initially. Clearly i was wrong.

By wycowboy at 18,Mar,19 12:24 other posts of wycowboy 
I've never needed lube but have found that it makes my orgasm much better if I use some. I prefer Astroglide.

By MM_DD at 17,Mar,19 15:07 other posts of MM_DD 
Definitely. My go-to was Vaseline. It felt great, but it always left a heavy residue on my hands and, of course, on my penis. I would have to wash my hands several times after masturbating, and even then I could never get the Vaseline off completely until I showered.

Years later I discovered the delights of using massagers/vibrators, so that's my go-to these days whenever I feel the need to masturbate. Much prefer it over the "old days"!
By Andthisisme at 17,Mar,19 16:49 other posts of Andthisisme 
Thanks, I hadn't thought of vaseline. but i can certainly see the problems with it.

By #434610 at 17,Mar,19 15:10
I dont need lube cause i precum alot
By Andthisisme at 17,Mar,19 16:48 other posts of Andthisisme 
So even right from the get go you had no need of lube. Interesting, thanks.

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