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mother fucking

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Started by #4162 at 05,Feb,11 13:59
has any one fucked their mother willingly or otherwise

Similar topics: 1.Mother in law   2.Would u fuck ur best friends Mother?   3.Yay! Blocked for the first time!   4.Happy Mother’s Day   5.Anybody want to fuck is mother like me  

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By #573046 at 13,Dec,18 04:06
I still dreaming about my mother. She is divorced. One time I saw her masturbating as she tought was alone. I watched her through the door crack and saw her with her legs spread open and tits out of her bra.She was fucking her pussy with her vibrator and I got so horny and hard watching her. I sniff her dirty panties as well, when I found them. Taste her used dirty panties while I masturbate. I am so into her, but don't know how to attract my mother.
By leopoldij at 14,Dec,18 03:46 other posts of leopoldij 
This is surely a fantasy.
By #535819 at 14,Dec,18 04:02
Lets hope it is.

By DJS at 26,Jul,22 16:45 other posts of DJS 
Seeing its a 3yrs old post I just hope your still locked up in the asylum & they've took your pc or phone off you

By #675701 at 26,Jul,22 02:48
Hi guy that just sick

By wycowboy at 15,Dec,18 20:56 other posts of wycowboy 
I haven't and wouldn't fuck my own mom but there are many mothers out there that I would!

By #532415 at 14,Dec,18 21:50
Sad but true. I do fantasize about fucking my Mom...Saw her and Dad too many times as a kid I guess...

By #551147 at 14,Dec,18 11:25
THIS SHIT SHOULD BE DUMPSTERED!! My opinion, of course...

By slipper at 08,Feb,11 22:26 other posts of slipper 
When I was in jr. high the kid (a year older) nextdoor had a step-dad on the road trucking most of the time and a mom who was an infamous bar-maid and town-slut who came home drunk or worse most of the time, at all hours day or night. One night her son showed her to me passed out on her bed and asked if I'd like to see her pussy. When I didn't immediately respond, not knowing what to think or say, he pulled up her flowing loose skirt and lifted her legs wide apart. She didn't have on any panties. I was shocked but fascinate! I'd never seen an adult pussy before! No one shaved at that time so he reached down with both hands and spread her hair and then her dripping pussy lips (large ones, as I recall so many year later). I stared and got instantly hard, which with the loose pants at the time, he could tell. He asked if I wanted to fuck her... right then. He said he did it all the time when she was like this and if I didn't want to I could leave and he would. I was young, naive and didn't think I should watch... so with painful boner I left as he was dropping his pants. It's the only time I ever saw him with a hard-on. **it happens.

By Gntlmn at 08,Feb,11 21:02 other posts of Gntlmn 
Got aunts in your pants?

By #59855 at 05,Feb,11 17:30
From Matt's Wife: This a sick and strange fantasy
By #7976 at 06,Feb,11 01:40
I agree with you 100% however, according to Dr. Freud, the Oedipus complex is very common and normal when a boy is in his adolescence. His mother is his best friend in childhood and in many cases the only female he has ever intimately known. So while the question is truly strange and disturbing, it's not all that abnormal.
By #5532 at 07,Feb,11 09:13
Having the complex may be normal, however when it passes into sexual thoughts and urges, or worse, acting on those, we are a long way from Sigmund.
By #7976 at 08,Feb,11 01:05
How right you are....
By #45601 at 08,Feb,11 04:46
Freud was also proven to be one of the biggest jokes in psychology

By #7976 at 06,Feb,11 01:01
If this is the best question you can come up with, how about exercising the old adage, "If you don't have anything positive to say, just don
't say anything".

By #88663 at 05,Feb,11 16:30
That's just not right!!!!

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