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The Way Your Balls Hang

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Started by #88754 at 24,Mar,11 13:25
Is there any collation between being right handed and your right nut being lower then your left or be left handed and your left nut being lower. Take a look and give me your feedback. Check out your buddys.

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New Comment

By #101127 at 23,May,11 22:15
I'm right handed and my balls r 2 tight

By nickt at 29,Mar,11 07:39 other posts of nickt 
I am right handed. My left nut hangs lower. But my right nut is the bigger one. My left nut kinda sits different to. The right is standing straight up but the left lays down.

By spermkiss at 24,Mar,11 17:04 other posts of spermkiss 
This has been discussed before on the Forum and there is indeed a connection between handedness and which testicle hangs lower. For right handed men the left testicle usually hangs lower and vice versa for left handed men. Since most men are right handed, it follows that most men's left testicle hangs lower. There are exceptions, however.

I don't know why there would be a connection between handedness and testicles, but it does indeed exist and has been known for centuries. If you don't believe me, do an internet search of "Handedness and Testicles" and see what you come up with.
By #145310 at 24,Mar,11 19:08
Maybe it has something to do with gravity being stronger on the left side than the right. That makes as much sense as anything else I read on this page.
By spermkiss at 25,Mar,11 00:19 other posts of spermkiss 
The word "stronger" in your comment caused a light bulb to light up in my head. Though I'm sure that your remark about gravity was flippant, consider this. A man whose dominant hand is his right is usually dominant on the right side over his entire body (leg, ear, eye, etc.) and he generally has more strength in the muscles on the right side. Might it not follow that the stronger muscles on this side of his body could draw up his right testicle higher? Just a thought.
By spermkiss at 25,Mar,11 16:54 other posts of spermkiss 
I am egarly awaiting any comments on my idea that stronger muscles on a man's dominant side could draw up the the testicle on that side. Are there any SYD members with greater knowledge on this subject than my own who'd care to comment?

By #34386 at 25,Mar,11 10:26
Well spermkiss its not to go against your data but Im left handed (dont know many left handed we are few ) and my left testicle hands cleary lower than right, so not sure about that left or right decide where it hang Im with zakwild that somewhere read too that the left side its the usually lower nut in men (although not done any new google research lately so maybe Im wrong but in that case Im the exception
By spermkiss at 25,Mar,11 16:46 other posts of spermkiss 
I, too, am an exception. I am right handed and my right testicle hangs lower. FishermanJoe's lover (see his comment above, at the top of the page, not directly above) is also an exception. Like you, he is left handed and his left testicle hangs lower.

The rule about handedness and testicles is a guideline, not a hard and fast rule. There are indeed exceptions. FishermanJoe's lover, you and I are three.

As I said in my first post, this has been discussed before here on the Forum. That prompted me to do the internet search on the subject and I learned that the connection between handedness and testicles has been known for centuries, at least since the Italian Renaissance. Perhaps not widely known, but known.
By #34386 at 26,Mar,11 20:43
Well after this was curious so check the internet for more info (in spanish so to change jeje) and yeah for what I read 65% of men has the left testicle lower than the right, and like you said since Ancient Greece and even the miguel angel from davinchi the escultures show the left more lower. Of course that leave 35% percent outside and other teories to see

By #2331 at 24,Mar,11 14:44
Yes there is a string attached from yor hands to your nuts!!
Sometimes I cant believe the things that I read on this site.
By #145310 at 24,Mar,11 18:58
What about those who are ambidextrous?
By MoeJoe at 25,Mar,11 08:38 other posts of MoeJoe 
It makes them ambitestical...

By #70814 at 24,Mar,11 15:46
I think it's natural that the left ball hangs lower than the right one. I read that somewhere.

Mine does

[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 24,Mar,11 17:05 other posts of spermkiss 
You're absolutely right. See my comment below.

By niginni at 24,Mar,11 15:43 other posts of niginni 
im right handed my left ball hangs slightly lower than right

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