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Any Other Guys Into Sounding?

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Started by #150240 at 29,Mar,11 19:44
I recently started sounding and love the feeling. I bought a set of Hegar sounds and love them. I am only at 6mm so far but want to get bigger. Does anyone know about how long it takes before the urethra will stretch up to a largrer size?

Similar topics: 1.sounding - which young guys like it   2.Sounding   3.Sounding question   4.Sounding   5.Sounding for beginners  

New Comment

By thicknsmooth at 18,Jan,25 23:51 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I have interest in trying it but I don’t know how to start
By Lik2play at 19,Jan,25 03:43 other posts of Lik2play 
Start with a small rod work ur way up..I use a small stainless steel rod. When it reaches my prostate I put a vibrator on the against the rod. Very nice

By Cody8789 at 19,Jan,25 01:08 other posts of Cody8789 
I would never stick anything in there, too scared to try, and don’t want to anyway, but not saying I’m against it, just not interested

By Lik2play at 18,Jan,25 21:31 other posts of Lik2play 
I have been sounding for a while now. I had a girlfriend that was into it she like doing it to me. It's ok.

By oldfartwatching at 23,Aug,24 15:53 other posts of oldfartwatching 
I have been sounding for many years and the feeling is amazing. Would love to chat with others that are into it
By hoodoo at 11,Jan,25 00:07 other posts of hoodoo 
I have been self cathing for many yrs, I enjoy it.

By oldfartwatching at 11,Nov,24 02:01 other posts of oldfartwatching 
Got new rods in Today cant wait to try them out

By Lik2play at 03,Nov,24 18:19 other posts of Lik2play 
Yes I do enjoy it

By bildo1 at 14,Oct,24 20:15 other posts of bildo1 
I bought a set of 3mm, 5mm, 7mm. Like a rigid string of pearls, chrome. The 3mm is no issue, the 5mm is just right, tight and lots of stimulation. I can't even get the 7mm to start, tried to stretch for a long time, but no go.

By Cody8789 at 23,Aug,24 18:38 other posts of Cody8789 
Are you guys crazy
By Jamie at 23,Aug,24 18:40 other posts of Jamie 
I try it fils funny
By Cody8789 at 23,Aug,24 18:42 other posts of Cody8789 
That’s not for me
By Jamie at 23,Aug,24 18:46 other posts of Jamie 
Had you ever been in the hospital for surgery. They stick a long tube in so you can pee . When they pull it out. There's a funny filling
By Cody8789 at 23,Aug,24 19:01 other posts of Cody8789 
Never been in a hospital unless I was visiting someone
By Jamie at 25,Sep,24 19:28 other posts of Jamie 
was in the hospital a month they stuck a long tube in my penis there was a bag beside the bed. It felt weird when they pull it out
By Cody8789 at 25,Sep,24 21:12 other posts of Cody8789 
I hope I never have to be in the hospital, I don’t want a catheter in me.

By oldfartwatching at 25,Sep,24 18:50 other posts of oldfartwatching 
still working on getting a finger in my cock. Can get 11mm hagar in with out much effort

By lovetolickyou at 10,Sep,24 18:34 other posts of lovetolickyou 
Sometimes I like it. I always thought it would be interesting to share a sound with another guy. I'd love to have a girl with small hands stick her pinkie in my cock and finger me.
By oldfartwatching at 10,Sep,24 22:24 other posts of oldfartwatching 
I would love to have a finger inserted into my cock. Not there yet but working on it

By lovetolickyou at 10,Sep,24 18:32 other posts of lovetolickyou 
duplicate post

By oldfartwatching at 25,Aug,24 15:52 other posts of oldfartwatching 
Don't knock it till you try it

By #554098 at 09,Jun,18 03:28
A guy I work with had kidney stones, and he said that he went in for some out-patient procedure, and they went in, through the urethra, because of where they were, but he was lucky, because the stones were less than 10mm.
He had two days of uncomfortable personal issues, that thankfully he didn't say in detail.
I would assume that 10mm is the limit, based on what he said.
If you get to that point, though, I would imagine the next day or two might be uncomfortable, or 'leaky'!!
10mm is about 3/8 inches, but that is like having a pencil shoved up in there!! Seems a bad, painful idea!!

By cumonme1 at 07,Jun,18 11:40 other posts of cumonme1 
I have tried it but it really doesn't do anything for me maybe I don't know what I am doing

By #121361 at 20,Jun,16 04:38
[deleted image]
By #515780 at 05,Jun,18 09:18

By massco at 04,May,18 02:27 other posts of massco 
I like the feeling but I bleed for days after I do it. Not using really big sounds either
By #181785 at 03,Jun,18 06:53
Use lots of lube and try a smaller size. Be very careful.

By #522791 at 03,Jun,18 01:24
Have been for a long time... especially vibrating them when inserted

By Olddude at 19,Jun,16 12:09 other posts of Olddude 
Love sounding, keep at it best advise i can give.
By #554098 at 02,Jun,18 04:46
what about sounding vibrators? Ever tried those?

By alittletotheleft at 03,May,18 02:55 other posts of alittletotheleft 
Been sounding for years. Love the feeling more and more. At a point of inserting my little finger almost all the way. Love to cum with sounds. Can't say how many different things have been inserted, just know it keeps getting better and better.

By #508103 at 26,Jun,16 06:14
Not into sounding, but I can take a sharpie pen all the way up my cock. Im thinking of making a new urethra hole right above my testicles so I can lock a padlock through my cock or a woman can blow through it however its apparently difficult to not get closed up.

By #249167 at 21,Jun,16 09:48
I have tried it a few times, I got it a decent way in. It felt amazing

By Mrbigdoc at 19,Jun,16 12:21 other posts of Mrbigdoc 
I enjoy at times. so good to explore

By 2pierced at 06,Jun,15 11:27 other posts of 2pierced 
I also love sounding, my advice is to just keep enjoying the size that fits comfortably. You will find that your urethra gradually enjoy larger sizes as you learn to relax the muscles more and more. I'm at 14 mm and this very likely will be the limit on my urethra will accommodate, but the important thing is to enjoy where you're at.

By hytiger at 06,Jun,15 06:00 other posts of hytiger 
I love it

By _avg_ at 05,Jun,15 06:01 other posts of _avg_ 
I'm a big audiophile......



By #121361 at 05,Jun,15 05:01
[deleted image]

By #10886 at 29,Mar,11 19:48
Sounds like fun!! Check my page!!
By #150240 at 29,Mar,11 20:20
Thanks... you've got some hot pics.... I wish I were uncircumsized.

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