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My Tight Cousin

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Started by #141256 at 11,May,11 08:49
i am 31 years old and my cousin she is turning 18 she has an awesome body blonde hair shaved and about 110 pounds with 32D tits that are so firm . we have has sex before she says when my cock is in her its the best feeling cause i have a 8 1/2 inch cock and her pussy is tight as if she never used it before . DOES ANYONE HAVE PROBLEMS INSERTING THERE DICKS INTO YOUNGER GIRLS

Similar topics: 1.fucking your cousin   2.Jerking off for my cousin...maybe!   3.Lets make a casting for my life   4.when at what age did someone other than family of the opposite sex see you completely nude   5.Fucking my cousin  

New Comment

By #427539 at 03,Sep,13 23:28
Kissing cousins? Yaky thats wrong cousins are closelly related they should not play around, t
By Rose at 04,Sep,13 03:07 other posts of Rose 
Are you for real?! But, it is ok that you fuck your mother-in-law?!

By #244480 at 30,Apr,13 12:23
No problem here,
By bella! at 30,Apr,13 12:49 other posts of bella! 
I'm curious, how many toes on each foot do you have?
By Arlo at 30,Apr,13 13:01 other posts of Arlo 

By #303133 at 30,Apr,13 13:55
Bella has developed a foot fetish!
(And, an INBRED foot fetish at that.)
By bella! at 30,Apr,13 14:09 other posts of bella! 
No, not a foot fetish. Maybe the question I should have asked was how many real teeth ( store bought doesn't count ) do you have? And does your alarm clock play "Dueling Banjos"? What was I thinking!? An alarm clock!? That's a device that us city folk might use to wake up to go to our jobs....
By #201583 at 30,Apr,13 21:48
Us good ole Dixie folk use the crow of country pigeons, (yard birds, aka chickens) to wake. If a country boy sleeps in its only because the roosters dead. However, country boys only use alarm clocks during deer season.
By bella! at 30,Apr,13 22:33 other posts of bella! 
Since when does living in Chi-town qualify you as being country boy?
By #201583 at 01,May,13 00:17
Born in Texas, and raised in the middle of nowhere Indiana. And yes, we had butt loads of yard birds.

By #248006 at 25,Apr,13 20:31
Other than the whole fantasy about the cousin, 32D tithes, 8 1/2 inch cock, etc... Younger women are wonder....just like older women. All women are amazing and fantastic, the most wonderful things in the world! My GF just turned 27, and I'm 65. I have no idea why she loves, my, but I'm not gonna screw it up by asking. It might have something to do with being an older guy, and we are VERY patient, put our lady's needs and wants first, before ours; and can go a long time before cumming. Other than that, let your imagination be your guide. If you think I'm wrong, ask some of the wonderful ladies here, like Darling Steffi and Precious Peach. THEY are the experts!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Sorry for all the typos. I'm not sure it they are caused by the site, the word processor, or my dottering, aged fingers. I also apologize for missing Matt's Wife in the list of wise and beautiful ladies.
By bigone21 at 25,Apr,13 22:33 other posts of bigone21 
I don't know if Matt's Wife wants to be in your list of wise and beautiful ladies...

Her comment on this topic was:

Matt52 at 11,May,11 16:11
"From Matt's Wife: Wrong on so many levels"

This woman is not a libertarian in any way as it comes to sex! Actually, I think she is JohnS' wive!!

By #68656 at 26,Apr,13 12:16
That statement is too ridiculous for informed comment. How can the lady in question be my wife when she already is married and lives in the US, while I live in Australia.
It is yet another example of the obtuse, convoluted nonsense that emanates from the big man, maybe the windmills of his mind are starting to rust.??
By #303133 at 26,Apr,13 13:41
When all of the b lood rushes to the penis, it deprives the brain of oxygen supply...
By #59855 at 26,Apr,13 16:10
From Matt's Wife: I have to agree with that Justwill. Makes it hard for the talking penis to think.

By bigone21 at 26,Apr,13 20:42 other posts of bigone21 
I did not mean it to be a serious comment...

= NOT serious, just having fun!

By bigone21 at 24,Apr,13 20:40 other posts of bigone21 
i think the question:


is even more stupid than this whole i n c e s t-case! haha!!

a. you are not 31 y/o;
b. she is not your cousin;
c. she is not 110 pounds;
d. she has no 32D tits that are so firm;
e. she did not have your cock in her;
f. it's not the best feeling she ever had;
g. your cock is not 8 1/2 inches!

ok, have a wank, and have a glorious orgasm!!

and to answer your question: no, i have no problems inserting it into a younger girl! never had, never have, never did, never do! haha!!

By chamoo at 12,May,11 09:10 other posts of chamoo 
in germany its leagal between cousins, dont now how it is in US or so, but i dont mind, have your fun

By #59855 at 11,May,11 20:11
From Matt's Wife: Wrong on so many levels

By #6568 at 11,May,11 13:22
Actually in most places in the world a cousin is NOT considered to be any danger of inbreeding (which is what the incest laws are really about)...whether or not it's biologically desirable.

Also, both these people are adults even tho' the girl is under 21 she is still of consentable age. As far as the age differential, I personally know three couples where thre is a 20+ year age difference, and all seem fine. You can be legally married at 17 in many countries. Some close friends of mine got married when the woman was still under 21 and since she her parents had died, her new husband was also made her 'ward' for the first 6 months of their married life......

......In case you have'nt noticed, 18 year old women DO tend to have sex!! older more experienced man is a fairly good idea too!

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