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fucking your cousin

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Started by #53282 at 16,Feb,10 21:17
my younger cousin that i have fancied for a while was at a party very drunk started to cum on to me and wen i was sat in my living room she came in and lay on the coach nxt to me and started rubbing my cock first with her feet then her hand outside my clothes she then put her hand down my pants and started wanking me so i stopped her. since then she keeps trying to get me to have sex. Plz help shud i and wud u

Similar topics: 1.Jerking off for my cousin...maybe!   2.My Tight Cousin   3.My Cousin-in-Law wants to move in...   4.Lets make a casting for my life   5.Fucking my cousin  

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By nekekal at 18,Dec,24 02:51 other posts of nekekal 
Well, I don't fuck drunk women, much as I would love to take advantage of them. But I would certainly let her know that if she wanted to be fucked, I was ready to fuck her.

Good luck.

I always wanted to fuck my cousin, we are the same age, and used to hang out together, but she was more interested in my brother. I don't think that he ever fucked her either.
By Tempp at 30,Dec,24 04:23 other posts of Tempp 
The drunk woman I went to bed with once was a terrible lover. Crazy bitch, a real turnoff. I told her to get dressed and I took her home.
By nekekal at 30,Dec,24 17:41 other posts of nekekal 
Unfortunately, she sounds like a lot of non drunk women
That I fucked.

By Lostoffshore at 02,Dec,24 02:24 other posts of Lostoffshore 
When i was about 13 my cousin and her friend, little younger came into my bedroom at our holiday home and said ill show you mine if you do too. I was pretty young and nieve so said sure. She pulled her knickers down and gave me a great look at her bald beaver. Think it was the first i had seen. my turn se said to which i dropped my pants. she looked for a bit and then left. Her friend was a but more inquisitive and asked could she touch it and i thought why not. she played a bit and my cousin walked back in, sat next to us and next thing she had me in her mouth. This was a first and did not take long before i told her i was going to cum. She then proceeded to pump my little cock until it exploded. I was scared at this point of folks at the back of the home. Then my cousin infomed me she had been doing this to her brothers friends for months. I never got the chance to fuck her later in life but wished i had.
By CreativeOne at 14,Dec,24 22:15 other posts of CreativeOne 
Very cool story
By Lostoffshore at 24,Dec,24 02:00 other posts of Lostoffshore 
Thanks, i often have a wank and think about the younger days and what if?

By Mongo at 23,Dec,24 05:27 other posts of Mongo 
Mama Cat52!fuck uncle. Mongo own cousin.

By Cody8789 at 15,Dec,24 02:14 other posts of Cody8789 
That’s the difference between me and others, I would have never taken advantage of someone that was drunk at the time. I bet she regrets having sex with her cousin. You don’t think straight when your drunk, so if you have to take advantage of someone not in there right mind you are an idiot.

By thicknsmooth at 15,Dec,24 01:41 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I never fucked but my cousin and I started sucking each other’s dicks when we were 12 years old and we continued to suck on each other until we were about 14 years old. Great memories I loved to suck his smooth cock and balls. I was much bigger than him so he would only suck on my head and lick my shaft but I still enjoyed it

By Allalexallday at 02,Dec,24 02:11 other posts of Allalexallday 
When I was in my twenties my female cousin was at my house. We had a few people over but it started get late so I took a shower only to have her come in after get naked and say it like when we were kids. She got in and started washing me. I got rock hard instantly. I couldn't take it so I bent her over and slammed her wet little pussy. Then she says come in me I can't get pregnant. I filled her with my creamy load. Never happened again but I was awesome.

By JaySway at 10,Jun,24 19:13 other posts of JaySway 
I spent 1 whole summer fucking my cousin. She was staying with us for vacation and caught me jerking off. She let me suck her tits and then went down on me and we fucked every night after that. Didn't use condom so was very lucky. Didn't get together again after that summer until years later after she lost her husband. Now fuck occasionally when we have the opportunity

By wycowboy at 28,Jan,19 14:18 other posts of wycowboy 
You should and I would have. I have some cousins that I would fuck in a heartbeat if I had the chance.

By #578258 at 28,Jan,19 05:28
I havent fucked my cousins, but one time when we were kids, my cousins brother and one year older sister came to visit us. At night we all four including my brother, slept in same a big bed. My brother and cousin started do weird things.Rubbed to each other like fucking. Me and his sister just watched them. Then she offered show me something.She was wearing white panties and bra. She pulled her panties down and for a first time I saw a pussy. She had pretty hairy pussy and was warm there. I touched her pubes and pussy. It was wet and sweaty.

By #487013 at 27,Nov,18 13:43
Well, if things don’t work out romantically at least y’all will still be cousins.

By #535695 at 26,Nov,18 15:52
Respect to you, not many from arkansas would have turned it down.
By #551147 at 27,Nov,18 09:24
Niiiice one!

By #533385 at 26,Nov,18 15:30
I was in a similar situation when I was in my 20's and yes I did fuck her, how could you turn it down when it was offered. I moved away with work and got married not long after. Sadly I found out a number of years later that my cousin had a daughter, she told me it was mine but I was not on the birth certificate!!

By #515031 at 25,Nov,18 06:16
I say go for it. I would if she was my cousin. I think geneticly it woukd not hurt the world for two cousins to fuck.

By massco at 25,Nov,18 02:06 other posts of massco 
I wouldn't pass it up.

By leopoldij at 24,Nov,18 23:53 other posts of leopoldij 
She's Not my cousin,
But i still fuck her
[deleted image]

By #545468 at 14,Nov,18 03:34
The gene pool is deep enough ... If you want, go for I. Fuck her like there's no tomorrow.

By #53780 at 17,Feb,10 23:11
Jealous people !
By slipper at 19,Feb,10 06:18 other posts of slipper 

By #53780 at 16,Feb,10 22:02
i wud fuk her the hardest i've ever done and if u dnt YOU'RE NO MAN next time she cums to u rip her clothes off and fuk her if ur dick works , i mean i dnt really kno wats goin on with u ?there u put a vry vry hot pic of a beauty breast fuk n saying that its your ex and why did u lose her ???????????contact me on my own page not here pls and explain maybe i can help

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