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... First Saw Someone Naked ...

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Started by #112729 at 19,May,11 03:42
So when did you first see someone "Naked" ?
My first experience was at the public pool ! I was about 6 ... I think and it was in the changing room and I saw my first cock and he was about 25 and he was very well endowed ! My eyes open wide ... I was truly amazed ! From that day forth ... I love Nudity !!!

Similar topics: 1.Naked 24/7   2.Women and naked men   3.Naked men vs naked women   4.Sleeping naked   5.Full body naked  

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By neednopants at 19,Mar,23 09:07 other posts of neednopants 
I had a good friend, and we used to play nude very often, in our room, in an old barn, in nature. It started at the age of about six, and it was just curiosity and fun, no sexuality.

By #662360 at 15,Mar,23 21:02
In my all boys school gym showers aged about 12. Small hairless non erect cocks.

By Mynakedcock at 15,Mar,23 19:40 other posts of Mynakedcock 
First time I see someone naked except for family I was probably about 5 years old when I went to the swimming pool.
The changing rooms were communal so we all had to change in front of each other and shower too.
I remember going in to changing rooms with my dad and there were a few others in there of differing ages, including one girl probably about 8 years old in there with her dad he was totally naked as well as a few of the other guys, she still had her knickers on but then took them off too and was then fully naked.

By #574505 at 15,Mar,22 19:14
9 years old

By nekekal at 15,Mar,22 05:49 other posts of nekekal 
Town I lived in had a public swimming pool. My mother thought everyone need to know how to swim. So she enrolled us in swim class when we were 6 or 7. The change room was common for men, and another for women.

So about age six I saw lots of kids naked. Besides my older brother that I shared a room with. We were naked together every night.

By wycowboy at 14,Mar,22 00:14 other posts of wycowboy 
I'm not sure nut probably about 4 or 5. My parents rented a house with a partially finished basement. To get to my bedroom I had to go through my older sisters bedroom. She was older, about 8. There wasn't a door on her room or mine. So, I started seeing her nude every now and then and she saw me. Being the ages we were it was no big deal to us. We moved from that place to another rental with an unfinished basement and 3 upstairs bedrooms. I got to sleep in the unfinished basement and my parents and my 2 sisters got their own bedrooms upstairs. By now me and my sister were so used to seeing each other nude we just continued to do so at times as did my little sister. I was about 10 by then so getting an erection took about as much effort as blinking your eyes so every time I saw my sister my cock got hard seeing her pointy tits and little hairy muff. We started masturbating in front of each other and little sis joined in later, something we continued into the times we left home.

By #662360 at 13,Mar,22 22:48
Saw my first naked boys in gym showers at my all boys school aged about 12. Saw my first naked hard up cock there about the same age. Saw my first naked woman in my early teens. I was in our local swimming baths. Metal plate partitions between changing cubicles had gaps and rivet holes and through a gap I watched a woman undressing in the next cubicle. Saw her tits, cunt and bum.

By #390287 at 20,Sep,13 05:32
well, I showered with my dad until I was around 7.

By #379777 at 20,Sep,13 03:34
my fisrt time was when me and my **** and his friend went camping in the back yard and we were sitting out there and my **** said dont look at him for a while so i waited and he said look so i did and then i saw him masturbate and then cum.The sight to my eyes was just an a amazment and then said if you touch mine i would touch yours so i did just for a second and thought it felt wierd so i did it again and he said ok now take yours out so i did and wanked on my cock a little little and just kept doing that through the night and of course did the same to his friend and then did that since i was 5 till now which is 12 years old.

please comment
By CreativeOne at 20,Sep,13 04:53 other posts of CreativeOne 
Great story "dirtyboy12" !

By Ray10754 at 11,Dec,11 15:23 other posts of Ray10754 
For me it was around 8-9 years of age couldn't even begin to tell you how may I have seen since that day,been a lifelong nudist since I was 18 and have been to numerouse nude beaches and resorts all over the states and yes I have seen all types,it is a rather inlighting experiance to say the least

By #1058 at 13,Jun,11 11:25
Not certain when, but from quite an early age. My mother never bothered about closing the bedroom door when she was changing, even when I was in my teens, so I was quite used to seeing her. When I was about 5 my mother used to visit a friend of hers who had a daughter about my age and we quite often used to go down the bottom of the garden in the summer, behind a shed, strip off and show each other our differences. And then when I was in my teens my sister who is 2 years younger than me used to invite me into her bedroom where we would stip off and masterbate in front of each other. Perhaps these things have had a lasting affect and why I feel so comfortable with nudity.

By #27233 at 12,Jun,11 00:33
my first time i saw someone naked who was older then me was when i was about 8 and he was about 17 and was the son of my parents friends.
it was the school holiday and he and i went to the local pool for a swim we alreay had our trunks,so we just undressed and had our swim.
in the changing room afterwards it was there when things happened he took me into the showers and pulled down my trunks i could see him looking at my smooth little boys cut willy before he pulled off his own pair. it was my turn to stare, his willy was uncut and it was framed by a beautiful bush i cant remember how long i was staring coz he asked me if i liked what i saw i blushed and said yes he laughed and said dont worry he went through the same when he was little and it was sometime since he saw a boys willy and with that he poured soap into his hand and washed my body and little willy he then asked me to do the same to him and as a little boy ( at the time ) i wanted to know what it felt like to touch a willy and to run my hands over his foreskin and pubic hair it did feel wonderful.
he told me to in time mine would get bigger and grow hair around it but i wouldnt have any foreskin as it was removed.

afterwards he and i got dressed and then we went home. we did repeat our trip to the local pool and our time in the shower (it was a cubical one so others didn't see what we was doing ).

when i was with other boys of my own age ( then ) we played i show you mine if you show me yours ( as we all tend to do) i guess it was a part of growing up.

i did enjoy my time as a kid and with that older boy

but i think today it be totally different and it wouldn't be allowed and he be in trouble.

but as kid then i didnt think it was strange it just felt normal.

By #7976 at 06,Jun,11 00:46
No one in my family has ever been shy about nudity in their homes. I saw my parents, aunts & uncles, grandparents nude from the time I was born. Outside the house, probably when I was five or six and at the time I joined the YMCA in the 50's everyone swam nude except on family day once a month. Nudity has always been a part of my life. My wife and I have also gone to nude beaches and swimming holes in the wilderness with others for for years as well.

By #106949 at 05,Jun,11 20:02
I don't recall how old I was when I saw my first pussy, but I know I was younge. My aunt and I used to go up to a friends and use his sauna. That's probably why I've never been stunned with the female parts. A hard cock on the other hand, fucking amazing.

By #27233 at 05,Jun,11 11:42
I was about 5 and it was in school & we had a class assembly with all the other kids in the school and there was one girl from another class ( and a neighbour of mine ) select to perform a dance, she entered the assembly hall wearing nothing but a skirt made of streamers which meant you could see her little naked bum but the best bit by far is when she turned around you got to see her beautiful little mini ( what us brit guys call pussy ) i still can remember ever little detail of that dance and what i saw will always stay with me,many years have past now and i havent seen that girl since my school days but i thank her for giving me my first memory of seeing a young female naked.

By #6568 at 19,May,11 06:54
By #112729 at 19,May,11 13:09
Thank You for sharing this Blog with me ! Everyone here should read it and add comments to it ! I wish I had an experience like that ! So everyone ... if your reading this , check out his blog , you'll be glad you did .... trust me !!!
By #6568 at 19,May,11 14:37
Thank you for your comments!....I'm pleased you enjoyed it!

There is some other similar stuff on my blog which you might enjoy also including how I found this site thru a female aquaintance, and what happened next, so please take a look.

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