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Who has used viagra?

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Started by #161462 at 06,Jun,11 03:40
who has used Viagra or something similar? how was the hard on and the sex?

Similar topics: 1.drugs and sex   2.Wanking wif viagra   3.viagra   4.Viagra   5.Generic Viagra or Cialis  

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By DarkMax at 02,Aug,17 13:50 other posts of DarkMax 
I have used an analog. And I broke the ring during sex...

By #487013 at 02,Aug,17 13:46
Why would you want used medication? How would that work? They barf it up or suck it out of your pee hole?

By #61033 at 08,Oct,16 06:09
I have a supply. I am uncut and was over sensitive on my cock head which made BJ's very uncomfortable for me. I keep my foreskin pulled back to desensitise the glans and can now enjoy vigorous BJ's and hand jobs with no discomfort at all. The downside is that I no longer have the same sensation when copulating and tend to soften due to lack of stimulation. So while I do not need ED medication I use Viagra or Cialis from time to time to ensure I keep a good solid erection during intercourse. There is nothing wrong with my erections, I get such strong night erections that I often wake up from the tension! My morning wood also prevents me from relieving my bladder for a while too!
Cialis is preferred because of the longer effectiveness and zero side effects (for me). Viagra tends to give me a stuffy nose and sometimes blue vision.
By #536760 at 02,Aug,17 03:18

By kebmo at 08,Oct,16 05:35 other posts of kebmo 
I tried it once last month. My doctor said that if I take it and go shopping, nothing will happen, I still need stimulation. Two guys sucking my cock sure stimulated me...for about three hours! It was harder for longer than normal. Of course that could have been Brad and Drew's cocks in my mouth at the same time too.
The bottom line? I recommend that you try it and see how it works for you. I only got two pills in a free sample and still have the other one. For other guys, ask your doctor if he has samples for you to try.

By #316057 at 08,Oct,16 05:33
try it once and it gave me heart burns never took them again

By #17000 at 08,Oct,16 01:13
I've got a prescript for V, and for a generic. My urologist told me to use it, whether I did anything with the erection or not. I've taken it without any intentions of rubbing one or two out, and there was nothing at all, no reaction. Thus it helps to have a stimulation visual, like SYD or SYC. And it IS nice to have a firm dick in my hand at my age.
By phart at 08,Oct,16 01:27 other posts of phart 
what was the name of the generic?
Mycoxaphlopin or Ibepokin? Just saw a chance to finally get to use that joke!

By #2331 at 06,Jun,11 10:56
Why buy used viagra when you can get fresh stuff!!!
By #23212 at 07,Jun,11 00:33
Why buy used, you ask? Because the 'used' stuff doesn't give you any of the side effects, like burning hot, etc., as they've already been done to the first 'owner'.
By #17000 at 08,Oct,16 01:07
Now, THAT is funny!

By phart at 07,Oct,16 21:44 other posts of phart 
If I have a erection that last 4 hours I would probably pass out or be dancing around town naked as a jay bird bragging!

By #519017 at 07,Oct,16 21:10
Recently tried it. Fantastic! At my doctors suggestion I tried a half tablet. Pack said take an hour before sex, I found best to take about 3 hours before. Important to remember viagra doesn't give you an erection but you need to get sexually aroused like with your partner or with porn or fingering your dick and thinking about sex. After taking v, waiting about 2-3 hours then working up a hard on thinking of sex I got an erection as big and stiff and sensitive as in my teens! I could wank it for ages and hold it back, then squirted my load when I wanted too. Then when I'd shot my cream I was still almost as hard up as I was before and stroked off another one. Even about 5-6 hours later, in the bedroom watching my woman strip I was up hard and had a good one up her. No side effects, no headache. I still get hard playing with my woman even without v, but v certainly adds to my sex pleasure.

By #291618 at 26,Sep,12 19:38
never used it and never needed it XD but is it safe? i tought it was dangerous
By #246086 at 26,Sep,12 19:50
Never had erection problems but was told to try it and well worth it, the difference you wouldnt believe, looked very impressive, bell end was rock hard and the whole thing was hyper sensitive also the veins were very prominent. i did have a bit of a headache but nothing major. I only used half a tablet so going to try a full 50mg next time, will post the results.
By #291618 at 27,Sep,12 05:17
ok thanks 4 sharing ur experience w me id like to see a pic of ur cock after using full viagra tablet

By #220845 at 27,Sep,12 04:47
I've tried viagra its pretty good. But more often I use non prescription like. Stiff nights, libigrow, man up. Work pretty good.

By #102374 at 06,Jun,11 23:42
Viagra - 5.5 hrs of steady fucking, dry out, lube up, dry out, lube up. Forget seeking medical attention unless its a nurse that wants to fuck. Levitra - about an hr and its over. Oh, and next morning after viagra the piss hard would not go down for a little while.

By #7976 at 06,Jun,11 22:39
With half a "V" I get a great erection that lasts for an hour or so. With a full V, I can get hard and stay hard all night long and into the second day. The only downside is that they tend to give me "head cold-like" symptoms but if we're having great sex, that's a minor price to pay and I hardly notice till we're done. When you just have to be hard, V is a great helper.

By pifad at 06,Jun,11 18:08 other posts of pifad 
Ha ha ha I got it. A little slow today.

By pifad at 06,Jun,11 11:54 other posts of pifad 
leachim, you don't make sense.

By Ray10754 at 06,Jun,11 10:12 other posts of Ray10754 
Viagra and cialis both work great Although cialis seems to last a lot longer

By pifad at 06,Jun,11 08:48 other posts of pifad 

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