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Public Hard On

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Started by #115566 at 07,Jun,11 00:01
This past weekend I went to the hot pools at Lava Hot Springs in Idaho. As I was leaving I decided to take a shower, it's a communal shower, not individual. Walking in naked there was another guy. As I went in I was thinking about my shaved dick and what the other guy may be thinking. Of course my cock started to get hard. I only got a partial erection but wonder if other guys have ever gotten a hard on in a public area like a gym locker room or pool shower. If so, where you embarrassed? Was it erotic? I wish now I would have gotten hard just for the experience of the other guy checking "it" out.

Similar topics: 1.Public Sex - How Far Would You Go?   2.hard in public places in public?? this normal making out between man &woman?   5.Public Shower  

New Comment

By leopoldij at 07,Aug,16 01:03 other posts of leopoldij 
Public hard on [deleted image]

By #417542 at 13,Jun,16 13:33
I walk around in speedos and sometimes get very hard and people look and smile at me

By JeffinKS at 08,Jun,11 22:00 other posts of JeffinKS 
I go commando with loose floppy shorts and often get 3/4 erect and it is very visible. I get a few stares but no one makes a comment on it....yet
[deleted image]

By spermkiss at 07,Jun,11 04:09 other posts of spermkiss 
There isn't a man in the world who hasn't sometimes gotten an erection in a locker room or a shower. Getting an erection in public is one of the joys of being a man, so let your dick stand proud and don't try to hide it and don't be ashamed of it. As for pubic hair shaving and other body grooming, that has become so mainstream these days that it shouldn't surprise anyone.

It's also a lot of fun to go without underpants and get an erection in public. Try it, you'll like it.

By sailor at 07,Jun,11 03:54 other posts of sailor 
I started shaving two years ago. Should have started sooner.
I always afraid of what someone would say. First one to see was my wife. She never complained.. Then went to the doctors, they never said a word. So don;t worry about it. You are doing what so many others are doing or would like to do. Don't be ashamed of it. You are the start of a new trend.. Hard on are natural too, if you get one in the showers don't try to hide it. You don't have to flaunt it either. Your are human. Enjoy it, it good for your self esteem.

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