Recent Posts of member LittleBlueberry


Share a weird sex story 15,Jun,23 15:58


By LittleBlueberry at 02,Sep,24 06:23
yeah no … not for me

By LittleBlueberry at 01,Sep,24 23:20
There is a Japanese dish called “Dancing octopus” which look’s interesting but I’m sure I wouldn’t enjoy that

By LittleBlueberry at 01,Sep,24 10:59
Oh yeah I will try almost anything once! Even if I don’t like it I am glad I tried it. I actually ate the spider once. It did not taste like crab 😣

By LittleBlueberry at 25,Aug,24 10:58

By LittleBlueberry at 24,Aug,24 16:25
I like real estate better the price is cyclical it goes up and down but if you lease it out it pays itself off

By LittleBlueberry at 23,Aug,24 15:59

By LittleBlueberry at 23,Aug,24 15:10
Well I suppose she is better than Biden. He needs to retire…

By LittleBlueberry at 23,Aug,24 01:23
I would rather be with a woman but I love watching guys stroke there long huge cocks! Especially black ones!

By LittleBlueberry at 29,May,24 01:48
I was afraid to get naked too because there are pimples bigger than my little inverted dick. Also my empty sack looks like a pussy and I was afraid that someone would see it and tell everyone

By LittleBlueberry at 29,Dec,23 02:49
Impressive set!

By LittleBlueberry at 02,Sep,23 12:37
That’s sad news. Do you think he had a fun life?

By LittleBlueberry at 24,Jun,23 20:47
Was playing rough S&M with a woman who was enjoying stepping on my manhood with her combat boots. She started pressing down and twisting her foot. I started to panic as I felt my balls twist and get smushed back into me. I thought “oh shit this is the end…” and then I came… a little bit of blood came out . I haven’t been able to ejaculate anything but clear fluid since

By LittleBlueberry at 17,Jun,23 20:44
I come here just for the comments good or bad. I don’t think anyone would leave the site because of rude comments.

By LittleBlueberry at 14,Jun,23 21:47
Well everyone has a right to protect themselves.

By LittleBlueberry at 12,Jun,23 20:09
Yes quite impressive! We are the same height but not an exaggeration your duck is like 100 times bigger than mine

By LittleBlueberry at 12,Jun,23 20:07
Ladies probably don’t have a problem, yours actually works my is like a clit You dick doesn’t look bad to me man.