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I need your opinion

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Started by admin at 17,Dec,14 15:57  other posts of admin
Several weeks ago I decided to make another site. Last attempt, if it fails I'm done with internet and will do something else.

The main concept is to make a blogging site for adults where people can post their personal posts, share photos and start general discussions. Which is nothing new, actually, but I wanted to make some special features. Main feature is to assign categories to posts and allow people to filter by categories. I.e. if you want to see let's say personal blogs, adult stories and big tits porn photos - you check corresponding categories and see only posts with these themes. Another feature (which would be irrelevant at start due to low amount of users but might become actual later) - to filter posts by country, province and ultimately city, so that you can find friends with similar interests in your location. I was also thinking about age categories, so that people could also receive what's more corresponding to their age interests.

Indeed I would also make to-follow lists, friends lists, block lists and groups, so that people could follow specific people or interest groups, block people they don't like and could post for-friends only private posts. That all is pretty mundane also.

But now, the more I think about it, the more it looks like Facebook. I was not going to make a copy of facebook, but it's just going down to that. So I begin to doubt - do people really need another Facebook with a mere difference that it's oriented mainly on adults? As far as I understand you can create groups in facebook and post adult images and stories there so it would not be any different. Or am I wrong? I do not use facebook personally.

The site would not require to specify your name and phone number and thus would be different from facebook and would not log everything about people like facebook does in other word it would be more "anonymous", but it's not much of a difference.

Can you please help me to resolve my doubts? Do you really need a site that would be in its core pretty much like facebook, but for adults and mainly about porn and sex (though indeed I would allow there any kind of content that is not strictly for kids - funny pics, political discussions, sport discussions etc.)?

I mean, is not there yet enough of sites like that? Does another site like that have any chances? Would you recommend a site like that to your friends?

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New Comment

By #485312 at 10,May,15 14:37
l joined sites with rating systems and catagories and they get **** by the jealous people that down vote others to get their own pics up, and filters only work if admin makes sure the pics are in the right category... every successful man has had many failures, you should just try it and see, you never know whats going to be a hit and sometimes things like that can just take off, or crash and wont know till you get live feedback if its a good idea...everyone finds different things appealing, l like it here, l love the message format and the points system, l just wished there was more profile stats so l can an idea of who they are quickly *lix*

By #460523 at 21,Dec,14 01:12
I have been here for 4 or 5 years I think or more. Have had some good time on here. like to see all different people on here and talk to some when I can and try to be nice to all here. Keep up the good work on here.

By #436014 at 21,Dec,14 01:11
i would like a category just for cocksucking please

By #102374 at 21,Dec,14 00:52
I've been on here for years and love. I tell people all the time to come here. Have really enjoyed it here.
--------------------------------------- added after 14 seconds

Love it.

By Ray10754 at 21,Dec,14 00:05 other posts of Ray10754 
Would the current members of SYD/SYC/SIO automaticly become members of the new site?

By bigone21 at 20,Dec,14 23:59 other posts of bigone21 
hi admin. first, thanks for operating this site.

it has been done before, but a rating system would suit me fine! not just pic of the month, but a top 10 of the day, top 100 of the week, the new and coming up, the top 100 classics. whatever!

endlessly choosing: what do you vote, the pic left or right?

and if you want to categorize, also categorize cut/uncut, i don't like seeing those cut "tortured" dicks...

By slipper at 20,Dec,14 04:35 other posts of slipper 
Having commented below and read over the other comments, as well, I have to wonder how starting from scratch with a new site would be easier/better/more effective than simply making similar adjustments or additions here. At least you already have a base and many are long time loyalists like myself. Just curious as to how you think a new site would somehow be better? Better marketing? Or...?
By admin at 20,Dec,14 11:16 other posts of admin 
In short - more interesting for bigger percentage of people.

By johnp at 18,Dec,14 03:55 other posts of johnp 
Done with the Internet? U thinking of shutting down this site?
By admin at 18,Dec,14 11:12 other posts of admin 
I would not shut it down, it will shut down itself eventually.
By johnp at 18,Dec,14 21:39 other posts of johnp 
does that mean it's headed in that direction?
By admin at 18,Dec,14 22:25 other posts of admin 
I have never seen any exponential growth of members here. New registrations always depended on position of this site in search engines. Which means people don't spread the word about this site. May be just several members do, but that does not change things.

And with their new attitude to adult and new policy that includes manual penalties of the sites they do not like this site is very low in google. And there is no way any site can develop without new members.
By johnp at 18,Dec,14 22:47 other posts of johnp 
Could u change the name? Would that help? Kinda like a DBA for cocks!???😆
By admin at 18,Dec,14 22:55 other posts of admin 
This site has another name. "Show it off". But it seems most of people are looking for something else anyway. My best guess - people want to be entertained and endless pics of dicks do not seem to be very entertaining. Personally, I would not open this site twice if I would see only it's main page. Though there are interesting topics an blogs sometimes...
By #23212 at 19,Dec,14 08:50
On the main page, the 'Forum' is in a long list of other stuff here. I would suggest that 'The Forum' be more highlighted. And especially on individual's pages, the 'Go to Forum' is very difficult to find for someone new--It is buried inside the 'Comments' section. I would strongly suggest moving 'Go to the Forum' to its own, clearly distinct 'button'.
Thank you--I've been a member for over four years, and find a great deal to come back to here, most every day.
By admin at 19,Dec,14 11:08 other posts of admin 
People can't find half of what's inside the menu. I don't get it. I would click it just out of curiosity. But putting everything plain would be as much bad. A lot of items in a row is equally confusing for people from my experience.
By JeffinKS at 19,Dec,14 20:55 other posts of JeffinKS 
I have to say that I have no issue with the front page navigation.I have shown this site, or gave them the URL link to several friends. I guess the main comment was at the top where it say's "may serve as a gay/bi dating" seems weird I know. but they have the what if's... what if someone catches him on this site. if it didn't say "Gay" they could pass it off quick as any other adult sight....
I don't know what happened to the chat rooms. I understand why you removed the MAIN chat, there was ALWAYS fighting. Individual chat rooms was a good decision. but know? well I just don't know. people just sit there in chat.... and type nothing. then they get pissed because no one is chatting.....
I think something that would put this site right up there.... would be to somehow do video chat. you know like they do on
just a thought, for the most part I really like this web site and visit it often.

By fila1305 at 19,Dec,14 21:07 other posts of fila1305 
I can see what you're saying, sinanff47. For a new member who isn't that much used to the site yet, it can be a bit hard to find his way. And a separate button underneath 'comments' would probably add to the clarity. But I don't think it will help to increase the number of members that much.

By slipper at 20,Dec,14 04:30 other posts of slipper 
I have followed the numbers here for a while and the overall trend in members seems to be down and have been for some time, and pix continue to rise (no pun intended, of course). I would **** to see this site close, because it seems to meet my "needs" better than others, though all "dick" sites have both positives and negative, imho. (btw, I suppose you know one of the "owners" of another larger site (if their numbers are to be believed--dick site, that is) went through quitting conniptions of sorts not long ago, but didn't. As for another site like you describe, I personally would have no interest and have a hard time seeing how it would "go" IF this one is destined for self-extinction. Just my nickel's worth since you asked. All the best, hope syd lives, and Happy Holidays, if appropriate to you!

By #7976 at 19,Dec,14 06:28
As one of the longer term members I can say I've enjoyed this site a lot over the years making friends, seeing time disappear, and finding new friends all over again. I for one would truly miss checking in SYC from time-to-time if it were to cease to exist.

As for a new site, I would enjoy seeing what your next venture will be and will be sure to help you start it towards success.

By admin at 19,Dec,14 11:05 other posts of admin 
Thank you.

By #460403 at 18,Dec,14 00:01
Correct me if I haven't got the idea quite right, what's the difference then between this site and that one? The only difference I see is the tags thing, everything else is pretty much the same, so how could it be a new idea?

I had a thought a while ago about the improvement on this site which is driven from FB as well, why not build a notification platform as it is in fb? like the ones prompted up once you receive them?
By admin at 18,Dec,14 00:28 other posts of admin 
Nothing new. All was invented long ago. The difference with this site is supposed to be:

1. Not dedicated to posting your own pics and chatting but to blogging, discussions and sharing any content both your own and third-party. Mostly third-party I guess, as people rarely produce anything good of their own. Even most of press consists of quotations from other sources.

2. Organize all in one feed, not split in forum, blog, groups, etc. A lot of people seem to be unable to find half of what this site has.

3. More categories and filtering. I think I figured out how to resolve a problem with multiple categories and people being unable to put their stuff into proper category.

In other words - I want a conversational platform for adults with advanced interest targeting, not just "post your junk" as this site is. Completely different, in fact.
By #460403 at 18,Dec,14 10:22
I would suggest reorganizing what we do already have on this site, you can collect hell lots of ideas about that, but sincerely the only thing that attracts most of people to come over here, that was the main reason for me as well, is the ability to contact with members who post their own pictures even if they are not good enough which is the nicest thing about it. I, personally, **** the professional third party pictures and always scroll down once I catch an eye on them.

You can change the home page to contain feeds from every section so that everyone will have all the choices right in front of them and can find what's hidden in this site easily.
By admin at 18,Dec,14 11:15 other posts of admin 
90% of people abandon their accounts within 1 week after registration here. So I can pretty much confidently say that most of people are not looking for what you look here.
By JeffinKS at 18,Dec,14 13:31 other posts of JeffinKS 
I have been a member on here for almost 5 years now. Except for a few asshats..this site has been very enjoyable and I thank you for designing and maintaining it.
By admin at 18,Dec,14 13:55 other posts of admin 
Thank you. It's really nice to hear that my work is not for nothing. But you are one of very few people, regrettably.

By #292354 at 18,Dec,14 06:21
I would love to see a site like that! I would like to be relatively anonymous, but I'm also an artist, and definitely could use a site like that to combine those two things together.

By Blade at 18,Dec,14 04:18 other posts of Blade 
I'd totally welcome another site like that. I like your comments about making it able to filter posts by location. That would be neat to post with people from your same area, or an area you once lived, say where you grew up.

By #366426 at 17,Dec,14 23:22
I like the sound of it let me know the site name
By admin at 17,Dec,14 23:37 other posts of admin 
It's barely a concept. I only started to make it recently. That's why I want your opinions - I do not wish my efforts go in vain. So I have doubts if I should proceed with it. If I decide to finish it, first crude version will be ready in couple of months.

By #85103 at 17,Dec,14 21:20
Hi Admin,

I like the sound of your new site idea and would certainly want to check it out and hope it builds in members.
I wouldn't say your idea is like a new Fartbook. I ditched that site a while ago because I was sick and tired of logging in and having to scroll through piles of the mundane crap people seem to think is 'interesting' and something their friends would actually want to read!
Another factor that made me scrap the site was their continuous changing 0f privacy rules and how the users would need to change settings to 'protect' their personal information. I ended up not trusting the site at all, particularly once they started stating they had the legal rights to use anyone's personal pictures and comments as part of their publicity campaigns. That itself was bad enough, but what it also disclosed was the untold access they obviously have to every user's personal messages, pictures and information.
If you're proposing a site that doesn't act in that way, I'd gladly be involved with it.
By admin at 17,Dec,14 22:04 other posts of admin 
I cannot guarantee 100% privacy, you know. Servers can be hacked, regrettably, without even me knowing it. All I can promise - not to share personal info intentionally, and not to gather it more than necessary for the site functionality. I mean, for example, if I want a geo filter to work I would need to ask members to specify their location. If I want an age filter I would have to ask for the age. Not date of birth as I do not really need it, but at least the year. But I definitely would not need your name, your phone or even your email address (if you are not afraid to forget the password).

And indeed I always wipe out everything that people delete. I do not log it all as I suspect facebook does.
By #85103 at 17,Dec,14 22:21
Hey, I understand about hacking issues and I'd trust you with information and how you'd use it. Fartbook treats it's membership in a totally different way to you.
By now, we should all be reasonably clued up on how easy it is for pics and information we post publicly to be found online by anybody. If someone isn't so clued up, they might have to learn the hard way.
By admin at 17,Dec,14 22:26 other posts of admin 
Actually I'm planning to make a new site entirely blocked from search engines except the front page and if it goes well then later even make it for members only and new members registration by invites from old members only. Though I doubt it will be that successful.
By #85103 at 17,Dec,14 22:34
Yeah? That sounds like something that would be tricky to do!
By admin at 17,Dec,14 22:58 other posts of admin 
It's not hard to block a site from search engines. It's a single line of text in robots.txt file. And may be a small code in page headers just to make sure.

This site was not blocked because search engines were primary source of new members for it. But since they are no longer a source, there is no reason to put up all the stuff for anybody to find.

Making for members only is another thing, though. Same easy technically, but more, way more difficult to promote.

By #358797 at 17,Dec,14 20:12
I don't use facebook near as often as I used to... There are groups that share adult images, but most are private groups so they don't get reported. I've had buddies reported and banned over pictures that were just a touch risque, and I, myself, have been temporarily banned twice. Both times cuz I was reported for my language... Which is why I pretty much quit facebooking...

It'd be nice to have a page somewhat like facebook but without the worries of being reported and banned for telling someone to fuck themselves or posting a picture that has a nipple in it.

I've heard of a site called fuckbook, but I haven't checked it out... Sounds like a meet up and fuck type site, which I have no interest in.

Would it be easier to promote such a site? Without promotion, it's likely the bigger part of membership would be people from here... Which wouldn't help it thrive much...
By admin at 17,Dec,14 21:50 other posts of admin 
From what I see there are people who like SYD, but very reluctant to recommend it to their friends. It looks too perverted I guess.

I figure that search engine promotion is dead now - too unpredictable and unreliable. May work, but there is very little chance. Like 10% may be. I don't bet money on such small chances.

So the only chance I have is if people spread the word about the site. Not gonna happen with this one, but may happen with the site I have in mind as it would look more "normal" so to say. There is almost nothing wrong with the site where you can speak freely, insult others if you want and share internet porn from other sites occasionally. I mean, it's still no-no in the general society, but I think there is a lot more people who are OK with that. And as for SYD - many people see it as a site for perverts.

By admin at 17,Dec,14 22:09 other posts of admin 
And thank you, it's important for me to know things like you mention - that facebook actually does not welcome adult content, rude language and political incorrectness.

By #81191 at 17,Dec,14 20:46
Other sites I have seen are somewhat complicated. Facebook is now history with me with the plus point of your proposal being "anonymous" as data is is sought for all kinds of reasons.

By palunko at 17,Dec,14 16:34 other posts of palunko 
I also don't use facebook, but I think that out there is a lot of similar sites like one you are talking about. Although I am curios to see what it would look like, I think it would not be big success.. Just my personal opinion.

Adult Discussion Forum