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Who has a good "favorites" collection?

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Started by #188764 at 02,Sep,11 20:59
I've been working on my favorites album, and have a pretty good collection. I've borrowed a lot from other members who share my erotic tastes (cocks of all sizes; blow-jobs; a bit of fucking; lots of good-looking trannies). Anyone else have a substantial collection you want to show?

Similar topics: 1.Who has a collection of small cocks in their "favorites" file?   2.Who has a good Favorites collection?   3.Who has a big collection of "Favorites"?   4.Favorites   5.Small hard cock pics  

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By leopoldij at 04,Sep,17 14:52 other posts of leopoldij 
Depends what tout mean by "good".

By #485312 at 28,Jul,17 13:57
mine's mostly a collection of some of the finest arses here.. *Lix*
By leopoldij at 28,Jul,17 16:34 other posts of leopoldij 
like this one?
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 04,Sep,17 10:51
[deleted image]
yeah its a great arse, this one made it to my faves too *lix*
By leopoldij at 04,Sep,17 14:37 other posts of leopoldij 
Actually, and because I'm a perv (but you know that), I prefer the first one because I can see your naked pussy from behind. Great view. I love looking at pussy from behind. Pussy first, are second. Sorry, I'm just being honest.

By Hanrahan17 at 04,Sep,11 13:17 other posts of Hanrahan17 
I'm a little disappointed I didn't make it in your faves. Oh well.
By #188764 at 04,Sep,11 13:42
Now you're in. Nice!

By WHATSUPDOC at 28,Jul,17 23:34 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Don't worry you have made into my favorites

By thicknsmooth at 28,Jul,17 01:29 other posts of thicknsmooth 
look at mine! I think its a great collection!
By #455846 at 28,Jul,17 12:45
It is, I looked at them all I can see we have similar preference is. So I 'took' a few

By #455846 at 28,Jul,17 12:19
Take a look. It s what I look at most. I think shaved is what I like most. And all peoples 'privates'

By #472252 at 28,Jul,17 11:19
You can get a fair read on someone by looking at their favorites for example I prefer cut cocks so I have almost all cut in my favorites

By littleun at 17,Dec,11 17:49 other posts of littleun 
i have a good one if you like small dicks and large men

By #188764 at 17,Dec,11 12:50
Bumping to the top.

By MoeJoe at 03,Oct,11 10:22 other posts of MoeJoe 
If you like soft or flaccid penises, then check out my favorites....I've been collecting them for a long time and there are many pages.
By slipper at 04,Oct,11 05:07 other posts of slipper 
...and, a NICE collection it is, too!!!! I highly recommend it. Thank MJ!

By slipper at 04,Oct,11 05:06 other posts of slipper 
I do, but not in my "favorites" here. I download them so I won't loose them and can look at them whenever/wherever I wish.

By #143536 at 03,Oct,11 15:31
My collection is growing. Not quite that big. Yet.

By #188764 at 02,Oct,11 12:00
Bumping to the top one more time, hoping to find more favorites collections that I can use to supplement my own. Post a quick response if you have a good collection of favorites.

By #188764 at 10,Sep,11 11:42
Bumping this to the top, hoping to find some more hot collections of favorites.

By #188764 at 04,Sep,11 21:02
Thanks guys! I added a lot of pics from your favorites albums... and also borrowed freely from the favorites albums of people who had originally posted pics that are in your favorites.

Not sure why I took so long to do favorites, but it makes for very effective JO porn when you can have an uninterrupted sequence of pictures that are self-selected as personal turn-ons. (Set it to slide-show.)

By redhead at 04,Sep,11 19:50 other posts of redhead 
I've got a lot of hard and horny cock on cock pictures in my favorites

By kalebi at 04,Sep,11 14:44 other posts of kalebi 
I love your collection! I'm glad to see, that you have a lot of smooth cocks in that collection!

By #181785 at 04,Sep,11 04:13
Mines OK just got started

By #188764 at 03,Sep,11 13:56
Nice collections! Thanks!

By #188764 at 02,Sep,11 21:01
PS: Some pussy pics too. (I'm bi.)

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