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Jacking off for 60 minutes+

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Started by #195892 at 24,Sep,11 13:58
Somtimes I jerk it for well over an hour... not that it takes me that long to cum i just like to make it last, any one else do this

Similar topics: 1.Jack off   2.Need help!!! I want to know how to make jacking off better   3.jacking off outside?   4.Jacking off to yourself?   5.Anyone else jack off to videos/pics of themselves naked/jacking off?  

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By exhibit at 28,Dec,17 10:34 other posts of exhibit 
It really can use up a large part of the day. But with good porn, pumping, vibrators, ass play and other stimulation, I can play for hours. Sometimes I never do cum, which just adds to the next time. A waste of productive time but an important part of my routine.

By #502711 at 22,Dec,17 22:38
I do that sometimes. I can have a pull for well over 2 hours if I want to

By #547192 at 22,Dec,17 00:00
i edge for 4 or 5 hours when my wife is at work and im showing other guys her xxx pictures i love other guys telling me how they wood fuck my wife

By #546682 at 19,Dec,17 23:36
My longest time is just over 4+ hours and I could go longer but I’d probably waste half a day. Edging is by far my favorite thing. The loads I make are so big and thick. I love filming them and sending them to people who want to see me cum.
By #503681 at 20,Dec,17 22:19
I want !

By #516354 at 20,Dec,17 09:59
Love to edge myself for an hour every day then at the weekend edge myself for 2 hrs and then let myself cum.The orgasms are terrific!!!

By #513416 at 19,Dec,17 23:18
depends who I am with. On my own 10 minute or so is enough but if I am with someone, or am skyping with someone, can take ages love both ways.

By Wipperman at 19,Dec,17 19:00 other posts of Wipperman 
Yes always 2 hours playing then the finale lots of powerful spunk just love it

By #539358 at 19,Dec,17 18:32
I love to edge when I get the chance, two hours plus when I can. I usually jerk and play on Skype and keep from ejaculating for as long as I can. If always feels amazing when I finally let my sperm out to play

By #536019 at 19,Dec,17 12:52
Edging. It's the ultimate technique in male masturbation. I aim for 2 hours. It usually needs to be supplemented by hot porn. Marijuana helps too. So does being older, for some reason.

I like to do it about 3 times a week.

By #463848 at 18,Dec,17 09:04
Always since I retired and had more time. Often wank for a long time every day and don't cum for a week.

Sometimes I let a bit of spunk out and after a short break, carry on edging.
By stroker11 at 19,Dec,17 11:54 other posts of stroker11 
Great idea...I have evolved to the same schedule. Retirement allows the extended pleasure we always craved. Stroke on!

By #463848 at 19,Dec,17 09:42
All the time..............often the journey is better that the arrival!

By #64328 at 18,Dec,17 21:13
i do regularly. I learn very young that taking my self to the edge many time before orgasm made the orgasm incredible. A classmate tought me about this in the 7th grade and been a fan of it since. But .i can bust a quickie in under a minute when i want or need to. Sometimes quickies in semi public are Hot too

By #546418 at 18,Dec,17 16:46
I love extended sessions they usually end explosively.

By #546476 at 18,Dec,17 14:42
yes....I do this....I like to play with it and tease it for as long as I can

By #199530 at 14,Oct,11 07:08
I do that too, my record is 4.5 hours, but then again sometimes (if I want to) I can cum in less than a minute
By #64328 at 19,Oct,11 16:13
Im the same. I can go for hours also or under a minute if I just want a quickie. I have always wondered how many guys can get themself off in under a minute.
By #463848 at 18,Dec,17 09:08
It becomes more difficult as one ages. I used to be able to go from soft to cum in 30 secs. It's more like 2 hours now! There are times when I have not touched my cock but it has got to semi and stayed that way whilst I watched something erotic and I can then wank off very quickly if something really catches my invagination at that point.
By leopoldij at 18,Dec,17 13:09 other posts of leopoldij 
InVagination? Is that what it's called when a vagina catches your imagination?

By #188813 at 23,Jan,13 01:37
I've jacked off for entire days

By #33070 at 10,Nov,11 23:24
I can go for an hour or more can be fun

By qhaos at 10,Nov,11 15:19 other posts of qhaos 
my jerkoff sessions have never a shorter duration than 2 hours! this is because i like to feel my cock when is "working" for orgasm!

By #143536 at 10,Nov,11 14:57
I've done this recently and my GOD it is SO much better!

By Jay at 17,Oct,11 08:33 other posts of Jay 
That's a long time how could a girl do this?

By #135959 at 13,Oct,11 08:04
I've do it all the time I don't like cumming to quickly it takes all the joy out of jacking off longer it takes me to cum the more I enjoy it when I cum

By smokieb69 at 26,Sep,11 17:04 other posts of smokieb69 
yes, i also like edging. If i am alone at night, i can jerk and play for hours - sometimes 3-4 hours before i cum. makes me precum alot - which i can then lick off the tip of my cock!

By #150240 at 24,Sep,11 20:57
I jerk off like that quite often. I love edging my cock for as long as I can go.

By #188764 at 24,Sep,11 18:09
Try using a bit of marijuana, and watch some hot porn. My favorite way to edge for hours.

By pifad at 24,Sep,11 14:07 other posts of pifad 
IU do as well. I really like the buildup of cum after stroking for long periods of time.

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