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Do you like pussy in pantyhose?

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Started by #198478 at 03,Oct,11 11:30
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Similar topics: 1.Pantyhose and lingerie men   2.Do Women like a Dick covered in Pantyhose ?!?   3.PANTYHOSE   4.guys who like wearing pantyhose & nylons! Not panties but pantyhose & nylon stockings! Also any gals who indulge a guy with thi   5.Sex stories fantasies  

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By #516354 at 03,Jan,20 08:43
I love women in pantyhose and love to wear them myself.
[deleted image]

By t-rex at 30,Sep,18 14:41 other posts of t-rex 
I love women in pantyhose and stockings. I know a lady that will wear them for me without panties, it is exciting to rub her pussy in them . It is also great to tear a hole in them and fuck with her legs wrapped around me, they feel so great 😀
By Lvphose at 03,Jan,20 05:00 other posts of Lvphose 
I agree 100%! Used to have a gf who indulged my pantyhose/nylon fetish!

By #64328 at 03,Oct,18 20:46
Fucking with her pantyhose on is one way to curl her toes

By #568737 at 03,Oct,18 19:45
Prefer stockings or bare legs but if my exploring hand gets up that far I don’t really care!

By #491031 at 28,Sep,18 13:24
No. The claws rip big holes in them.
By bella! at 28,Sep,18 14:39 other posts of bella! 
You are absolutely right! Yeah, your posts are always logical and I don't recall you ever being wrong. Are you really a man?
By #491031 at 28,Sep,18 21:45
Don't let the logic fool you.
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

By leopoldij at 28,Sep,18 11:09 other posts of leopoldij 
No. I like pussy fully exposed.

By #554098 at 27,Sep,18 03:46
I live in a place that gets REALLY COLD, and REALLY dry, in winter, and a GF I was with shared a really interesting thing with me, one winter. We each put on pantyhose, and snuggled in the bed.
Suddenly, a simple 'touch' had a huge static electric discharge. Go with it, and on certain places, it feels, WOW!!

By Lvphose at 26,Sep,18 07:22 other posts of Lvphose 
Yes yes yes

By #136638 at 23,Nov,11 21:38
I love how pantyhose feel and look on my wife, that sheer fabric and being able to see my wifes pussy lips through them. I love how pantyhose look when they are soaked with my wifes juices soaking her pantyhose. Check out our profile for more about us.

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