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Around what age does your penis reach its full size?

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Started by #21578 at 27,Aug,09 04:47
Im almost 20 and i have around a 6.75 in penis..I want it to be bigger cause im a bigger guy? have I hit my plateau?

Similar topics: 1.age when penis got to full size   2.Pic size   3.Pictures in full size   4.Ladies: Rate my penis size   5.hung before the puberty(for only 8+ in size)  

New Comment

By AngelofDeath at 30,Jun,24 19:56 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Scientifically at age 16, unless you’re tecsan or bjuk, in which it starts developing at 40.
By Sir-Skittles at 30,Jun,24 19:57 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

The site medical officer concurs!
By Jamie at 30,Jun,24 22:07 other posts of Jamie 
Ooooohhhhhhhh my how they grew a clit
By Sir-Skittles at 30,Jun,24 22:07 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By bjuk at 01,Jul,24 11:38 other posts of bjuk 
By AngelofDeath at 02,Jul,24 01:07 other posts of AngelofDeath 
bjuk Dirty forks have more meat than you do in your pants.

By Cody8789 at 22,Jun,24 22:00 other posts of Cody8789 
Well, by the looks of some members here, I would say… the penis stops growing at age two years old
By AngelofDeath at 01,Jul,24 09:56 other posts of AngelofDeath 

By nekekal at 30,Jun,24 18:48 other posts of nekekal 
Sorry, i think a normal cock quits developing about age 16 or 18. Mine was full size at 12 or 13. Although the base of the shaft continued to get bigger with use.

By Alwaysnude at 23,Jun,24 03:19 other posts of Alwaysnude 
mine was about 13 or 15 years

By hotcock33 at 22,Jun,24 21:10 other posts of hotcock33 
15-16 aprx id say. At 20 it's definitely done growing in my opinion.

By thicknsmooth at 14,Jun,24 03:36 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I’m not sure about other guys but I can tell you that when I was just about 13 years old my cock was much bigger than the other boys. I measured 7 1/4 inches long and 5 3/4 inches in circumference. I used to be able to suck on my own cock. It has always measured the same size. It’s just thicker in circumference these days

By #7976 at 01,Sep,09 01:57
I don't know at what age it reaches full size but I can tell you that it reaches it's limits quite frequently.

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