I've always had the smallest cock in the showers be it at school or in work and when I was 18 and showering in work one of the older guys who had a very big thick and long cock asked me if I was lost and that the girls showers were next door, I didn't say anything but must admit that I was very turned on inside by experiencing my first tiny cock humiliation scenario in public, Now my wife and I have been enjoying the Small Penis Humiliation scene for years and both very much enjoy and get turned on by it
By #23212 at 28,May,16 00:49
Great for you, that you turned something that so many whine about, into something good and fun.
First of all, your cock is lovely, nice straight shaft, a well shaped glans and perfect proportion between shaft length and diameter and glans size.
Now about size. At four and a half inches you're shorter than average, but not by much. The best and most recent data about average penis length give just over five inches.
There have been at least two serious studies of this. The first was conducted by famed sex researcher Dr Alfred Kinsey and his associates in the late 1940s. Dr Kinsey came up with an average of just over six inches. A more recent study done in the 1990s came up with just over five inches.
Now, did human penises become one inch shorter in the fifty years between these studies? Probably not. The answer is in how the data were collected. Dr Kinsey's subjects measured themselves in private and reported their measurements. In the more recent study the researchers did the measuring.
Actually, I've read how testosterone levels are WAY down over the past 100 years and average penis size has shrunk accordingly. So an inch less over the past 65 years isn't out of line.
By #276587 at 20,Oct,12 20:13
That makes sense, but I feel that cocks are getting bigger these days due to the tons of hormones kids have ingested in the last couple of decades. I would guess that 6 to 6.5 is more average nowadays IMHO and from what I have seen personally.
Maybe some cocks are getting bigger. I remember how mine kept growing and growing even after I knew it was already big. But I know that's not anywhere close to typical. According to the penis survey stats- all measured by a nurse, btw- more than 3 percent of all men have 3 inches of girth or less. That's a tiny dick epidemic. And I don't think it's getting any better.
Another thing is that we are being bombarded by chemicals which mimic estrogens all the time. But there aren't any chemicals out there that mimic androgens. So there's a major imbalance between the two. Estrogens and chemicals which mimic them have a feminizing effect and definitely affect penis size. Look up pthalates and bisphenol-A sometime and prepare to cry.
Small cock craver here.. 7 1/2 and smaller is what I love..
By #311508 at 16,Oct,12 00:56
average one and all...nothing worse than small dick wannbe's. As if the real small dick guys don't cop enough shit already, then you get these others who try and pass of their average cocks as small.
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My small hard one.
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Now about size. At four and a half inches you're shorter than average, but not by much. The best and most recent data about average penis length give just over five inches.
There have been at least two serious studies of this. The first was conducted by famed sex researcher Dr Alfred Kinsey and his associates in the late 1940s. Dr Kinsey came up with an average of just over six inches. A more recent study done in the 1990s came up with just over five inches.
Now, did human penises become one inch shorter in the fifty years between these studies? Probably not. The answer is in how the data were collected. Dr Kinsey's subjects measured themselves in private and reported their measurements. In the more recent study the researchers did the measuring.
Heres my tinny sleeping cock
That is my tiny dick! But my dick can Be more! Look at him on my page! Have Fun!
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