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Started by #274357 at 22,Jan,13 04:08
Let's not be one...okay?

Similar topics: 1.WTF people?   2.Hey everyone, guess what? Quit bitching and shut the fuck up already!!   3.Fucktard!   4."It's just a dick site"   5.Razzle4- Fake Alert!!!  

New Comment

By _avg_ at 27,Jul,13 04:14 other posts of _avg_ 
Just thought I'd obfuscate...

By #291618 at 26,Jul,13 23:54

By #303133 at 09,Apr,13 18:30
Just stopped to say hello.
I had one of my forum topics deleted today.
It makes me sad
I just wanted people to stop throwing peanuts to Twinkle...
By #274357 at 09,Apr,13 20:38
I see Admin took out the trash.

While, I did enjoy your posts, Will. It is only for the greater good as all poop piles were removed as well.

By Ray10754 at 09,Apr,13 20:56 other posts of Ray10754 
Maby things will get back to some thing on a normal basis now,something that is more enjoyable!!

By bella! at 02,Apr,13 21:47 other posts of bella! 
I may be mistaken, this may be the thread where members can act up and show their ass.

By Ray10754 at 05,Mar,13 23:40 other posts of Ray10754 
I was woundering whatthe statis was on the repelant??

By #274357 at 26,Feb,13 01:38
[deleted image]
By Ray10754 at 26,Feb,13 01:42 other posts of Ray10754 
Will you be selling those to the members here?
By #274357 at 26,Feb,13 01:48
I have 400 cases on order...
By Ray10754 at 26,Feb,13 01:49 other posts of Ray10754 

By #274357 at 05,Feb,13 04:48

When a person, regardless of mental health, is so stupid, they cause hatred and discord in the work-place, and living area.

i.e. urban dictionary.
By #180430 at 09,Feb,13 05:50
where is webster?
By #274357 at 10,Feb,13 21:35
I am thinking YOU should find a copy.

Perhaps you could expand your vocabulary over 200 words.
By #117023 at 11,Feb,13 00:04
I realy wonder who the fucktard is? don't think so much A fucktard is a special variety of re__ard whose condition arises not from clinically demonstrable neurological impairment, but from buttersnap shitfuckery of the mind. Invariably, first person detection of third person fucktardation is immediately followed by denial, often verbally expressed, especially in the form, "No one's THAT fucking stupid." This differs from the hypothetical scenario of first person fucktardation detection in that it actually occurs. Fucktards do not simply defy common sense, they are pathologically incapable of recognizing the obvious, so even mirrors fail them. Or, more correctly, they fail mirrors.
By #229050 at 23,Feb,13 11:15
i`m impressed! You do have a way words
--------------------------------------- added after 25 seconds

(missing word)..with..
By #303133 at 23,Feb,13 15:48
Don't be too impressed. Actually, it is a way with the words of Encyclopedia Dramatica. (Which dreamer already quoted in this very same thread way back on Jan. 24!)
We can stop wondering who the fucktard is, I guess...
By #201583 at 23,Feb,13 18:44
In the military we used ID 10 Tango. (I-D_ I-O_T)

By #274357 at 26,Jan,13 00:26
I must proclaim we have braved an outstanding 24 hours without any confirmed display of Fucktardation.

I embrace a new found hope.

Tomorrow, in celebration...I do pledge not to kick my neighbor's nomadic felines off my sidewalk where they fancy a toilet.
By #218130 at 26,Jan,13 07:44
Yippee! Let's keep our fingers crossed.

By #229050 at 23,Jan,13 19:37
fucktard is nearly as good as asshat
By johnp at 23,Jan,13 20:22 other posts of johnp 
How do u use that in a sentence? Would that b like: "sure wish she would use my face as an asshat"? I like it either way!
By #341776 at 23,Jan,13 23:10
Definition of Ass-hat- Someone who is a douche, but 1000 times more annoying. Thus, their head is so far up their ass that it is a hat.

A close cousin of the Ass-clown, typically identified by a jovial expression and an outward misunderstanding of how he/she is perceived, combined with a generally misguided conception of what is sociably acceptable amongst his/her fellow peers.

Said persons' frequent attempts at humor usually lead to he/she making an ass out of his/herself. Not to be confused with ass-hole.

This ass-hat is such a total fucktard, that his lame attempts at seduction of the lovely Mrs. Peach have left us all in stitches. Man what a tool this guy is!
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 01:15 other posts of johnp 
Thank you for the very intelligent well versed definition....u must be very very smart as well...i now understand the hence said word and attribute my further knowledge and understanding in full reguard to miss "fairydust2" although i sense she may no reciprocate........ still like the word ass hat tho!
By #341776 at 24,Jan,13 01:27
You are welcome, and anytime. BTW I wasn't trying to be mean with the definition or use of the word in a sentence. This was just me being me. I'm just so full of awesome sauce like that.
By bella! at 24,Jan,13 01:33 other posts of bella! 
She is awesome and amazing, bleeve dat!
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 02:16 other posts of johnp 
So the tool comment was meant with the utmost love and respect right?
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Fairydust y no pics thats cheating!
By #341776 at 24,Jan,13 03:06
See the comment on my page about my squish mitten being on display. If one truly desires wants to see my goodies, they can always play a simple game of scavenger hunt. The clues are in my user name... Ahem... IE V2= Version 2.0 .
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 03:18 other posts of johnp 
Squish mitten? ....means nuthing to a tool like me....guess i will never c ur squish mitten
By #301038 at 24,Jan,13 14:19
Please tell me you are being sarcastic?
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 15:27 other posts of johnp 
No peach swear do god i am such a dunbass plying scavenger hunt with the clues she gave sounds like to much wrk to look a a pussy i know nothing about....but please enlighten me with your wisdom...u can show everyone how stupid i am

By #229050 at 24,Jan,13 18:05
squish mitten?... haven`t heard this expression before...
By johnp at 25,Jan,13 15:28 other posts of johnp 
Thats the kind of shit i come here to learn!

By #274357 at 24,Jan,13 01:46
This post is grammatical blasphemy.

Please do not try to use 'big' words in a sentence ever again.

My head hurts now...

--------------------------------------- added after 12 hours

That post was not meant for you Fairy, I replied in the wrong location.

Sorry beautiful, much respect to you always.
By #341776 at 24,Jan,13 03:01
Well excuse me! I didn't know that the sites very own grammar safety officer was on patrol. Maybe you should take your own advice and not be a fucktard. Since my attempt at at using "big" words bothers you so damn much let me try this in a way i'm sure even The Encino man will understand.


See my pinky, see my thumb. See the peace sign minus one.

I love you 2nice but seriously, just because I may not be as well spoken as you doesn't give you the right to put me down like that; especially since you're supposed to be one of my best friend's here.
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 03:20 other posts of johnp 
Grammer safety officer! Im totally stealing that from u!
By #301038 at 24,Jan,13 14:21
That rank is earned, not stolen... You can't write a sentence without making a single mistake.
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 15:37 other posts of johnp 
Wait there she is! How stupid am i peach?? So stupid i cant put together A comprehensible (thank god for spell chk) sentence? I should have my wife edit my paper b4 i put it on this dick site so i dont make such a fool of myself!

By johnp at 24,Jan,13 03:30 other posts of johnp 
2nice u crack me up dude!

By #274357 at 24,Jan,13 01:50
Fucktard reigns supreme over "asshat".

By johnp at 24,Jan,13 02:19 other posts of johnp 
If anything is up there top three anyways

By #180430 at 24,Jan,13 12:00
They should have a page on this site for demented name calling people. All the trash in peoples minds and wasted energy, Maybe they could use that energy to create world peace? Don't you think? Every site has people that need to vent negative feelings and have a need to lash out at people and the world.
By #274357 at 24,Jan,13 23:51
I completely agree.

That way you can take all of your multiple personalities there and have a conversation with yourself.
By johnp at 25,Jan,13 00:28 other posts of johnp 
What do u mean 2nice?
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

So y r u guy pickin on this guy i dont get it?

By #196416 at 25,Jan,13 03:45
2nice, it appears that he is already having a conversation with himself, if it wasn't for his multiple personalities he wouldn't have any friends and no one to talk to...
By johnp at 25,Jan,13 15:02 other posts of johnp 
Daffu would u mind explaining the multiple personalities joke please....

By #303133 at 25,Jan,13 03:38
Just wanting to point out that 2nice didn't call anyone a fucktard. He politely requested that people not BE fucktards. If you feel that the title was directed at you, it might be that you have specific personal issues. In a way, his request IS a step toward creating world peace. A strict "NO FUCKTARDS" policy would make this little corner of the world a lot more peaceful...

(BTW: Saying that people are demented is kind of "name calling", isn't it? Were you just being a hypocrite by accident, or do you lack any self-awareness?)
By #218130 at 25,Jan,13 04:01

By #218130 at 25,Jan,13 05:14
I noticed that some may be having a bad case of "Optical Rectumitis" as well. That is when the nerve of your ass gets tangled up with the nerve in your eye and you get a shitty outlook on life. That normally goes hand in hand with that very depressing " I smell Shit" expression on their faces. GEEZ, SMILE! Be HAPPY!

By #218130 at 24,Jan,13 06:34
A fucktard is a special variety of retard whose condition arises not from clinically demonstrable neurological impairment, but from buttersnap shitfuckery of the mind. If you wish for more information, please see this page. Invariably, first person detection of third person fucktardation is immediately followed by denial, often verbally expressed, especially in the form, "No one's THAT fucking stupid." This differs from the hypothetical scenario of first person fucktardation detection in that it actually occurs. Fucktards do not simply defy common sense, they are pathologically incapable of recognizing the obvious, so even mirrors fail them. Or, more correctly, they fail mirrors. ..... Fucktards exist in every aspect and class of society. From the upper upper class, to the middle class, all the way down to lower class and beyond, fucktards exist everywhere. There is no exception. They are among us at all levels of society. At work, in school, both in public and private sectors, governments, **** societies, and more. There is at least one amongst most groups. There is no filtering system to "weed out" fucktarded people. In fact, some even work together in packs within which all members are fucktards, even nationwide and global networks, to coordinate their efforts of sheer utter fucktardery, only to reveal themselves as one big collective fucktard whole once again. This according to "Encyclopedia DRAMATICA"
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 15:47 other posts of johnp 
I came with a hard dick and the desire to look at cocks and pussies....i will leave with a first class education! U guys r awsome! least ur funny dreamer

By johnp at 22,Jan,13 04:39 other posts of johnp 
I like the word fucktard.....think i will add it and ass clown to my everyday vocab!
By bella! at 23,Jan,13 18:54 other posts of bella! 
It is a good word/term! There is a fucktard or 2 amongst us!
By johnp at 23,Jan,13 19:22 other posts of johnp 
He is friends with that other assclown
By #303133 at 23,Jan,13 19:54
Actually, johnp, he IS that other ass-clown!
By johnp at 23,Jan,13 20:19 other posts of johnp 
Who is? He is? Which fucktard r we talking about? Is he the **** of that one assclown??

By #303133 at 22,Jan,13 17:55
This is a noble sentiment, 2nice. Unfortunately, for many people it can not be avoided. Fucktardation is a genetic disorder...most prevalent in people who have ancestors from the ancient European region of Fucktardia...and the average fucktard doesn't really have a choice in the matter. Currently, there is no treatment for fucktardation. This is mainly because no scientist has been willing to spend any amount of time in a lab full of fucktards to study them. Perhaps we should start a telethon...
By #218130 at 22,Jan,13 19:43

By bella! at 22,Jan,13 05:36 other posts of bella! 
I seem to be the object of attention of a fucktard that is too weak to use the name most members would recognize him by.
By #180430 at 22,Jan,13 12:04
who are you talking about bella?
By bella! at 22,Jan,13 13:31 other posts of bella! 

By #218130 at 22,Jan,13 06:22
Will try my very best Just love the word

By pifad at 22,Jan,13 05:07 other posts of pifad 
Fucktard. Hmmm.....has a ring to it. I'm gonna make it my word of the week!

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