| Every day, at least 5 strangers add me to their friends... without ever saying a word to me... some of them delete me from their friends couple hours later.
WTF!!! I hatе this kind of behavior. You want to be my fucking friend? Put some effort, you fucking fuck! Take your head out of your ass and write me a line or two, and if your communication skills and your dick appeal to me, I will add you to my friends myself.
Do you think that just because you expressed an interest in being my friend, magically, I'm going to jump out of my cosy chair and come running to your fucking friend request? GO FUCK YOURSELF, you primitive fucktard!
P.S: I feel like there are not enough curse words to express my rage in English language, and I feel the need to use my native language!
First off a sexy bitch bitching in Russian is seriously fucking hot
I understand where Peach is coming from with this whole friend thing and it happens to all of us to some extent. It's more an issue with women though I believe.
Having a gf who was also a member here I could see this first hand, everyone seemed to want to friend you. And there was a time when you could friend everyone back if you were seeking popularity before the friend limit was imposed.
When that happenend it seemed like all of my private messages were friend deletions, by the hundreds. It was a shitty time here. Being that I am a paid member I have no such friend restrictions so if someone deleted me I didn't take offense and delete them back, I understand there is only room for so many.
In fact I don't have all that many "friends" in my list that I've befriended. I don't friend everyone back. I might have a hundred some.. Some of whom I practically never even talk to but I won't delete them. Realistically you can never keep up with talking with all these people anyway. You can keep in touch though.
I rarely even look at my friend list, I'll talk to whomever as time allows. If you're a friend or not and you send me a PM, I will reply to you when I can. For women here it is different, it is just far too exhausting to keep up with all the messages, and many must be ignored, don't take offense, it's just the way it is.
If I get a random friending, I may or may not friend back depending on a few things.. If you have no pics I'm not going to friend you, you could be gone tomorrow. Far better chance I will friend you back if you have quality sexy pics on you page.
For me, interacting with my friends here used to be much easier because for those of us that used to frequent the main chatroom, this is where you would see most of your friends and you could all converse together. Chat the way it is now is hit or miss and I don't see many of the people I used to and haven't chatted with them in a long time.
Bottom line, if you're going to friend someone out of the blue, don't expect them to friend you back if you've no previous history with the member, and because of that don't take offence, especially with women. It's always better to establish communication first to even know you want to be friends with someone in the first place.. If you recieve a random befriending from someone, it is up to you to just ignore them or not, they may delete you later but so what, if they don't talk to you. They might just really like your page and want it handy and not be sociable. Take it as a compliment. You can only have so many "friends" anyway..
But feel free to befriend me if you haven't already, or else
And Steffi, I know you very well since we chat on your first day when you join the club ... and a few days after in the raw. Lot's of talking, I remember that.... and because of my experience have a huge doubt that you would call members in general "you fucking fuck".
Just my five cents ....
By and large your argument is correct, if all things were equal.
I believe respect is warranted to only those who deserve it. Simply present yourself respectfully if you expect the same in return.
Otherwise, such f-bombs are completely appropriate when one is being disrespected.
My 5 cents…
And I agree with your "otherwise" 100%.
Just put a buck on the table ...
Who and what is disrespectful it's a huge question mark here.
Take care man ... see you in a different battle.
My respond was even stronger since can read your part which most people can't.
End of a day, told you my opinion ... and that's more about it.
Love is but the song we sing,
And fear's the way we die
You can make the mountains ring
Or make the angels cry
C'mon people now,
Smile on your brothur,
Everybody get together,
Try to love one another right now.
My point is, have a conversation with me, before adding to your friends... get to know for crying out loud.
You know how many men shout some compliments as I walk by? You think I stop and add each of them to my friend list?
--------------------------------------- added after 38 seconds
Nice fake pics too
I truly am sorry that it enrages you that your being befriend this way but, think of it as an invitation to get to know them. Send a private message telling them that if they truly want to be friends, leave a message and lets talk; to begin, the tell me something about yourself. Otherwise, I (meaning you) don't care to be befriended by those who only want to keep up with my photos.
Any way, those are my thoughts on the subject. Keep calm and don't let that which bothers you get you down. Look on the bright side and be happy about the friends you do have on the site.
I would prefer if the 'ADD as a Friend' feature would send a request for you to either accept or deny, rather than automatically adding you to their list of friends. At least then there might be an incentive for them to actually contact you and get to know a bit about you before they click the ADD button. But it's not the end of the world. Far more important things in life to worry about.