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How many have seen you fuck?

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Started by #37169 at 13,Dec,09 10:52
How many people have seen you fuck? I don't mean on web or through camming etc but 'live' been in the same room while you fucked?

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By #3997 at 15,Dec,09 02:16
my brother has seen me fuck we were fucking our girlfriends in the same room
By #457775 at 20,Oct,15 12:19
That's so hot

By spermkiss at 17,Sep,15 16:27 other posts of spermkiss 
At least hundreds, perhaps thousands.
By #485312 at 18,Sep,15 12:13
yeah me too, well into the hundreds, and fucked most of them, they didn't just watch, full participation was encouraged for all the dudes...*lix*
By leopoldij at 18,Sep,15 21:46 other posts of leopoldij 
I want in too!
By #485312 at 20,Oct,15 03:30
you would of been in the front of the line *lix*
By leopoldij at 20,Oct,15 09:21 other posts of leopoldij 
You said it too late. I'm already there!

By routemaster at 19,Oct,15 22:50 other posts of routemaster 
Quite a few at gay parties over the years but can't say how many, I was too busily occupied in other ways to go round counting everyone!!!

By knewbi at 19,Oct,15 22:33 other posts of knewbi 
Wife and I were swingers for about 12 years. About twice a month we would go out too swing parties. Some times there were 30 or more there and other times just a few. But I would have to say that hundreds have seen me fucking. I know that I have seen my wife fuck more guys than I or she can count.

By #447598 at 30,Sep,15 09:15
Hmm. 3. >///>

My first, which was quick. My first and a half, which was just fooling around with mutual oral and fingers for a few weeks, but nothing beyond that. And my second, which was my ex..

By shackles at 18,Sep,15 03:32 other posts of shackles 
6 off the top of my head.…

By #497509 at 17,Sep,15 16:02
More than 6 person have seen me fucking. My nephew , sleeping in same room, mother. In. Law , my **** wife. , one friend he was peeing from window , my. **** ter in law sleeping in the same room.

By #33070 at 01,Aug,10 17:36
A few times on

By slipper at 10,Mar,10 06:48 other posts of slipper 
Including your Mom???

By #43515 at 20,Feb,10 20:30
With a Female?
Can give you the exact number, but more than a few.
Coming up short in the cock dept. Made me a Exhib.
Got into swinging and swapping big time with Live ins and my First wife . Also had a few wild Bi times as a bottom

By spermkiss at 20,Feb,10 07:28 other posts of spermkiss 
Several thousand people have seen me nude and engaged in sex, at gay bath houses and sex clubs, gay nude beaches and gay sex parties. When I was younger, wilder and single I didn't often have sex in private. My body and my sex life were very public.

By gradurgaur at 14,Dec,09 07:26 other posts of gradurgaur 
My friends mom cam home erly and caught me fucking my Friend...
By #37169 at 14,Dec,09 11:03
Please tell what her reaction was and what did you and your friend do/say?
By gradurgaur at 14,Dec,09 11:14 other posts of gradurgaur 
She Was so mad...she was yelling and scream on me for fucking her A tock my things and left..later a hear that my Friend Was kick out of his home and he live Alone A we are good Friends..

is was great rush to get caught...

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