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You have Cooties!

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Started by #303133 at 10,Aug,13 15:20
Yeah, I said it!
You are rude, crude, your feet smell and jeezus doesn't love you!
You are also a big Poopy-head!

Similar topics: 1.BLOWING a guy doesn't make you gay, but KISSING one does!   2."I'm scared of becoming gay"   3.It's just a DICK, FFS!   4.For the Record...  

New Comment

By gradurgaur at 12,Aug,13 23:48 other posts of gradurgaur 
Sorry For asking

But JustWill what is Cooties?
By #303133 at 13,Aug,13 02:36
The Cootie is one of the most dangerous infestations found in the schoolyard. They are invisible creatures, so no one is sure if they are insects or germs. Cooties are found on a person that you don't like (usually of the opposite sex, but not always), and this is a valid reason to avoid contact with them and exclude them from social activities. Cooties are highly contagious and can be spread by a single touch or merely by engaging in conversation. The only known cure for Cooties is to recite a rhyme (Circle, circle, dot, dot. Now you have a Cootie shot.)while drawing the mentioned patterns on the afflicted person's arm. The cure is instantaneous, but does not guarantee protection from future infection. If you encounter a person with Cooties, do not...under any circumstances...allow them to play kickball with you!
By gradurgaur at 13,Aug,13 20:51 other posts of gradurgaur 
So Cootie is very bad thing
got it thank you JustWill for the warning i wil lock out for sign of Cooties..and if i see someone have this thing i wil let you know...
By bella! at 18,Aug,13 14:34 other posts of bella! 
Handsome, having Cooties is a very bad thing!

By Sickboy at 13,Aug,13 21:14 other posts of Sickboy 
Definetly the lurgies!!

By Sickboy at 11,Aug,13 18:54 other posts of Sickboy 
Is that like the
lurgies?!!...(not sure if that is the correct spelling!

By #220845 at 11,Aug,13 01:10
So bella! Is your avatar an actual photo of your eye.

By #404042 at 10,Aug,13 18:31
My also dick bends in half when I'm trying to fuck...double strike against me
By bella! at 10,Aug,13 19:11 other posts of bella! 
Wrong thread.

By #291618 at 11,Aug,13 00:01
sound familiar...

By john12 at 10,Aug,13 15:58 other posts of john12 
I agree

By bella! at 10,Aug,13 15:44 other posts of bella! 
Oh no you didn't!

Adult Discussion Forum