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Being naked

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Started by #22771 at 10,Oct,13 22:36
Who else on SYD/SYC love to be naked? If I could be naked 24/7 I would, I just love the freedom.

Reply if you like being naked and how often you are

Similar topics: 1.Naked 24/7   2.Women and naked men   3.Naked men vs naked women   4.Sleeping naked   5.Full body naked  

New Comment

By #626775 at 28,Oct,20 19:38
same being naked

By #627891 at 21,Oct,20 19:36
many years ago she is now 48 and fucks our daughters ex boyfriend 22

By #627891 at 21,Oct,20 12:45
i love my wife walking around naked i took her to a nudest club when she was 18 our retired neibor was a member that was a shock
By #551147 at 21,Oct,20 15:25
🤔 How long ago was that?

By Bobby95 at 19,Oct,20 22:48 other posts of Bobby95 
I love being naked at home!

By Dev01 at 13,Oct,20 07:02 other posts of Dev01 
Well considering we are born naked, and spend Nine months getting out and the rest of our lives trying to get back in? NAKED ROCKS

By #1102 at 27,Jun,20 08:09
me naked all the time in my house i live alone
By Komp122 at 13,Oct,20 03:28 other posts of Komp122 
Naked is the best

By #626775 at 12,Oct,20 22:16
I love being naked...toooo bad its not legal everywhere

By #627604 at 12,Oct,20 20:47
I'm pretty much naked all the time at home--unless I have prudish company. When I masturbate, I prefer being naked and actively seek out places away from home where I can enjoy myself--with a low risk of being arrested of course.

By #555896 at 13,Sep,20 17:47
roughly 3 times per week.I am naked from the time i get up to the time i go to bed.I love being naked and walking around with a nice hard on.

By Pantyhose1 at 12,Sep,20 04:33 other posts of Pantyhose1 
I would love to be make at all times!
--------------------------------------- added after 909 hours

I mean naked at all times

By #486048 at 09,Sep,20 20:31
i love being naked as much as i can be

By #489480 at 09,Aug,20 21:28
I go naked the majority of time I'm at home.

By Alwaysnude at 09,Aug,20 16:22 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image]too I love the freedom

By #621517 at 09,Aug,20 15:28
I like being naked in the gym changing room with other guys looking at my cock. I often think of sex when I’m there so my cocks half erect and bigger than flaccid but not fully hard up. Also I like to be naked on nudist beaches where every guy is free to show off a good hard boner.

By #616038 at 09,Aug,20 11:17
I love being naked and would love to go to a naturist park but been small I would definitely be embarrassed
By #588327 at 09,Aug,20 11:56
Naturist don't care about size

By #620471 at 02,Jul,20 21:09
I live in a nudist resort so it's kinda second nature to me.

By andrew999999999 at 02,Jul,20 17:21 other posts of andrew999999999 
I miss being naked at the gay sauna I went to before lock down. I enjoyed walking around naked in the cruising area, or lying stretched out in one of the saunas, being groped, stroked, and sucked by other guys

By #377228 at 02,Jul,20 05:24
I'm now an environmentalist, buy not wearing clothes I don't have to wash clothes nor dry them, suddenly economic benefits, Yes...and free LOL

By new2day at 02,Jun,20 11:28 other posts of new2day 
Spending a lot more time naked during lockdown, especially while it's warm weather. I just slip on shirt/shorts/shoes when I need to go shopping.

Naked while I'm typing this
By #618870 at 29,Jun,20 06:01
Love to be naked with you

By #620768 at 01,Jul,20 12:58
Same. I work from home now so I go days at a time without clothes.

By #620471 at 28,Jun,20 10:56
Naked all the time. Live in a nudist resort.

By #591921 at 28,Jun,20 06:52
Everyday at home hell I even go out on my back porch and smoke naked. A few times my neighbor behind me has seen me going out to take a smoke but she only got a quick peek. I have closed it up mostly expect for a screen door thstd always open but she has seen me a few times but she doesn't really mind.

By earthy at 02,Jun,20 13:48 other posts of earthy 
I'm naked as much as I can.

By #589692 at 01,Jun,20 20:16
I’m usually naked in my bedroom but when I leave my room I throw on gym shorts and shirt

By #275407 at 17,Apr,20 05:53
I don't like just being naked, but being naked in public and being watched

By #591921 at 17,Apr,20 05:04
I walk around naked most the time. I also go out back that way too. Sometimes this neighbor who lives behind me sees me out there hanging out on the patio. She just looks and doesn't say anything but she has gotten used to it. She and her lady friends see me occasionally but they just get an eyeful. Its kind of exciting to know they take looks when I'm out there but we are all pretty much just used to one another. No big deal

By #615202 at 14,Apr,20 03:59
I enjoy being naked most of the time.

By new2day at 13,Apr,20 14:55 other posts of new2day 
I've always loved being naked when I can. Love to go to nude beaches and clubs in summertime. Warm weather is returning finally, so I'm naked right now at home.

By #537268 at 07,Apr,20 07:38
I love being naked. I'm moving back to San Diego in 2 days. There once was a resort called "The Swallows" in east county. I want to see if its still around. Nudist community and if you have an can live there.

By #583549 at 06,Apr,20 21:23
Being a long time nudist,I am nude most of the time at home or in my yard.

By #439117 at 06,Apr,20 21:21
At home I'm naked very often, love also being naked outdoors in summer

By Alwaysnude at 06,Apr,20 16:23 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] I am naked all the time

By #583549 at 13,Sep,19 00:07
I would live nude 24/7 if the law allowed it! I am always nude at home!
By #613562 at 06,Apr,20 07:28
So am i mate.

By #591157 at 18,Sep,19 13:06
i love showing my naked body off [deleted image]

By #592699 at 17,Sep,19 17:15
When the weather is warm...I love being naked outdoors.

[deleted image]

By #587826 at 17,Sep,19 14:37
I really enjoy being naked. Not a perv.. just like to not wear clothing especially when it is hot. I need to try the nude beach experience. No shame in my game..

By #499016 at 17,Sep,19 04:28
I love being naked if I lived by myself I would be naked every day!!!!

By #460329 at 10,May,14 02:31
I'm a genuine nudist (Member of AARR*com.) I live on an acreage and nude 24/7 inside or out. All my pics are nude outdoors. I visit nudist camps, lakes, and nude beaches like Haulover beach, Miami Fl. Textile beaches are just too boring and unfriendly. I like having friends over to skinny-dip.
By Rose at 10,May,14 02:40 other posts of Rose 
I just recently experienced my first nude vacation, and it was amazing! People are so friendly. As a matter of fact, we went down the beach to a textile resort (of course we were dressed), and we said hi to everyone we encountered, and not even one person replied! I will certainly be planning another nude holiday!
By #574505 at 17,Sep,19 03:28
Bet your beautiful like that rose on your profile and smell like a rose too

By #545468 at 17,Sep,19 03:25
I am nude about 90 % of the time. I live on a farm that allows me to be nude outside all the time. Only time I have clothes on is when I have to get groceries. Also helps that my boyfriend is also a nudist.

By #598817 at 16,Sep,19 18:36
I love being naked, I try to be as much as I can,wish there was a nudist place close by,I would be there all the time

By #525566 at 13,Sep,19 22:54
Yes I like to be naked as much as I can also. I have found the desire to be so has increased of late. I'm 69.

By massco at 13,Sep,19 02:39 other posts of massco 
Yes I like to be naked as much as I can

By Tinkertrain517 at 13,Sep,19 00:51 other posts of Tinkertrain517 
I'm naked around the house unless I have company coming over.

By wycowboy at 12,Sep,19 11:49 other posts of wycowboy 
I'm nude as much as possible, inside and outside.

By #574047 at 12,Sep,19 09:16
I love to live naked in house.

By #458853 at 10,May,14 09:54
I am always naked in my house
By routemaster at 11,May,14 04:43 other posts of routemaster 
Me too - unless non-nudist friends visit

By routemaster at 11,May,14 03:59 other posts of routemaster 
I LOVE being naked - either home indoors alone or with nudist friends, its a nice way to relax and why wear clothes if you don't have to?

By #446733 at 09,May,14 19:50
I'm naked as much as possible

[deleted image]

By #377228 at 07,May,14 07:29
Nude 90% of the time now, nice being retired, NUDISM IS THE LIFE FOR ME !!!

By #289712 at 03,May,14 18:00
I also love being naked, and would be all the time if I could. I can assure you though, my penis would be rock hard all the time, which would be a bit socially awkward..

By casandra at 03,May,14 14:50 other posts of casandra 
Hot Sun, Cold Beer in Tropical Garden

By CreativeOne at 19,Oct,13 20:13 other posts of CreativeOne 
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

As you can see ... I really Love being naked as it sure does feel Sooooooooooooo Gooooooooooood , especially outdoors !
By #409443 at 29,Apr,14 03:40
Very Very Nice
By CreativeOne at 30,Apr,14 06:08 other posts of CreativeOne 
Thank You "speed103" ... I'm Honored that you think my thing is so nice !!!

By #359325 at 02,May,14 01:05

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