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Panties: How to buy them?

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Started by #373739 at 22,Jan,14 00:44
I like to wear a pair of panties occasionally. I really want to do some photos in them. However I am finding it difficult to purchase them without looking like the local perv. Shopping the panty aisle at Walmart, while normal, no doubt, for some, is not for me. I can't imagine approaching the checkout girl with a fist full of panties. The local adult outlet has very nice stuff,and a sympathetic staff, but $25 a pair. Victoria ****, Hmmm, I don't know. Do you have this in xxxl? What's a boy to do?

Similar topics: 1.Panties   2.wearing panties   3.Jacking off in panties.   4.sniffing panties   5.Guys wearing girly panties  

New Comment

By Lvphose at 16,Jul,24 08:12 other posts of Lvphose 
I’m into pantyhose so I’ll go to like Walgreens get some and just pretend I’m on errand for my gf!

By Makemeyours at 04,Jul,24 05:37 other posts of Makemeyours 
I buy my men’s thongs from Amazon. Sometimes they are too small or too big. But different brands tend to fit differently

By AngelofDeath at 30,Jun,24 19:58 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Ask Tecsan. 😅

By Sir-Skittles at 30,Jun,24 19:58 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Apparently not on Temu!

By #519017 at 18,Feb,17 08:15
Be bold! Go to the checkout with the prettiest, sexiest girl, spread them out in front of her and look her straight in the eyes!
By #485312 at 18,Feb,17 08:32
yeah, that's the way to do it and tell her you cant wait to get home and get them on *lix*

By #528118 at 18,Feb,17 05:21
god love wearing panties am wearing a pair now a pair of black and purple pair
By #529235 at 18,Feb,17 05:41
I get so hard when I slip them on

By #510842 at 18,Feb,17 04:46
I've bought a couple packages of panties from WalMart and I just walked down the panty aisle, grabbed the ones I wanted and went to the self checkout. Didn't have to deal with anyone.
By #528118 at 18,Feb,17 05:13
yes right I go to marks &spencers /tescos for mypanties and go self check out too

By #528190 at 17,Feb,17 20:39
You want to feel nylon next to your junk? I wear men's model nylon underwear. It is as smooth as silk, see-thru, has a junk package as well. Amazon has them. Louis Rouse Men's Smooth Ice Silk Boxer Trunks Separate Pouch Inside
$7.49-each. They have different colors incl. Black. Use Amazon Prime for free shipping. Have been wearing this style for over a year. All, are in perfect shape and feel.
By bella! at 17,Feb,17 22:13 other posts of bella! 
I just checked those briefs out and they are quite sexy!

By #485312 at 07,Aug,15 06:50
l thought buying them would be half the thrill, feeling them and getting the sales lady to give you a hand, saying theyre for a present and enjoying the service *lix*

By kebmo at 07,Aug,15 06:45 other posts of kebmo 
I'm a customer of La Senza. I go when they have signs out (about twice a year) that say 7 pairs for $28. I go in and buy seven pairs and I'm good for a while. Fortunately I wear small so when I say that they're for my girlfriend's birthday it's not too outlandish. Twice I've bought granny panties at Walmart. My point is that when you do it buy a LOT so you can get it all over in one visit. Of course Valentine's Day is a great time too. That's when I get my pink. So, having said that, go have a look at my panties!!

By _avg_ at 19,Jul,14 16:24 other posts of _avg_ 
Money can be exchanged for goods and services....
By #23212 at 20,Jul,14 02:28
But you have claimed elsewhere in the Forum that you just steal whatever you want?

By #447598 at 19,Jul,14 16:33
I bought from both local stores and and online before.

Both aren't that weird.

Just do it? But then I fit into small sizes..

So I would recommend getting them online if you really find it that weird, or get a ladyfriend/girlfriend to help you shop. (:

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By #467291 at 19,Jul,14 01:47
I buy mine on-line, often Ebay.

By #11431 at 13,Mar,14 10:36
There are lots of high street outlets with lingerie for bigger women , but failing courage , just use the net. Lots of men buy panties for their wives / girlfriends so dont be scared ! They will not automatically assume you are a cross dresser and even if they did , so what !

By sailor at 24,Feb,14 06:38 other posts of sailor 
Best place is a consignment shop- they don't ask ?'s, and they are cheap.

By #420420 at 29,Jan,14 03:56
Forget Victoria's bullshit, if you want something comfortable. Walmart and Target is the place to go!! Look at the different styles, and see what you like.

Find the 'grandma' checker,or the older woman, and ask for a 'gift receipt' and mumble something about a birthday.

Or, just be bold, and go an find what you like, and go to the checker, and realize that they don't give a FCK what you buy, and they are just some minimum wage person!! They aren't EVER going to remember, or see you at a party, and say "Dude! You were the guy buying pink panties that time!!"

Most people couldn't give less than a SHT, that you are buying panties!! Women buy men's underwear for their guys or sons, all the time!!

There is also the 'online' thing...
By #435701 at 20,Feb,14 21:44
Good idea! But what bravery it would take!

By #62682 at 01,Feb,14 02:09
Agree with the posts suggesting eBay, really good selection get most of mine from there.

By #435701 at 30,Jan,14 20:25
Buy them online from if you value some 'privacy'...Of course buying them in person and in cash means only a few people witnessed it...and of course the ever present cameras...on the other hand...the electronic world is totally unsafe to an extent none of us truly know, but has a wonderful illusion of complete secrecy.

By #136638 at 30,Jan,14 18:37
I love wearing panties. I started wearing panties when I was growing up. I would steal my mom's panties, **** panties, friends moms panties, **** panties. As I got older I had to start buying panties. I go to department stores like kmart, target, walmart instead of lingerie stores like victorias **** or adult stores where they want 25 dollars a pair, department stores have bins with deal like 1.50 per pair, and very nice panties. Also in department stores there are way less people and they are larger so way less people in each department and you don't feel so nervous. My wife knows I wear panties and we often shop for panties together, but before meeting my wife I had to shop alone which yeah its nerve racking but pick times when the store is empty, walmarts are normally 24 7 and take a deep breath, no one knows your buying for yourself, add other things to your cart. Check out my profile for more about us.

By Jb11 at 28,Jan,14 13:16 other posts of Jb11 
Have a look on ebay, plenty of choice there, suit all tastes

By #188764 at 28,Jan,14 13:00
Buy them right before Valentine's Day. "They're a gift for my girlfriend!"

In any case, I buy mine at Target. Definitely worth a minute of embarrassment with a person who doesn't care and I'll never see again. The cashier NEVER commented or looked at me funny.

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By #201155 at 22,Jan,14 09:01
I buy most of mine in the local Lidl or Aldi supermarkets – they have lots of great styles, and the way they are arranged, among all sorts of other products, makes it easy to browse without looking too obvious, especially if you're there at a quiet time. And then at the checkout, well, I just brazen it out. I could always say they are for my wife!
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By #23904 at 26,Jan,14 15:18
Aldi works for me too. Don't have to brazen it out for too long because the checkout operators are always in a hurry at Aldi.
By #201155 at 27,Jan,14 18:27
Indeed. And besides, I bet most of the people who buy their panties are men!

By #373739 at 24,Jan,14 00:03
This posting was meant as a comic look at the dilemma of purchasing panties by men wholly unfit for the task, just fun. Apparently there are not enough with a good sense of humor about our proclivity.
By #23904 at 26,Jan,14 15:29
Shopping the pantie aisle then going to the checkout worked for me when I was younger. Now that I have grey hair the checkout girls give me funny looks. Guess they don't have a sense of humour either.

By #23904 at 26,Jan,14 15:27
Quite a few Aussie chain stores are now introducing self-scan checkouts. You can avoid the eye-contact that says "perv" that way.

By #428387 at 22,Jan,14 00:49
Have a try on got mine there .
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My latest Ebay buy
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By #23904 at 26,Jan,14 15:24
Yep, you can avoid the embarrassment and find a great variety of frilly, lacy and soft cotton.

By botanic at 22,Jan,14 11:59 other posts of botanic 
does this not add to the thrill though .. I mean you dont have to askk to try them on in the changing room !
By #23904 at 26,Jan,14 15:22
Yes it adds to the thrill Sometimes you get a smile from the checkout girl, other times a stern look. And you live in hope that a checkout girl will say "Oh a pantie fan, why don't you come back to my place and try mine"

By #444412 at 22,Jan,14 00:52
The internet can solve all your problems!
By #358797 at 22,Jan,14 05:12
Good suggestion.

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