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Approaching someone for a blow job

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Started by #340774 at 29,Jan,14 12:05
I haven't had a homosexual experience since I was a teenager but I want to again. I just want to anonymously suck a dick and jerk it off but I don't know how or where to approach someone. Any suggestions?

Similar topics: 1.Want to try...   2.Question about everybody's favorite thing... BLOW JOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   3.What constitutes a Blow Job?   4.Blow up dolls!   5.Only Like Blow Jobs?  

New Comment

By kebmo at 22,Sep,17 03:40 other posts of kebmo 
I wrote a blog story called "How to use Craigslist to meet guys."
--------------------------------------- added after 4275 hours


By #460385 at 21,Sep,17 16:46
Usually, just a simple "suck my dick bitch" will work.
By bella! at 21,Sep,17 16:58 other posts of bella! 
And just how do YOU know that approach is successful?
By #460385 at 21,Sep,17 17:14
It's worked in the past. Maybe a little alcohol was involved though.
By bella! at 22,Sep,17 02:43 other posts of bella! 
Oh, you're funny!

By Ingot at 21,Sep,17 23:44 other posts of Ingot 
The easiest place for me to find a sucker/rimmer is Craigslist. And the sucker hosts. MUST swallow or I don't go.

By pifad at 30,Jan,14 06:07 other posts of pifad 
Approaching a man is easy. Make eye contact, rub your crotch and wait for response. He will either motion to his crotch or walk away.
By #435701 at 30,Jan,14 20:52
Or punch you in the face!
By pifad at 31,Jan,14 05:00 other posts of pifad 
I've never had that happen

By WHATSUPDOC at 21,Sep,17 16:28 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Wow, never knew how to pick up a guy. Couple of years ago I was at an adulttheatre and I asked 2 ddifferent guys if I could suck their cock. Everybody looked at me like I was too overt. I said wow I can't even pick up a guy. Now I know how to do it

By #445126 at 29,Jan,14 12:11
Morning> I prefer to Top so I usually get approached so I'll tell you what works from my end. Look me in the eyes, then look at my crotch, look back in my eyes and hold the gaze. Now I know you want to suck .... it's just a smile and a nod from that point.
By pifad at 29,Jan,14 20:44 other posts of pifad 
You got it. Have we met?
By #445126 at 29,Jan,14 21:23
Ummmm, it seems like it.
By pifad at 30,Jan,14 02:45 other posts of pifad 
But I haven't tasted your seed. Let's correct that now

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