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Ever drink sperm from a condom ??

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Started by abyoozme at 13,Apr,14 21:47  other posts of abyoozme
I have and loved it. One time, in about 1986 I taped one on the wall in GH booth with a note asking someone to leave me a load...and they did. :-)

Similar topics: 1.What on earth is going on!   2.Sperm Collecting in a Cup   3.Creampie   4.Saving Sperm in a container   5.Condom usage for uncut cocks  

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By lovetolickyou at 03,Dec,23 08:57 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I asked a friend if he'd save it for me when he fucked his wife. His cum was delicious and the bonus was getting to taste his wife's juices. I'd love to do that lots if I could.

By #704641 at 03,Dec,23 02:19
Yes I have a bunch of times I love drinking cum out of a rubber

By #690553 at 20,Oct,23 23:19
I have before I officially started to fuck bareback

By Wantsome at 19,Oct,23 05:18 other posts of Wantsome 
I live with a friend years ago he fucked this girl when he took her home I see his condom in the bathroom it was almost half full of his come I picked it up I couldn’t believe how much come was in it I put it up to my mouth and sucked out all of the come and swallowed it

By SexyboytoyzMtl at 17,Oct,23 20:45 other posts of SexyboytoyzMtl 
My father cum

By #667453 at 08,Jun,22 23:57

By knewbi at 13,Aug,18 16:52 other posts of knewbi 
First time I saw this was when I was fucking this girl and she required a condom. As soon as I was done she pulled it off of me and proceeded to suck it dry. I loved it!!! So, I have done that with a couple guys that I have swapped blow jobs with and I think they enjoyed it too.

By #554437 at 12,Aug,18 10:27
My own several times and once on a dare from a friend whose cock I have just jerked off into a condom. Long as its still warm I'll do it.

By #562152 at 08,Aug,18 22:24
why would i?? i like it direct from the source
--------------------------------------- added after 16 seconds

By #64328 at 08,Aug,18 20:01
I emptied my cousins condom all over my cock when I was 12 and used his cum as lube. He was a couple years older and I still did not have cum. I also had another friend shot his cum on my dick so I could do the same. I guess I was just a very horny ****

By #561641 at 08,Aug,18 19:39
I dont think I have!

By #561335 at 08,Aug,18 02:38
When I was 18 my best friend fuck his girlfriend and left the rubber in my room later after they left I drunk his cum out of the rubber it was so good

By #532987 at 18,Apr,17 02:47
Those of us in the post aids period and still addicted to ball creme enjoy swallowing sperm any way we can get it. Sperm exposed a few seconds to the atmosphere will eliminate any dad floating around in it. So what better way to enjoy our passion of swallowing as much sperm as possible but to suck it straight from the condumї

By #531302 at 07,Apr,17 11:45
I had one kinky gal who loved drinking cum from my condoms (we are clean the condom was to prevent babies) from a cup I would jerk off into. Miss her.

By #532575 at 07,Apr,17 01:25
yup my own sperm

By #131063 at 23,Feb,17 18:17
#68656 and ktalmipn, you both are so correct.

After so many deaths from AIDS; the emergence of treatment-resistant viruses; new STD's emerging all the time, so many guys just don't GET IT and ignore the realities facing us all.

Wow, the rest of you guys are horrible. Such poor role models for our youth.

I pray I see the day when these pre-80's-mentality promiscuous dinosaurs die off and we can create a healthier, more responsible community that teaches our youth better ways of interacting with one another!

You are scum!

By kebmo at 23,Feb,17 06:52 other posts of kebmo 
No. If I'm going to swallow it why is there a condom involved in the first place?

By spermkiss at 25,May,14 17:43 other posts of spermkiss 
Can't say that I have, but I've taken hundreds (make that thousands!) of loads directly from the dick and eaten quite a few from asses and even a few from pussies.

I gotta say that your tale about leaving that condom with a request for a load got me excited. I can tell you really like sperm. Isn't it fun to be slutty?

By cumjohn at 25,May,14 15:51 other posts of cumjohn 
Yeah. Last december one guy was fucking my ass with condom. When he cummed, i took the condom and put it inside of the paper and throw it in to the garbage can. When man was gone away, i took the condom in my mouth and i swallow all the load, like a hungry slut. I will do it again if possible

By #68656 at 14,Apr,14 09:07
And how could you be sure that the donor was not leaving you an added extra in the form of HIV or similar STD.???
By #291618 at 22,May,14 01:03
i know right? Next thing ill read is he asked a moskito for some clean blo*d too

By pifad at 14,Apr,14 03:20 other posts of pifad 
I have and loved it

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