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Is it wrong to fuck your wife's ****?

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Started by #332336 at 16,Apr,14 12:38
I started fucking my wife's **** recently. I don't see anything wrong with it but my wife is pissed off about it. I don't get it.

Similar topics: 1.I wanna fuck my wife and her friend   2.whats wrong here. people say here i would like to see my wife getting fucked with other man?   3.Now too small for wife?   4.Is it wrong to want someone to wank into my wife's nickers?   5.wife fucking other men  

New Comment

By leopoldij at 18,Sep,15 21:44 other posts of leopoldij 
Well your wife would be pissed off with you if you fucked any woman. THe question is: Would YOU be pissed off if she was fucking someone else? If the answer is YES, then stop or find a woman who would tolerate that. If the answer is NO, then have a better communication with her. Perhaps she doesn't like it that you are specifically banging her ***, whatever the *** mean. If you are so horny, stop banging her *** and get another woman to fuck, unrelated to your wife.
--------------------------------------- added after 25 seconds

If you fuck, she fucks too. Fair game, you know.

By #311947 at 18,Sep,15 17:06
You could use some better communication in that relationship. If your both not on the same page than you both need to come to mutual understandings or just dissolve the relationship. We all heard the saying, "sex doesnt make a relationship". But it can most certainly break one. If you dont understand how she feels, you are either ignorant and or self absorbed. How would you feel if you were in her position? You need to have a talk with all parties.

By #491031 at 18,Sep,15 16:52
Obviously, your wife thinks it is.

By #303133 at 16,Apr,14 15:51
Perhaps, your wife actually LIKES her s ister...and she was hoping that she would only have sex with guys who had more class?
By bella! at 16,Apr,14 16:09 other posts of bella! 
You're assuming that it's her ***** and not her *****?
By #303133 at 16,Apr,14 16:40
This is true.
In my defense, however, the woman would have to be a REAL raging twat if she was pissed because he was fucking her
b rother. After all, EVERY guy fucks his wife's male siblings.What would even be the POINT in making a life-long commitment to a woman if you didn't get to play battling ass-monkeys with her b rothers? Geez...
(And, you really can't get a decent fuck from a row of asterisks. The pointy bits are too sharp.)
By bella! at 16,Apr,14 16:49 other posts of bella! 
Irrational bitch, raging twat........... why split hairs?
By #303133 at 16,Apr,14 16:53
"Raging twat" DOES sound like something a good vaginal ointment could rectify, doesn't it?
By bella! at 16,Apr,14 17:04 other posts of bella! 
True dat!

By #415959 at 16,Apr,14 21:43
What exactly is a "battling ass monkey"?
By #303133 at 16,Apr,14 21:45
They ass-monkeys like that.
By #415959 at 16,Apr,14 21:50
Where can I obtain some of these battling ass monkeys? I have a bunch of yard work, a koi pond which needs cleaning, and 72 neighborhood cats who need their ass battled for crapping on my sidewalk!

Can they be trained to battle cat ass crappers?
By Gntlmn at 16,Apr,14 22:39 other posts of Gntlmn 
these cats ocviously need some guidance....I've got a SmartCat thar does its business in the whirlpool tub that never gets used for litter mess!
--------------------------------------- added after 22 minutes

b instead of p....screwy texting here sometime
By #415959 at 17,Apr,14 00:50
I am thinking a whirlpool tub is a tad extravagant for a cat shit box.
By Gntlmn at 17,Apr,14 19:57 other posts of Gntlmn 
You're right, but I use water from the upstairs shower before it gets hot into a jug to rinse the whirlpool out -it beats dealing with litter-box mess...

By #497509 at 14,Sep,15 22:41
My wife s Ister was never satisfied with her old husband, so she had given me consent to satisfy her s ister. She never object it. We have taken it normal in our life. I didnot see any thing wrong here.
By bella! at 14,Sep,15 22:55 other posts of bella! 
Are you going to dig up every topic that has got to do with boinking your relatives? Surely there's more to you and your life than hitting on all your relatives. And then again, maybe not.......

By leopoldij at 17,Apr,14 22:14 other posts of leopoldij 
Actually, nothing is wrong with fucking. You fuck whomever they want to be fucked. But there must be mutual consensus . People Should be free to fuck whenever and however they wanted.

By leopoldij at 17,Apr,14 21:57 other posts of leopoldij 
I actually had my girlfriends **** give me a handjob when I was 16. Is that bad?

By #455846 at 17,Apr,14 11:19
whats happened to "in sick and in health- through thick and thin and all that? besides your wife should understand it's family and she may be better looking huh.

Are your wife and you not swingers then also?

By #458025 at 16,Apr,14 18:56
I sure hope it's not his wife's m o t h e r
By bella! at 16,Apr,14 19:04 other posts of bella! 
It has to be ***** or ***** because mother is not a censored word.
By #458025 at 16,Apr,14 19:22
Go figure, **** and **** are censored and this is a site dedicated to sex, weird sex, kinky sex, over the top sex and you can't type **** or **** yet you can type mother, fuck, cunt and so on and so on! So if i wanted to say "I like to play golf with my ****" (b r o t h e r) it's censored. wow! But I can say, "I'd like to fuck my mother" ( I wouldn't, just saying), and it wouldn't be censored. What's wrong with this picture? Who's the genius that makes these rules?
By #428387 at 16,Apr,14 20:26
I will enlighten once again .The censorship has been put in place to stop p e d o philes posting messages so words like c h i l d . S i s t e r . B r o t h e r . S l e e p .B e a s t. and so on are edited out
By _avg_ at 17,Apr,14 01:09 other posts of _avg_ 
And, as Admin explained to me, it's not his list -- it's the host's. He can't change it.

By #68656 at 16,Apr,14 16:27
Are we sure the censored word is "s1ster"? His members recent comments plus the profile description indicate he is bisexual so he may in fact be scruffing her br0ther.
Could that be the reason for her displeasure.?
By #136427 at 16,Apr,14 19:27
O broth3r!!!

By #196416 at 16,Apr,14 13:06
What a bitch! Apparently she just doesn't want you to have any fun. Just keep doing it she will get over it in time
By bella! at 16,Apr,14 13:23 other posts of bella! 
I agree with daffu. Obviously, your wife doesn't understand that you, your dick has needs. Fu@king her ***** is only immoral not, right!? The ***** is a consenting adult, right? Women are such irrational bitches!

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