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record masturbation

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Started by leopoldij at 22,Jun,14 23:47  other posts of leopoldij
What's your record in masturbation for a single day?
Mine is 6.
But today I approached this number, because I masturbated and shot my cum 5 times.
What do you do?

Similar topics: 1.MASTURBATION CONTESTS   2.Mutual Masturbation   3.Most times you've come in one day   4.how many times can you cum in one day   5.what is ur fucking or mustarbating record ?  

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By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 14:48
My "personal best" is five times.

By Flirtsohorny at 30,Apr,23 18:38 other posts of Flirtsohorny 
3 hours 5 time~

By wycowboy at 23,Apr,23 13:58 other posts of wycowboy 
I dunno, never counted. 5 or 6 probably. I remember one night with my GF, now my wife, after I returned from boot camp. Her parents were gone for the weekend so I spent Friday night there and we must have fucked 7 times and I know the last two orgasms were very intense.

By LGA6969 at 23,Apr,23 12:34 other posts of LGA6969 
8 times when I was younger. Last few were dry & intense

By tixHH at 17,Apr,23 09:38 other posts of tixHH 
5x with 2 dry orgasms the last 2
By #692343 at 21,Apr,23 15:29
with the dick a little sore but it felt so good with the dry orgasm
By tixHH at 23,Apr,23 09:10 other posts of tixHH 
ur right, intense, but a little bit like an ruined orgasm

By galaxy123 at 20,Apr,23 10:05 other posts of galaxy123 
I remember being home alone one weekend when I was about 18. I decided to see how many times I could masturbate to ejaculation in 24 hours. Pre-internet so I had a few porn mags and a couple of my parents porn vids (VHS) to keep me going. The first couple were easy and I did those quite quickly, I then took a break for a few hours and went again. The cum started to get thinner and less creamy after the 4th one and then the volumes started to drop. I had started at midday and by mid night I had managed to orgasm 7 times. The 6th time barely a drop came out last one was a dry orgasm. I went to bed then and slept. My dick was quite sore by then from all the wanking. In the morning I started again and did it twice more before the 24hours was up. The first one in the morning was good but you could see the cum was watery and the second that morning was almost dry again. In all I did it 10 times in 24hours. I would define 3 as completely dry.
By leopoldij at 20,Apr,23 12:12 other posts of leopoldij 

By #692343 at 21,Apr,23 15:30
Wow... you must have felt so good

By bostonspdo at 16,Apr,23 19:23 other posts of bostonspdo 
In my mid-teens I was alone for a day and decided to see how long I could maintain a continuous hard erection. At that time I could stay hard for a long time but I know that I had to stroke it occasionally. I sort of ran out of interest in the project around four hours. I don't know how to count that. When I was older there were some days when I masturbated 5 or 6 times.

By neednopants at 15,Apr,23 07:48 other posts of neednopants 
When I was 12 or 13 and my balls began to produce sperm, I had the most and the most intense orgasms in my life. Before the orgasms were dry or only a little bit of clear prostate fluid was ejaculated. But with sperm a new world of sexuality began. I can remember days that I spent in the little barn in our garden alone and nude, and I stopped stroking my cock only for a few times. My penis was hard all the time, even after cumming, and the best feeling was stroking my cock right after orgasm, it was some passion and some pain at the same time. I think that on days like that I came 10 times or even more. No chance to count.
By leopoldij at 16,Apr,23 00:35 other posts of leopoldij 
Sounds great

By BirdDog at 15,Apr,23 02:23 other posts of BirdDog 
8 so far
By leopoldij at 15,Apr,23 05:15 other posts of leopoldij 

By #692343 at 14,Apr,23 15:20
When I was 16 I got to 6 wanks, the last orgasms were dry and very intense
By leopoldij at 14,Apr,23 17:14 other posts of leopoldij 
Imagine if you could do this at an older age when you have a partner to fuck. That world be awesome. Problem is that, at 16, you have more orgasms and fewer partners, if any.

By #652979 at 01,Jan,22 23:37

And once my girlfriends girlfriend made me cum 5 times in 4 hours.
By Lvphose at 04,Jan,22 03:09 other posts of Lvphose 
Sounds like a great friend your gf has! Wish she or someone would do same to me!

By leopoldij at 04,Jan,22 03:10 other posts of leopoldij 
Exciting! Did your girlfriend know?
By #652979 at 04,Jan,22 09:51

we did threesomes a few times.
By leopoldij at 05,Jan,22 01:23 other posts of leopoldij 
Wow! Where was your gf when her friend was making you cum?
By #652979 at 06,Jan,22 16:39
She was at her home. Her gf and I were at mine.
We were very open then. Nowadays, we are more sticking to each other. We have set new rules now, which also means no dates with Jack anymore.
Only once a year we go to a party, around Christmas/new year.

By #553294 at 13,Apr,18 03:04
Back when I was young & had dry orgasms, I could just keep going until I couldn't handle it. I once masturbated to orgasm 20 times in one day. Couldn't do that anymore after I started to ejaculate.

However - I masturbated to orgasm 7 times in one day just a few weeks ago, (first 2 orgasms were only a couple minutes apart) and I'm 62 yrs old. Back when I was in my late 20s, my girlfriend & I once had sex 9 times in a day. We both reached orgasm each time.
By #651103 at 06,Jan,22 14:07
I used to have dry orgasms before I started producing sperm. So intense!

By #651103 at 06,Jan,22 14:05
5 is my record

By Lvphose at 04,Jan,22 03:12 other posts of Lvphose 
Several like this

And if have a helper, like this

By LGA6969 at 01,Jan,22 22:54 other posts of LGA6969 
8 times

By leopoldij at 01,Jan,22 20:50 other posts of leopoldij 
But some people claim it's 12!

By #546418 at 13,Apr,18 01:45
Assuming you mean where you have an ejaculatory orgasm at the end, 4. Though I can do much better with help, I sometimes tease myself throughout the day, and I taught myself how to have non ejaculatory orgasms, not counting them. Been meaning to try to break the record, but it has always taken me a really long time to cum. Even when I want to just rub one out quick, I'm usually looking at around of 10 minutes, sometimes less, usually more. Maybe I'll hold off on cumming until I my days off, down a few monsters, plan ahead for what I'm going to eat, and pull out my entire toybox, I feel I can do 5 or 6 if I have the time. Maybe if I just try to cum as fast as possible I'll shoot less and be able to keep going after 2. Oddly enough, I'm usually good for 2 if I want though, with the same erection if time allows. Anything more becomes extraneous without a partner to help. Most of my 3's and 4's were spread throughout the day, like a double in the morning one in the afternoon and one at bed.

By cumaddik at 13,Apr,18 00:57 other posts of cumaddik 
When i was a ****...dry orgasms...12

By #499629 at 07,Nov,15 01:49
I've enjoyed a really high sex drive since I discovered masturbation aged 12. I don't show any signs of slowing down at 31, and a couple of weeks ago I managed 9 wanks in a single day. I'm confident that I have easily exceeded this number many times over the years.
By leopoldij at 07,Nov,15 02:00 other posts of leopoldij 

By #204902 at 03,Nov,15 19:49
when I was 11 to 13 yo I could cum 6 times a day. But dry cum after the 3rd time.

By #455846 at 03,Nov,15 19:07
i do about 4 - 6 times in a day if i can, my record is about 9 !

By #289712 at 03,Nov,15 13:32
I'm 37 and have barely missed a day in 25 years. As ayounger man there was many days where I went 5-7 times, that's about my limit. I couldn't get enough, always had it in my hand, having an almost permanent hard on. I'd only shoot so much. The-first couple of orgasms would be sizable loads but by the third or fourth orgasm if anything a few drops of cum oozed from my dick.

By leopoldij at 03,Nov,15 00:09 other posts of leopoldij 
The record seems to be 13 per day, as liketoedge tells us below

By #285354 at 10,May,15 12:30
I average 2-3 per day. My record in a single day is 8.
[deleted image]
By leopoldij at 04,Oct,15 16:13 other posts of leopoldij 
Eight? With cum? Or not?

By cazzoduro69 at 04,Oct,15 15:24 other posts of cazzoduro69 
9...but i was young 15 y old i think

By leopoldij at 02,Oct,15 21:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Any updates on this?

By #289712 at 09,May,15 19:50
My most when younger was 8. The last one was a battle. 8 orgasms, but after 3 or 4 there was only a dribble of cum
By leopoldij at 10,May,15 05:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Thanks. And your age?
By #289712 at 21,May,15 17:59
Mid twenties then

By #64328 at 05,May,15 17:02
13 was my max....but ran out of cum by the 3rd or4th orgasm and the last 3 or4 I wasnt even hard. I was 13 years old and trying for 24 times in 24 hours. I was a little sore the next day
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Also at that age 4 or 5 in a day was normal for me. I always wondered if my friends did it that much too

By #489432 at 05,May,15 05:02
If I am staying in a hotel on a business trip, I can bust a load out every 1-2 hours. At home, more like 5 times in 2 hours or so.
By leopoldij at 05,May,15 14:59 other posts of leopoldij 
Wow! How old are you ?

By #132188 at 05,May,15 11:50
Well this one time on meth.... Argh just kidding
By mr_blue at 05,May,15 14:36 other posts of mr_blue 

By Andthisisme at 05,May,15 11:20 other posts of Andthisisme 
From my own experience throughout my 'masturbation life' that first cum of the day is awesome, the sensation of that exploding ejaculation is WOW!! Whether through sex or masturbation all subsequent cums in my experience are far less so, both in terms of quantity and quality. But Hey, that is probably just me.

By #485312 at 04,May,15 11:02
l masturbated till l blew my brain up, now lm only allowed one orgasm at a time, ld love to turn back the clock, be able to stack 4 or 5 orgasms like l used too ... *lix*
By leopoldij at 04,May,15 14:00 other posts of leopoldij 
Why do you say "allowed"? Who prohibits you?

By #481653 at 07,Jan,15 23:23
Great effort with 7. My record is 5 times on a day I devoted to masturbating when I was about 16 or 17 I think. I have cum six times in one night through sex though, but it doesn't really count because there is greater motivation. Haha

In the last two days I have masturbated 6 times which is a lot for me these days
By leopoldij at 10,Jan,15 11:17 other posts of leopoldij 
6 times each day or both?
By #481653 at 16,Jan,15 22:37
Haha, no way! It was over the two days!
By leopoldij at 17,Jan,15 22:39 other posts of leopoldij 

By #24308 at 11,Jul,14 23:09
8 times
By leopoldij at 11,Jul,14 23:51 other posts of leopoldij 
with cum all 8 times?
8 times cumshot in a single day?
Can't believe it!
By cazzoduro69 at 06,Jan,15 10:29 other posts of cazzoduro69 
i do 9 times with my ex girlfriend from morning at afternoon...but i was 19 y old
By leopoldij at 06,Jan,15 12:15 other posts of leopoldij 
Did she have fica stretta?
By cazzoduro69 at 06,Jan,15 14:42 other posts of cazzoduro69 
i remember normal pussy
By leopoldij at 06,Jan,15 16:48 other posts of leopoldij 
It doesn't matter, right? At the age of 19 any pussy is good.
By cazzoduro69 at 07,Jan,15 15:46 other posts of cazzoduro69 
yes it's true

By slipper at 17,Jan,15 02:50 other posts of slipper 
...and, still IS!!! Maybe even more so!
By leopoldij at 17,Jan,15 07:11 other posts of leopoldij 
Cool. Keep up the good work. Keep masturbating!

By #471978 at 16,Jan,15 18:48

By Mrbigdoc at 10,Jan,15 13:56 other posts of Mrbigdoc 
5 times in 12 hours so good
By leopoldij at 10,Jan,15 16:52 other posts of leopoldij 
The best masturbations is when they're assisted by a friendly hand.

By #447598 at 18,Jul,14 00:17
Around 8, spaced out sorta evenly throughout the day. :3
By cazzoduro69 at 07,Jan,15 21:54 other posts of cazzoduro69 

By leopoldij at 07,Jan,15 22:17 other posts of leopoldij 
Great. Do joy Jack off in front of others?

By #467291 at 16,Jul,14 22:34
I masturbate about 3 times every day & cum every time. If I don't fuck I can manage 4 or 5 times a day with cum. My record is 6 times in the space of 8 hours. The last wank took a lot of effort & very little cum.
By cazzoduro69 at 07,Jan,15 15:49 other posts of cazzoduro69 

By #390287 at 06,Jan,15 18:18
7, but i was shooting blanks at the end.
By cazzoduro69 at 07,Jan,15 15:47 other posts of cazzoduro69 

By #64328 at 06,Jan,15 19:33
13 was my max....but ran out of cum by the 3rd or4th orgasm and the last 3 or4 I wasnt even hard. I was 13 years old and trying for 24 times in 24 hours. I was a little sore the next day
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Also at that age 4 or 5 in a day was normal for me. I always wondered if my friends did it that much too

By #465248 at 17,Jul,14 22:34
4 times a day is my limit. It starts to ache if I try and go for a 5th try.
By cazzoduro69 at 06,Jan,15 14:44 other posts of cazzoduro69 
i do 4 yesterday...2 fuck my girl and 2 wank alone...was horny

By #435701 at 17,Jul,14 17:57
Well...you said how many time you have...which means many others will top that no. True or not...But once or twice in my life I have had 5-6. But that meant at least a week of NONE as I was so sore!!!

By #4162 at 16,Jul,14 12:49
7 times but fucking not wanking
By leopoldij at 16,Jul,14 21:58 other posts of leopoldij 
Fucked 7 times in a day? The same person or different ones?

By #289712 at 03,Jul,14 07:58
My record for masturbating is probably 5-7 in a day, much the same. Gets hard to cum though, I've had to really work my cock for the last couple of orgasms..
By leopoldij at 03,Jul,14 10:50 other posts of leopoldij 
if you don't cum, do you count it as one of your masturbation sessions per day? just asking, because i don't know if i should do it or not, for me. thx
By #289712 at 11,Jul,14 17:02
I always get there, sometimes staggering across the line, but Ill cum
By leopoldij at 11,Jul,14 17:43 other posts of leopoldij 
Fantastic! Keep it up!

By #465168 at 03,Jul,14 15:28
I have a mate who said he once jerked off 23 times in one day, and I believe him. My own record is probably closer to 7 or 8.
By leopoldij at 03,Jul,14 20:44 other posts of leopoldij 
wait! what do you mean by "jerked off 23 times"?
did he *also* cum 23 times?
because if it's just getting hard 23 times and shaking your dick, then i can do it too, and, probably, more than 23 times.
but if we're talking about actually *cumming 23 times* that's an entirely different matter...

By #455846 at 03,Jul,14 11:40
i think about 6...will have to see

By #4162 at 02,Jul,14 11:03
7 that's was fucking not masturbation
By leopoldij at 02,Jul,14 13:34 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 02,Jul,14 09:25 other posts of leopoldij 
Have you guys seen the site called "efukt"? It's adult humor for adults... Go there and click on the clip "INCREDIBLE: 3 Orgasms in 90 Seconds" where this guy cums 3 times in less than two seconds. Incredible.

If anyone achieved this through masturbation, would that count as having masturbated three times or just once?

By #305578 at 30,Jun,14 04:26
For mr. tiger its 3 in one day through masturbation alone (more if the mrs tiger helps )
For mrs. tiger its 5 alone and more with help
By leopoldij at 30,Jun,14 05:08 other posts of leopoldij 
Mind If I help?
By #305578 at 01,Jul,14 04:34
The misses would love your help but I'm strictly straight.
By leopoldij at 01,Jul,14 16:19 other posts of leopoldij 
i will help her gladly!

By #291618 at 23,Jun,14 00:29
12 times it was great from the first time to the last even tough i ran out of cum

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