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Admin--I just noticed the "rating" buttons on Forum topics.

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #303133 at 30,Sep,14 20:59
Can you fill us in on the details, please?

Similar topics: 1.Delete any Discussion on the Forum with the word "Rate" in the title.   2.Admin, please create forum topics. Let's organize and sort 161 pages of chaos into something beautiful!   3.Admin, Any update on the Forum Rating Buttons?   4.RANDOM BULLSHIT.......DUMPSTER EDITION!   5.New topics!  

New Comment

By #444014 at 04,Dec,14 22:38

Does anyone really use the ratings ?
By leopoldij at 07,Dec,14 01:32 other posts of leopoldij 
By #444014 at 07,Dec,14 01:35
Why not ?....just curious...

If no-one uses them,there is no point having them...
By leopoldij at 08,Dec,14 02:18 other posts of leopoldij 
These points are pointless.
By #444014 at 08,Dec,14 02:48
What points ?....

I simply asked why you don't use the rating system.if no-one uses the ratings,there is no need for them...

So your point is pointless...
By leopoldij at 08,Dec,14 12:26 other posts of leopoldij 
oh sure, thanks for pointing out that i missed the point of your question.

By admin at 30,Sep,14 21:09 other posts of admin 
Not much. For now they are just visuals. Later I will add additional pages where you will be able to see forum-rating of any particular member, but as for more practical usage like "auto-ban" for example, I have not decided yet
By #303133 at 30,Sep,14 21:29
"auto-ban" sounds like it could get pretty ugly...
By bella! at 30,Sep,14 22:12 other posts of bella! 
Looky, looky, looky! You received a thoughtful response in 10 minutes! Go to the head of the class!

By bigone21 at 01,Oct,14 22:00 other posts of bigone21 
i just voted 3x "+"... so you know how it happened when something happens!!
By JeffinKS at 01,Oct,14 22:03 other posts of JeffinKS 
how did you vote "+" 3 times? wont let me vote + or - more than once
By bigone21 at 01,Oct,14 22:14 other posts of bigone21 
did it again! voted "+" for all the comments in this thread, even my own!
--------------------------------------- added after 28 seconds

and again...
--------------------------------------- added after 66 seconds

and again! going to bed now!
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

that is funny! if i click on the 4 at justwill, i get a page that reads: -1 seanconnery0072012
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

bella! +1 Lonewolf_ICT
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

bigone21: +1 Lonewolf_ICT
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Lonewolf_ICT: +1 bigone21
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

haha! i think this is some points-shifting game between lovers and haters! don't know how it works...

admin, how does it work???
By admin at 02,Oct,14 03:45 other posts of admin 
Apparently incorrect. I have fixed it, though. And reset to 0.
By bigone21 at 02,Oct,14 20:01 other posts of bigone21 
+1 2nice_

By bella! at 02,Oct,14 03:58 other posts of bella! 
JustWill, would you be kind enough to ask admin when he believes he will roll out how to effectively use the voting options? I would like to have an understanding of the ramifications of the "practical use of auto-ban". Thank you, JustWill!
By #303133 at 02,Oct,14 04:29
Justwill is unable to come to the forum right now. He is busy playing in the dumpster.
Leave a message at the beep...
By bella! at 02,Oct,14 12:34 other posts of bella! 
What were the chances of that happening!?

Hmmmm......I didn't hear a beep, I wonder if I should start talking anytawho? What the heck;


Adult Discussion Forum