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27 pics on here and fuck all comments

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Started by #472386 at 11,Apr,15 21:09
27 nice and clear pics on here of my hard cock and hardly any comments.....

what's the problem? too small? straight?
cock ring?

what's the point of this website tbh?

Similar topics: 1.juxter and amazone11   2.Let's exchange comments? I make comments on your picture, and you mine!   3.anyone want to fuck my wife with their big enormous cock.   4.Dose Comments From gay people offend you?   5.Comments not showing?  

New Comment

By #448269 at 22,Apr,15 13:30
My experience on this site is, interesting and unique shots get comments
By bella! at 22,Apr,15 14:39 other posts of bella! 
Yes, I like to comment on unique pictures as well......
By leopoldij at 23,Apr,15 01:30 other posts of leopoldij 
Like men's nipples?
By bella! at 23,Apr,15 03:14 other posts of bella! 
Yes, I have commented on men's nipple pics.
By leopoldij at 23,Apr,15 19:42 other posts of leopoldij 
I know! I appreciate.

By #57759 at 25,Apr,15 17:03
how about women's left breast?
By #460385 at 04,Feb,16 19:20
Put you some fake internet pics of hot girls on your page. Then our members will vote those pics right to the top spot on the main "pussies" page. Then you will have more activity on your page and perhaps the members may throw you a comment or two. Nah probably not. They'll probably just ask you who the hot girls are and ask for more of them.
By bella! at 04,Feb,16 19:27 other posts of bella! 
The advice you give is actually quite right BUT.....there's a Big Bother might report him for deletion. It's a double head sword, upload internet pictures to spark some action on your page but take the chance of being deleted.
By #460385 at 04,Feb,16 19:32
Big Bother hasn't seen Girl19 yet then. I'm scratching my head on this one. She goes from a chubby girl with granny panties to different models on yachts. Still trying to figure which one she or he is. Got a good idea that she may not be the models on the yachts and getting fisted.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

And she apparently changes her hair color often and has decided to shave her pussy now.
By big9inch21 at 04,Feb,16 20:01 other posts of big9inch21 

By admin at 04,Feb,16 20:20 other posts of admin 
People mostly report competition and accounts they don't like for personal reasons. No surprise here, it was the same without the panel. People are lazy to investigate and present proof if they are not invested.
By #460385 at 04,Feb,16 20:37
With all do respect Administration. If that comment was directed towards us. There is no competition. Our pics speak for their self. And I can't dislike someone I don't know. But I got no problem calling out a fake to their face and not the review panel. If you would read my private msg to her or him, you will see that I did exactly that. No I do not have proof that the pics are fake and that 10 different girls with 4 different hair colors, from a fat white ass and drooping titties, to a well toned and tan ass with fake tits is not actually the same girl. I guess anything is possible now a days. Hell Bruce Jenner is now a woman. Who would have thought that one. The term lazy is so harsh. Perhaps, not having the time or the tools to police your website 24/7 just doesn't fall into my daily agenda. So for now, I will continue with my ways and post in the Forums. That is what they are here for, right. Thank you, with love.
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And you are right. I can't say that these pics are not of the same girl. And yes I have no proof. That's why I don't go to the review panel. But man, something sure looks fishy to me hear[deleted image]
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[deleted image]
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Hell, I guess you could buy tits and a spray tan too. [deleted image] no proof though.
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[deleted image]
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[deleted image]And by the way, my wife will be devastated that you said she was jealous enough of these pics, for her to make this personal and competitive. Shame on you sir.
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[deleted image]
By admin at 04,Feb,16 21:30 other posts of admin 
I hope you are joking. I did not direct it towards anyone particular, just made a general statement.

But I should point out that it's not hard to find this only registered users can see external links

just using the picture of a girl on yacht in google. I simply refuse to waste my time doing this for every profile that looks fake. Especially taking into consideration that I will probably be attacked by angry members with something like "why you deleted her, she was so nice to me", "she was what this site require more of", "she was real I personally met her" and etc.
By bella! at 04,Feb,16 21:58 other posts of bella! 
@ admin, I thought you said that although posting internet pictures were not in the spirit of the site, you really weren't too concerned as long as the member did not claim them to be of themselves, gf, bf, booty call, etc.
By admin at 04,Feb,16 22:18 other posts of admin 
So? How do you think should I know if that member claim this or not? Do you think I chat with every member here or read every private message on the site?

I'm not sure why many of you suppose I'm some kind of god. Even if I did not think reading other people's private messages is unethical I simply could not read and comprehend everything that people write here daily. It's not within my mental capacity.

If you ask me what I see looking at that profile I see a man (I'd say 90% likelihood from the used phrases) from US IP who claim to be a woman from Peru and has nothing but internet pics. But this is purely my opinion. To prove this completely I would have to spend some considerable time, may be hours. And as long as people praise fakes here I'm not interested in such labor.

Those who do care (or at least claim to care) about genuineness of the members can do this job themselves if it's so important for them.

May be to simplify the things I should fucking make a button "ban this member for 2000 points" applied to non paid members only

By bella! at 04,Feb,16 21:24 other posts of bella! 
@ admin, My only concern is with the reporting members that DO NOT provide any proof to their claim. As I recall admin, you said that you would toss out any referrals that did not provide proof. As far as I'm concerned, it's not up to me or other eager and anxious to delete members to "prove" the reporting member's vague allegations.
By admin at 04,Feb,16 22:06 other posts of admin 
Most do not provide proof. Once I established they mostly report because they do not personally like someone and not because they have principles in general (it's easy to see from many fakes not being reported for years) I do not see why I should do the homework for them. It's in their interest, not in mine. As I said, I did get attacked for deleting popular fakes. Despite that my account is kinda bulletproof it was still annoying to hear the whining every time I deleted some popular fake. So yes, I did ignored most of reports without proof. But I also got attacked for that by those people who reported that I encourage fakes, that I do not respect copyrights, etc.

And I made the panel so that those who care can investigate themselves if they really care so much. I know they don't. But at least those 2 parties can fight between themselves directly and not via me as their proxy.

And you still trying to involve me in this. If you think people should not be deleted without proof - just vote "no ground" if there is no proof. I don't want to get involved in this. As long as the panel quickly deletes obviously stuff I'm ok with their work.
By bella! at 04,Feb,16 22:16 other posts of bella! 
To admin, I do vote no abuse!

By #460385 at 04,Feb,16 22:07
Administration. Yes that was my attempt at some humor. I agree with bella. If I have no proof why waste the time to report that member. She is not claiming to my knowledge that all the pics are her. And with all due respect and as nicely as I can say it. I'm paying you to be on this site not the other way around. Therefore, it should not be up to members to provide proof. Hell, it's more fun to just fuck with them personally then take all my time doing searches on Google.
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Besides, if you want me more involved, no problem. But my way of dealing with people who are stealing pics online is to ride their ass till I break them. But that never works cause they have the option to ban me and cut off all communication. Not really fair is it. Which puts it back in your hands Administration.
--------------------------------------- added after 15 minutes

And I understand you got a tough job trying to make everyone happy. I get that there is no fail proof system for fakes. But give us time to dig in with these fakes before they can ban us. Maybe a 5 day waiting period on new members before they can ban someone.
By admin at 04,Feb,16 22:27 other posts of admin 
I can't deny members a possibility to block communication from other particular members. While you are being blocked for polite request (and this is already a reason to question member's genuineness) many people block other members for totally valid reasons. Some members are rude, stupid and aggressive. Especially towards female accounts. So I can't remove the blacklist option.
By #460385 at 05,Feb,16 13:59
Imagine that. I have been blacklisted by member Girl19 after one PM to her or him. I called that one. Looks like it's up to the review panel now. I'm out. I agree it is way to easy to blacklist someone because it is free.

By bella! at 04,Feb,16 22:28 other posts of bella! 
I still think people ought to pay points to blacklist. There's a good number of members who blacklist others just because it's easy and they can. You might think twice before you blacklist someone if it cost.......
By #460385 at 04,Feb,16 22:33
Sounds like we are back to searching Google for pics.
By bella! at 05,Feb,16 10:59 other posts of bella! 
Blah, blah, blah, JohnS.

Such a typical response from you, JohnS. The old go to, "the review panel has seen (insert profile name here) several times....". It makes me wonder WTF your life is all about. You must have an extensive library of well documented amorphous smut. You really need to incorporate some meaningful activity into your meaningless life. 

As for you referring to me as the Defender of Fakes, keep in mind that I'm only one vote and my one vote is not the only vote that saves a member from being unjustly deleted.

By #460385 at 05,Feb,16 13:57
Imagine that. I have been blacklisted by member Girl19 after one PM to her or him. I called that one. Looks like it's up to the review panel now. I'm out. I agree it is way to easy to blacklist someone because it is free.
By bella! at 05,Feb,16 15:31 other posts of bella! 
Oh, JohnS was QUICK to snatch this opportunity to acquire more points! Shortly upon reading the post, posting his thoughts below then copying admin's links, he reported Girl19 who was then deleted AND for those that are curious to know, eduard99, wink wink.....I voted to delete her. Although she did not claim any of the 45 pictures to be of herself, there were so many distinctly different pictures posted and by someone so new. Who knows, maybe she has multiple personalities and each picture was representative of that uniquely different personality. Along with Girl19, JohnS referred gangbang_2016, who was also deleted. So however many points JohnS told anyone he has, he's got more.

It's peculiar that JohnS the refers to me as the Defender of Fakes, surely his advanced age has not left him totally devoid of memory. I am only able to vote once, my vote is not the only vote that matters. It takes my vote and MANY MORE to keep a member from being unjustly deleted.
By #460385 at 05,Feb,16 19:20

By mr_blue at 06,Feb,16 11:03 other posts of mr_blue 
So what happens if you get bombarded with pm's and you have no points ? have to try to ignore those pm's flooding your inbox or only allow pm's from friends...or even stay off site...and you wonder why people sit on their points and don't use them,they're saving them for all the points costs of the future[more work and less reward]....kinda like an syd pension....

By HunterAce at 04,Feb,16 20:24 other posts of HunterAce 

By cockbot3000 at 04,Feb,16 18:59 other posts of cockbot3000 
I find the more active i an on the site the more comments (not that there's many) i get. Using points, commenting on others pics, and using the forums are all gray ways to attract people to your page!
By bella! at 05,Feb,16 23:14 other posts of bella! 
You are absolutely correct! Members are more apt to see you the more active you are!

Unfortunately, for you, SYD is a sausage fest. You have the same equipment that the majority of the membership has SO you either have to have the Mack Daddy of all penises that attracts immediate attention OR mix and mingle just as you've been doing, by commenting and voting on pictures and posting your thoughts in the forum.
By sherryann at 05,Feb,16 23:39 other posts of sherryann 
Bella, you're hilarious. Thanks for the laugh, I needed that. Have to have the Mack Daddy of all penises

By #502573 at 05,Feb,16 23:25
Maybe you need to show more that just your cock. It's all about the whole package to some people.

By stiffone4u at 23,Apr,15 03:09 other posts of stiffone4u 
Join the either need a pussy or a huge cock to get lots of are fine and have nothing to worry about.
By bella! at 23,Apr,15 03:30 other posts of bella! 
Yes, you're correct about pussy pics generating an abundance of comments HOWEVER..... I would no agree about the 'huge cock' statement.

Some men are attracted to circumsised cocks, some prefer natural, uncut cocks. Some like 'em razor smooth while others prefer the natural bush. Some men are into length and some admire the proprtions. SYD has something for everyone to comment on.

By #81191 at 13,Apr,15 13:05
Try some variation with your pics as they all look the same plus being active on the site brings rewards

By admin at 12,Apr,15 02:23 other posts of admin 
Don't you know what oversaturated market is? It's not an Iphone shop where you put it on a show-window and everyone is eager to buy. You put your dick along with thousands of other dicks and expect women to come to you?

First, women are not interested in dicks at all. Gay men could make some comments, since men are much more fixated on dicks, but you say you are straight on your page.

Second, you have to sell yourself. If you sit and wait nothing good will come to you. You made 17 comments on other members pics in half of a year. Make 17 every day and then you can expect something. Not guaranteed, though. Especially considering that a half of the comments you made are under obvious internet pics (at least obvious to me, but I do not ban accounts if I do not have some kind of proof).

By bella! at 11,Apr,15 22:47 other posts of bella! 
You are absolutely correct, you have posted 27 clear photographs of your hard cock.

I would agree with Andthisisme, why some pictures do well with views and comments is mind boggling. SYD/SYC is like anything else, sometimes the pictures a member will post will 'speak' to other members and then again, sometimes not.

Personally, I enjoy looking at flaccid cocks, well defined balls and sexy bulges. HOWEVER the only thing you will find in my 'FAVOURITES' are pictures of butts, yes, my weakness....... I mean, you see one hard cock, you've seen 'em all.

Are you hoping that the SYC members will comment on your pictures or would you be appreciative receiving comments from the SYD members? Please do not feel that I am attacking you, that is not my intention, I notice that you haven't selected any members to be your friend and that you've only commented 14 times on SYC members in the last 7 months. It is my opinion that if you were a bit more active and considered adding friends, you *might* see a difference. Finally, keep in mind that SYD/SYC is a social site. It is nice when members that receive comments, acknowledge the comments that are received.

By #485312 at 11,Apr,15 22:39
its a nudist site, we like to see naked bodies, l wont comment on a cock shot because lm here to see the rest of the man, his cock isn't 5% of the total man, after you see a hundred close up cock shots, they all look the same, l like to see the whole person and especially some arse *lix*

By Andthisisme at 11,Apr,15 21:27 other posts of Andthisisme 
All we can do as members is put our photos and videos on our pages and await any response from other members. There are so many photos posted on here everyday that it is not always easy to stand out from the crowd, particularly if a member doesn't post new material regularly and thus appear on the recently posted page. I don't think there is simple answer to your question. I have given up trying to fathom why some pics do well for views or comments - by my standard not any absolute standard - and others do not.

By mr_blue at 11,Apr,15 21:19 other posts of mr_blue 
I got 99 problems but this ain't one....

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