First i like to say to all of you thank you for sharing your pics with us on syd,or syc..
is allways so nice to lock at great beautiful pics on this site.
I like to ask you alll Straght people..
Do comments from gay offend you?
I love to comment on beautiful pic
dont matter to me if it of cock or pussy
i see beautiy in all pics...
and am not asking for comments in return...
Djust what is your thougs on gay guys commenting on your pics?
I Always enjoy getting comments from anyone here "gradurgaur" and honestly ... it doesnt bother me at all who I chat with or get comments from ! I myself am a very "Open minded" person , so I have no problem what so ever chatting with everyone here ! I think I have had the pleasure of chatting with at least 500 members at one point or another since I first started here back in July of 2009 ! Plus I used to be "1XSpurt"
By #248006 at 11,Nov,12 17:00
Has anybody ever mad any negative comments to you or about you? I'd be surprised if they did because the people posting here are all curious and interested in the same things. Besides, check how many have made you their me. I'm happy and proud that you're a friend. Stay safe!
Comments are always nice, whether they come from gay/lesbian/bi/straight men or women doesn't really matter to me. I post my cock for ALL to see.
I consider myself to be straight (basically...), but absolutely love looking at other guy's cocks. And I will comment if I like what I see (i.e. ). So, how could I feel offended in any way by other men commenting on my pics?
It has been said before and I agree, when posting pics and exposing your cock to the world via a site like this you just can not expect only women to comment. Even if your profile states "straight"... (Only a fool could, maybe...)
Also, my experience is that most and best feedback on a cock will always come from gay men.
As for comments from women I think that's really hot, but it seems they're more silent admires and not so quick with comments. Maybe they do not like my cock... Or maybe they are not women, just pretend to be. Or it's because so many men think just a nice comment on their cock equals "I want you to fuck me" and spam female users with mails...?
Anyway, feel free to comment on my cock everybody...
my friend i made A trip to your page and i got to tel you my friend that your pics are very hot sexy and beautiful to lock at...
By #301940 at 11,Nov,12 15:27
Being a Married straight guy I love comments from everyone! The way I see it is gay guys have a dick plus see many other ones so They probably know best when they see a nice looking cock!! Although Hearing from a sexy chick is fun too!!
I have wisit your page and lock over your photos and i have to say that you have amasing pics..lot of beautiful classic erotic pic of beautiful cock
By #85103 at 11,Nov,12 00:08
Hi G
I love comments from anyone, but I'm offended when members who don't know me send me a private message telling me what they want 'to do to me' etc. That pisses me off! I felt the need to say it coz some prize of a guy (cough) just did so!
your pics are very beautiful
and that big beauty is very nice too
By #149276 at 10,Nov,12 22:33
Not at all!
By #311508 at 08,Nov,12 02:25
I think it's hilarious that people who post pictures of their genitals on a public website for everyone to see would get offended by the comments they receive. If you don't want it then don't post your junk on the internet. Talk about a bunch of prima-donner's.
It was merely a question posed by a very kind and considerate member.
By #218130 at 09,Nov,12 07:04
He sure is very kind and considerate.
By #289712 at 10,Nov,12 16:02
gradurgaur has been kind to me the whole time i have been on here.
By #218130 at 10,Nov,12 17:22
By #289712 at 10,Nov,12 15:53
hey G, hope you are well.. as you know i am straight, but i am pretty open minded, and i quite happily accept comments from gay guys.. the majority of site users are gay so if it is an issue for some, they have to take it into consideration.. i just greatly enjoy the knowledge that people out there are seeing my cock, and even better if they like it. i don't get a great deal of visitors/comments, so they are all fantastic!! as long as people like what they see, it makes me happy.. fire away people!!
By #289712 at 10,Nov,12 15:58
oh and thanks G for throwing a few nice comments my way, on my current pics and my old ones.. i probably got more comments from you than anyone!! it's great..
my friend you are very gifted with amasing cock...manny hot beautiful pics
By #211766 at 08,Nov,12 00:26
No I do not find them insulting over all. BUT I have had a small number of men who just kept at me to cam with them not take no for an answer and to try and to talk me into it by saying things like "Imagine me fucking your big fat ass" (an actual comment I have been left) THAT TO ME IS OFFENSIVE
Am sorry to hear friend...
and am 100 with you on this..
i hope you have found good friends as i have on this site becuse there are lot of very good kind people on this site...
My friend 2nice
Well am trying i have good warm bed and it wil be so nice to share it with good kind person...
Bjцrk is very some funky singing style but we love her and she all into saving the nature and that is very nice of her to take some time from singing to help out with saving the nature...
All comments are appreciate, even the crappy ones I read and "attend" to. All positive comments are flattering, no matter who they are from, imho!!! Can't have tooooo many nice comments, hehehe!!!
I have lock at your page and comment on few got very hot pics
By #7976 at 08,Nov,12 22:00
Never. I'm strictly straight but people are people. Heterosexual, Gay, Bi... it doesn't matter when it comes to talking with someone. While I wouldn't have sex with a guy, there are some really great people who are of a different sexual persuasion than myself.
I can not speak for all gay people i can only speak for me but i love comments both from guys and girls...
By #218130 at 09,Nov,12 07:08
I have no problem with that and don't feel offended in any way my friend. I greatly appreciate and enjoy your comments and the friendly, short chats we have from time to time.
Hey handsome, this sounds much like a thread from many months ago when a SYC member who commented on a picture and was criticized by that SYD member because he identified himself as being gay. I'm with you on this gradurgaur, a compliment is just a compliment unless it is lewd and inappropriate. YOUR words and comments are always sincere, kind and thoughtful. Anyone receiving messages or comments from you should feel privileged as you are the BEST! Thanks for being my friend.
Am not beeing rude when i comment on pics..
I thing complimenting on something beautiful are to be ok..
And i thing in this Crazy world that good compliments are the best thing that we can give ...
Oh, I know you are not ever rude. I agree, in this crazy world, it is good when people take time to give a compliment and good compliments are always the BEST to receive. You are so easy to love you dear man!
If they don't comments or people looking they should not post pics.
I really appreciate the comments u left for me.
I'm straight but like to show mine and look at other cocks only
I generally don't look at the body or face, just admire the different shapes of penis.
Yours is great by the way
I consider myself to be straight (basically...), but absolutely love looking at other guy's cocks. And I will comment if I like what I see (i.e.
It has been said before and I agree, when posting pics and exposing your cock to the world via a site like this you just can not expect only women to comment. Even if your profile states "straight"... (Only a fool could, maybe...)
Also, my experience is that most and best feedback on a cock will always come from gay men.
As for comments from women I think that's really hot, but it seems they're more silent admires and not so quick with comments. Maybe they do not like my cock... Or maybe they are not women, just pretend to be. Or it's because so many men think just a nice comment on their cock equals "I want you to fuck me" and spam female users with mails...?
Anyway, feel free to comment on my cock everybody...
love those uncut cocks from both of you...Great pics
I want nothing more than to have as many people to look at my pics and comment with there thoughts, that way I know I've been looked at!!
The main problem is no one actually seems to leave any comments on my pics.
I love comments from anyone, but I'm offended when members who don't know me send me a private message telling me what they want 'to do to me' etc. That pisses me off! I felt the need to say it coz some prize of a guy (cough) just did so!
I have to say that your photos on your page are Amasing.
Great set of pics that is both beautiful and classic..
your pics are very beautiful
and that big beauty is very nice too
and am 100 with you on this..
i hope you have found good friends as i have on this site becuse there are lot of very good kind people on this site...
I hope you're keeping warm in Iceland.
Hey, say hello to Bjork for me.
I think she's quite cute.
Well am trying i have good warm bed and it wil be so nice to share it with good kind person...
Bjцrk is very some funky singing style but we love her and she all into saving the nature and that is very nice of her to take some time from singing to help out with saving the nature...
and by the way i thing you are very cute...too..
your pics are very something xfactor on them..
your big thick giant cock..lock very good..
those pics on your page is very erotic...
you got very fine locking cock...
I have to say that your pics are very hot..
the shower pics lock amasing..
All comments are equally exciting. ♥
Comments from friends are a bit more exciting, maybe, perhaps, andandand, yeah..
PS: Hope I am straight enough to answer here since that label seems to be a bit floating. >.>
you have great friend..
I thing complimenting on something beautiful are to be ok..
And i thing in this Crazy world that good compliments are the best thing that we can give ...
I sent you lots of hugs on this cold nov day/night
Hugs is one of the best thing you can give a person.
nothing says more then good hugs..