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is there anyone aroused by his own cock?

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Started by #371590 at 24,Jul,15 16:21
As the title says, does your own cock turn you on?

Similar topics: 1.does anyone find this cock appealing?   2.curved cocks   3.Bi Oral?   4.I get so hard just knowing that my partner is looking at my cock   5.I want a cock in my ass but can't figure out how without getting caught  

New Comment

By routemaster at 08,Sep,15 06:07 other posts of routemaster 
I don't get turned on so much by my own cock but I DO get turned on showing it off to people which is why I joined SYD. Knowing people are looking (and at my ass too) and enjoying what they see is a HUGE TURN-ON. And, of course, I LOVE my cock for the sheer pleasure it gives me day after day and totally free of charge too! I can't go a day without an orgasm
By #482162 at 20,Sep,15 00:19
Well said .. my thoughts exactly

By #407979 at 19,Sep,15 11:20
yeah i get really horny looking at some of my pics

By #496744 at 19,Sep,15 11:17
yes I get really turned on by my cock.

By slipper at 19,Sep,15 03:49 other posts of slipper 

By leopoldij at 18,Sep,15 21:45 other posts of leopoldij 

By #495036 at 18,Sep,15 00:19
I am, actually. Whenever I look at a random dick pic of mine, it gets me hard. I don't know why.

[deleted image]

By bigone21 at 17,Sep,15 22:18 other posts of bigone21 

By bella! at 25,Jul,15 03:32 other posts of bella! 
I don't have one.
By #371590 at 26,Jul,15 20:17
So, are you aroused by your own vagina/tits?
By bella! at 26,Jul,15 21:43 other posts of bella! 
No, I'm not.

I'm not sure that women have the same attachment and/or attraction to any body part similar to the attachment and attraction that man shares with his cock. In general, you guys are just wired differently than women.
By #491615 at 27,Jul,15 05:04
I am with you Bella. I have No Love in with my penis.I know its there and use it from time to time and he seems to Like it when I do use him.
By routemaster at 08,Sep,15 06:10 other posts of routemaster 
Men are ruled by their dicks
By leopoldij at 08,Sep,15 12:03 other posts of leopoldij 
That's why women should take care of a man's dick as soon as she meets him.

By #442051 at 17,Sep,15 10:55

By #497548 at 15,Sep,15 01:31
Haha. Yeah. Love seeing my hard cock. More fun seeing mine enter a chick or on a buddy's hand.

By #64328 at 10,Sep,15 05:55
Yes... I like looking at my cock. I check it out every chance I get.

By #490684 at 09,Sep,15 20:43
Love my cock and play with it often

By #311947 at 09,Sep,15 19:16
YES! I love my dick. Its my best friend

By leopoldij at 27,Jul,15 10:49 other posts of leopoldij 
I do get horny watching my cock, taking photos and videos of it, and watching myself masturbate on cam.
By #497413 at 08,Sep,15 02:34
Absolutely! Me too!
By leopoldij at 08,Sep,15 05:15 other posts of leopoldij 

By #497518 at 09,Sep,15 02:30
Same here

By #323075 at 09,Sep,15 11:15
Me too

By #355138 at 09,Sep,15 02:21
I love to see my own cock.

By bi1953 at 08,Sep,15 03:16 other posts of bi1953 
Yes, I've always been turned on by my own cock.

By diamund at 28,Jul,15 02:16 other posts of diamund 
Every time I look down at it

By #311947 at 26,Jul,15 12:57
Yes! I love my dick!
By #371590 at 26,Jul,15 20:18
I, love it too

By #359325 at 26,Jul,15 20:17

By #460403 at 24,Jul,15 20:23
That's really a good question, another wording for it would be "are you statisfied with the look of your cock?"
And for that, I'd say I've gone through many phases from being ignorant about my own genitals, to hating it, liking it until being somehow indifferent about it!
By #371590 at 26,Jul,15 20:15
Nice point of view! About my cock I can say that I'd like it to have a little more girth, but overall I'm pretty satisfied of it it could be much worse. To answer to my own question, yes, I like my cock to the point I'd like to suck it, but unfortunately I'm not flexible enough. And I totally love my balls, especially when shaved

By #489480 at 25,Jul,15 14:35
You bet!

By #220845 at 25,Jul,15 08:48
Yea it dpes

By #436014 at 25,Jul,15 05:22
i'm aroused by (a nice) cock, and mine's pretty nice i suppose so yeah, i get aroused by (my) nice cock and i wanna put (a) nice cock in my mouth and get a load from (a, or my) nice cock and taste and swallow that load, i'm an oral cumslut

By pifad at 25,Jul,15 02:48 other posts of pifad 
I like my cock. I like other guys cocks too

By #436014 at 24,Jul,15 19:31
I'm gay for my cock and do what i can to please it often.

By #486087 at 24,Jul,15 16:41

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