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Started by #57759 at 20,Aug,15 16:02
of the quickest fuck you have ever had?

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By #447598 at 26,Aug,15 11:36

I've usually always cum in 30 seconds to a minute whenever I'm having sex or feeling a mouth or hand around me..

But the quickest is probably on the first thrust? Or while sliding on the condom..

That said, I always try to please with my mouth or fingers or toys both before and after. The fun doesn't end when I finish, if you don't want it to. =P

By #485312 at 21,Aug,15 01:11
honestly couldn't say, that's something l wouldn't be bothered to remember, ld rather forget the loser and find a better fuck *lix*
By routemaster at 26,Aug,15 11:35 other posts of routemaster 
I'm with you on this one, "lix", I don't like "wham bam thank you ma'am" sex where its all over and done with in three minutes. I'm such a horny sod with a stronger than strong sex drive and I like sex to last as long as possible, I've been to gay orgies in the past (recently and in the distant past) where they've started at 8 p.m. and gone on to about 8 the next morning. I've had quick fucks, of course, lasting four or five minutes and they're OK but its the nice long sessions I prefer, either with a one-to-one, threesome or group

By t-rex at 26,Aug,15 10:49 other posts of t-rex 
Had to be 5 minutes, in a local department store dressing room, suit department, it was crazy, so many people around, a lady clerk right outside talking to another couple, we had to be so quiet, when my friend started cumming she moaned out loud and I lost it , squirting like crazy, it was such a great experience Boscovs was the store,

By #476118 at 20,Aug,15 16:36
mmm, i usually like having long sessions, but i think the fastest i ever had was in the bathroom stall at a bar... the stud was insanely hot, and happened to like sissy sluts... i took him back there and he fucked me good and hard for... i dunno, 5-10 minutes? hahaha, had to stay in the bathroom for a bit longer cause it was hard to walk afterwards!
By leopoldij at 20,Aug,15 17:45 other posts of leopoldij 
That's not quick. I've had sex with a girl that lasted 3 minutes, end-to-end, because the circumstances required so. (And we both finished.) But, to be honest, we had spent a lot of time talking in the pub before we did this. So i can say it was 3 minutes but with a long introduction. At the other extreme, I had a gf one so kept me in bed the whole day one day. That time we fucked a large number of times and I came 4 times altogether.

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