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big cocks or small cocks?

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Started by #494843 at 24,Aug,15 20:21
which do you prefer and why

Similar topics: 1.Small Cocks   2.18-35yr Old guys who love small cocks or have small penises   3.Small Black Cocks   4.Do small cocks want to see other small cocks   5.Small cocks Huntsville Ontario  

New Comment

By winnie at 29,Aug,15 16:45 other posts of winnie[/IMG][/URL]

So what you think of mine?
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By hytiger at 31,Aug,15 15:03 other posts of hytiger 
Did you actually read the question?
You certainly didn't answer it!

By Privatecaller at 28,Aug,15 06:32 other posts of Privatecaller 

By #485312 at 28,Aug,15 14:59
yes my votes for big, big is beautiful *lix*

By #64328 at 25,Aug,15 16:49
I have always thought that smaller cocks are the best looking. Some of the big one are not attractive
By boc at 26,Aug,15 10:59 other posts of boc 

I have been told mine is good looking.
By #485312 at 28,Aug,15 14:58
its superb, with a great looking knob, could suck it like a lollipop all night *lix*

By routemaster at 26,Aug,15 11:39 other posts of routemaster 
Both are fine, its not the size that matters, its what you do with it that counts
By leopoldij at 26,Aug,15 12:28 other posts of leopoldij 
do you think women think the same? this is an honest question.
By routemaster at 26,Aug,15 15:09 other posts of routemaster 
I can't answer that one!!!
By leopoldij at 26,Aug,15 22:05 other posts of leopoldij 
it's ok. i was just asking...

By bigone21 at 25,Aug,15 22:33 other posts of bigone21 
small and beautiful is great..! BIG and beautiful is better! and yours is big & beautiful!

only a few things worse than a guy with a big dick thinking he's god's gift to the world because of his big dick!

no man, you still have to make an effort to be a great lover! if you do that, you're a PLUS-guy!

By Odin_york_pa at 24,Aug,15 21:31 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I like 'em nice a small. So easy to suck, can get whole dick and balls in together. Also love the feeling of a super hard, real small cock in my ass, they feel so amazing!
By spermkiss at 25,Aug,15 01:08 other posts of spermkiss 
And you have a stunningly attractive small cock.
By Odin_york_pa at 25,Aug,15 03:10 other posts of Odin_york_pa 

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